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    The only idiot here besides Csonicgo
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    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Xeros612


      Fallout isn't an FPS, so I don't see the issue. Sure it has guns, but the fact that everything is determined by your character's stats and the weapon's damage variables combined kind of throws the FPS deal out the window.

    3. Mr. Freeze

      Mr. Freeze

      Xeros612 said:

      Fallout isn't an FPS, so I don't see the issue. Sure it has guns, but the fact that everything is determined by your character's stats and the weapon's damage variables combined kind of throws the FPS deal out the window.

      Its just my preference to have fragile enemies, especially when you put on Hardcore mode and you become fragile yourself. That, and I've never been a fan of your weapon skill reflecting damage; I think that the skill should reflect accuracy. It's just different tastes. But NV is pretty much half FPS and half RPG, especially when you factor in ironsights (which lets you play the game without going into VATS once).

    4. Craigs


      Mr. Freeze said:

      Its just my preference to have fragile enemies, especially when you put on Hardcore mode and you become fragile yourself. That, and I've never been a fan of your weapon skill reflecting damage; I think that the skill should reflect accuracy. It's just different tastes. But NV is pretty much half FPS and half RPG, especially when you factor in ironsights (which lets you play the game without going into VATS once).

      Go play STALKER on master difficulty then.

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