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<inactive>Player Lin

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About <inactive>Player Lin

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    Went FULL Lurker mode.

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  1. I don't know if the first post and be edited or not, Ion Fury won't even playable after 0.7.x went to the JFDuke3d codebase for Duke3D, not EDuke32 codebase anymore. So IF cannot be run at all as it's needed advanced EDuke32 features.
    Solid gameplay, good'ol old-school style design, monster placement just standard, I don't have much to complain. Maybe a little short but for the first completed level by the author I would say it's nice. Oh, and it rarely to see some female DooMer did mapping. 4/5 (For some reasons, the reviewer of T/nc #442 mistakenly used "his" to reference the author in the review, I guess the culprit would be "RTFTextfile". :P)
    The idea of this map are good and it's would be fun when playing multiplayer sessions with this map. Whole map just good enough and with some structures and obstructions to stop monsters' attack. Not really feel good with have to jump back to the teleport room with jumppad as sometimes when shit get busy, it would caused accident deaths if missed the door. But I suck at it, hitscan monsters can take you down if not careful, sadly I'm with the reviewer from T/nc #442: I feel bored after just few minutes, but I can see if you're fan of this style of gameplay, you can have good time with this. 4/5
    Looks like the beginner-level of map. It's fine to play, even UV(but lack of health pickup so careful when running around). I only found interesting in this WAD is those secrets...some of them needed rocket jumping but I sucked at that so just noclip-ed, one of secret near the start area needed crouch to get it, was feel like playing HL for that reason. Also the polyobject secret seems has visual glitch in latest GZDooM, not sure if intended or not. A map can be played if you're boring or want to play something not so heavy, but do not expect much. 2/5
    Actually it's solid(gameplay) level, yeah...silly me missed the shotgun by found a secret way into deep inside and found a room with pinkys and hell baron...it's tough when deal with them with chaingun but at least monster infighting helped. Some secrets are tricky to get and reward well. Too bad misaligned textures everywhere, but considering the author just new on mapping and with solid gameplay, good enough placement and helpful but hard to find of secrets so I think it's fine. 4/5
    Unless the author intended made this map looks like his(?)/someone's nightmare then I think it's fine to use Nazis-themes textures and monsters but I'm not sure...firstmap? Okay... I feel the final battle just boring because you can just using BFG9000 to clear the whole room without any problems(unless you wasted all of your cell ammo)...even the custom monster can't hold it. Texturing just not good but I think it can be improved, I would like see more if the author still making DooM levels...2/5
    It's not a bad map, but nothing so special, no idea should this be a ZDooM-needed map... But whatever...it's a decent map to me, just a little hard in beginning but after that(well, at least megasphere provided, just come back later after you have more stuff to deal with those barons and knights), nobody would has problems to blast through the level. Yeah, some may found this map boring but I'm fine with that...3/5
    It's actually not a shitty WAD really, but I encountered some glitches stopped my progress and they seems randomly happens, like the door to the exit room in Map17 never open because the voodoo conveyor belt for open the door not worked. Also unable to go back and get stuffs I were not collected also not a good design to me(in the Map17 too). OK for those ST monsters and power-ups but invisible monsters are really PITA and sadly, the author like put them a lot in levels, that sucks. Tech levels just OK, Hell levels are looking cool and detailed but not fun of IoS battle, and this WAD using that about 2 or 3 times, even the Map30 has 4 of them...seriously?! I just god mode and noclip to finish them because I don't want to pain my ass for those nasty IoS battles. 3/5 is highest score I could give for this WAD, it would be nice for co-op but nah, not my cup of tea.
    This WAD can play with single player, like the reviewer of T/nC #442 said, just harder, at least in UV. Map01 is OK but for starter map of this mapset, it just feel a little unfair to me at beginning(if you're not rush to get ammo then you'll stuck at start room or/and dies), once I get used to I feel it's not that bad. Map02...oh much better, I like the design and looking and its gameplay much better than the Map01, and so the Map03 just so good too, but if you want 100% kills, better open the yellow key switch before take the secret teleport to outside or you'll missed 3(in UV) ambush enemies. Map04, starting just nothing too hard but after move in to the main area with lavas, thing just getting so busy and nasty. Not fan of this but still a good challenge...well, maybe not if my head get hit by Revenants and my back get bites by pinks... and then get blasted by archvile and cyberdemon... Map05 is a tower-style map, with a lot of monsters blocked on your way out. Nothing very big deal if you're careful enough when progressing and fighting in tight areas. Map06, an easy(compared to other maps) but cramped of sewerage map...nothing too special, and lack of health pickup. Map07, now it's serious action, fighting cyberdemons and other monsters, blast through whole level. Map08, mountain style level, archviles still nasty enough but at least I have much room to take cover, still...not a fan of "reviving hitscanners to farm weapon drops". Map09 is fine, I found the secret BFG and it's very useful to kill the Cyberdemon and Archvile in the end but I could image how hard it'll be if I don't have, fighting them in narrow passages never be good thing to me. Map10's beginning part is for co-op or highly skilled DooMer, because I tried use SSG to shut those damn pinkies but end up got shut down by them...so after a lot of tries I decided screw this and use my RL from Map09. The Base map is decent actually(not count the beginning part and the ending part with IoS spawner, that's for co-op game for sure but the area just too small for single player if you ask me), and I think maybe I just not skilled enough or it's not good...whatever. Map11 is also decent too, too bad I already tired after Map10, I think if you open the door to outside before getting ammo you'll f***ed up for sure, but it's not serious problem, after that it's a fun level. Map12...who put this shit in?! I think the proper way to do this IQ test is stop play the level. 3 would be best I would give...because some flaws really ruined this mapset, but I think some folks would found this mapset very enjoyable, and it's should be fun to play with friends, too.
    Short levels, considering just 30 minutes per map, they're decent works. Sadly, Map03 just too hard to beat even gives BFG9000, so I just run to exit like a pussy. But other levels just good enough and have fun. Obsidian, you nasty *******! I love them, even they're hard, wanna play more from you. :P
    I don't have problem with Map05 but it does not good for sure. Map08 sucks, boring caves and backtracking, Map10 even sucks more because it's IoS fight and not enough of ammo to fight other monsters that IoS spawned(unless you never do pistol start + not waste the ammo or pure luck). Looks like it's from mapping newbie, and too much ammo(even doing pistol start), and sadly, even other maps except Map05,08 and 10 are fun enough to play, the whole mapset just meh, nothing special but some ZDooM tricks, just hold your fire key not even considering about what weapon you should use and that's it. Not really recommend unless you like ZDooM newbie levels. 2/5
    Just great, I don't have any thing to say or complain, play this and you'll love it for sure. The music is fine for me but maybe it doesn't really fit DooM, still I don't think it's abomination or something that BAD. 5/5.
    This is huge improvement of the author's mapping skill(those 1994 maps sucks ass...). Challenge, not looking bad, and you can skip the cyberdemon and just to exit after hit the switch near it is good thing, since you may not have enough ammo to deal with it. I found it may annoying when platforming since those silly imps will keep throwing fireball to me, and not good place for fighting archviles because it's not easy to find something to hide, or maybe just jump into the lava pit and take damage for safety and then try again. I don't see any serious flaw so it's good map to play. Solid 4/5.
    Too much ammo. Cramped places with nice detail(in 1994 standard), going wrong place and you dead or just restart the level again(only one place is safe, the dark area near the starting place). Challenging? Sure but I guess not everyone love that kind of challenging, at least for this 1994 WAD, I should not complain too much...but the place where SSG stored just..nah...it would be nice if the elevator to the SSG should use different texture, even the automap would give clue but I never found it until I spend 10+ minutes and countless save/load to cleared whole level then I finally found the elevator to it...and found useless because I already got 100% kills. At least it doesn't a boring level, but frustrating in higher diffaulty for sure. 3/5
    Don't like the overpowered new monsters and BOSSes, while some may think they(or this whole level) are easy, I would say it's not that easy(at least in UV), because those new monsters can kicked your ass down just few seconds if you're not carefully/get too close to them. The final BOSS also even worse, don't know why the author never put any armors/megaspheres in the final battle area(at least on UV), 200 health still nothing to the final BOSSes' BFG-like attack(and yes, BOSSes, because you have to deal 2 of them, what a unfair fight). Gameplay is so-so, with much more than enough of ammo. Secret areas are fun to find but they just make the ammo too much. Yes, the final secret does give player a blue armor but I'm sure you would lose it already before the final BOSS(I mean the ones before the final BOSS, they're new monster too). Looking, layout and atmosphere just good, and put good use of ZDooM-exclusive shit. But I think the gameplay just too linear or predictable and the final area just...a little lay down, mostly the overpowered new BOSSes. I'm not DooM-god level of player and I would like see some different BOSS, not just ones with HUGE damage and just added extra one for just making the battle harder. 3.5/5
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