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Everything posted by invictius

  1. What I want to see is a map that's vanilla compatible, then the next map is identical to the last one, only it goes "Hey here are some boom features". Then the last map is again identical but uses zdoom features. Something like a low/medium/high quality demo, but as a wad. We have heaps of examples of features in ports, but have to compare arbitrarily. As a non-mapper a lot the architecture in boom wads looks like it could be done in vanilla. I'm after something more obvious.
  2. What are some good boom/mbf21 wads to give a low-end machine a workout?  So far I've tried auger zenith, dotw and headless chicken.  AZ works well, dotw is a slideshow (As suspected) and headless chicken runs well, but it hates the serious sam exploding sarges (Which is the case on most low-end hardware)


    Running a netbook with atom n450 and intel gma 950.  It's the weakest cpu you can have with an ogl 1.x igpu.  Desktop system with opengl 1.x igpu = any cpu I try is not low end, desktop system with opengl 1.x video card = not supporting 7 and having to muck around with older boom ports that most boom wads don't support now.  Using desktop gpu means boom ports aren't being forced to use opengl 1.x

  3. From the AMC tc, and intermission in Compendium. By Alexandr Zhelanov but just called untitled. D_DM2INT.rar
  4. I was sure that we had a "i.d this midi" thread but it seems not. I'm trying to find something from the amc tc, which is used in compendium. By Alexandr Zhelanov and it's just called untitled. D_DM2INT.rar
  5. TNT Overcharged, but not sure if it'll get finished in time.
  6. Don't laugh, but the switch below the stairs in e1m1 opens the outdoor area, not just the off-colored wall after the slime pit.
  7. @Doomlover77 Thanks, that bought back memories! I remember in '98, downloading idgames and having to pay a guy with a cd burner to burn it. How did it fit on a cd? Because I didn't understand what ports were and therefore didn't download that directory. He also tried to sell me an awe32 for $100. And don't get me started about the first time I heard an mp3, having only known midis to exist...
  8. Not trying to find a specific wad but trying to find the name of a specific shovelware cd. All the maps were doom 1 ones converted to doom 2. I have no idea whether this was common practice at the time. I believe at least some of them on this release were not on idgames. One idgames wad it did have got to a point where a wav played "Welcome to the arena! Tonights' event...". If the shovelware cd isn't identifiable I'd sure like that one wad to be.
  9. I'm trying to find doom tournament, it seems to add ut weapons but not sure if it has maps too. The links seem to have been up as recently as 2022.
  10. Doomrpg and rla pretty much make the content of a megawad new again. I guess technically anything adding different gameplay style, new monsters...
  11. Glad to hear it, I gobble up anything that remakes my favourite tnt levels.
  12. We have puzzle maps. But what about teaching things concepts such as "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" and cause and effect, in an attractive and non-intellectual map? Learning things by doing within the physics limitations of the engine. I didn't do well at science and I'd love some non-monster gameplay that got into physics lessons.
  13. I love these levels, especially pharaoh. There was a community project that was going to be 32 maps of go2it variations, only it died. I'm aware of tnt/plutonia the way we remember it, as well as wads like revilution and plutonia 2.
  14. I keep getting the two confused, it probably doesn't surprise you that I also pm'd the wrong author asking for a copy, too. Thanks! You're a lifesaver. 🛟
  15. I'm trying to find a recent version of tnt overdrive. There's a 2021 edition on idgames, there's a 2024 edition on here... but both links are to a wad with 1000 empty markers, no levels or anything. The author appears to have lost it after putting a lot of effort into a full megawad. There were 2023 releases, but the links all go to the "broken" wad. The working one must have been deleted and updated with the faulty one in the same google drive folder.
  16. Something weird is happening with your links. The rar file will only download as a 3kb file, on multiple browsers. The link for the wad only, shows over 1000 0 byte map markers in slade, with nothing else in the wad.
  17. I keep getting: Script error, "GAMEINFO" line 2: Expected identifier but got ',' instead. Tried on latest gzdoom and the one that the tc was tested under (2.4.0)
  18. Most Australians believe you can't sue the government and win. Also we only just started getting "no win no fee" ads from lawyers and only just started to be encouraged to sue someone for suffering during/after an accident or such. You know that guy on king of the hill that slipped on "pee-pee" in costco and got a $50,000 settlement? Never heard of that happening here. Out of curiosity, when I slipped at a supermarket and was later unable to get out of a train seat because of it, a lawyer told me that only my medical bills and medication would be covered - which came to the grand total of about $5 due to the public health system and subsidised meds. The train company called an ambulance and one of the drivers got really mad at me because they were diverted away from someone committing suicide. I just said I had no say in making the call.
  19. Gel blasters (What kids use in the u.s if they're deemed too young for airsoft) are banned in most of Australia. The argument is that replicas could be used to commit crime - sure, it could scare people, but when the police claim they can't tell the difference between one and a real gun - it would be almost impossible for anyone outside a biker gang to get hold of one. If there's an AR-15 or glock out in public, it basically means it has found its' way out of a police armoury. Most gun crime is committed with a manual shotgun or manual rifle, because that's all that most of the public are allowed to have. The public don't know better but the police do when they say "We're banning gel blasters because one day we'll end up shooting someone because we can't tell their high-power automatic rifle isn't real".
  20. Didn't really mention it regarding self-defence, just, afaik most of the world don't have such tight restrictions on knives. I lost a boxcutter one time, airport security found it for me. If I were searched in the street(And I have been once, seemed to be completely random) I would have been in trouble. And there are plenty of sharp things people could carry around to commit crime without it being a knife. More humorously, a local kid tried to hold up a liquor store with a butter knife and the staff member just laughed.
  21. I nominate @Misty! One of the best first maps I've ever played, now she's become a team leader in at least one project and has quite the body of work under her belt.
  22. On Saturday at the start of school holidays, someone went into a mall in Sydney (Not the Canadian Sydney) with a knife and killed six people, injuring about the same. Five out of the six killed were women, people are suggesting they were an incel. He ended up getting shot by an off-duty cop. This was covered and treated here a lot like a high-tier (wrong word?) mass shooting in the u.s. A French guy held him off of ascending an escalator by brandishing a bollard at him, and he's been offered permanent residency for his heroism. It's funny that I mentioned to someone that there probably will be a copycat attack, and that it was ruled out as a terrorism incident, as on monday an Islamic extremist stabbed a minister at an Assyrian church, which was regarded as a terrorism incident (I guess it doesn't have to have a high number of fatalities to be called such?) Anyway this is my attempt to contribute to the everything else forum. People appear to post about incidents in their country on here rather than a status update if they're quite serious incidents. In my state we actually aren't allowed to carry any sort of knife unless we've bought it and are taking it home, or have a valid reason (Fishing, use for your occupation etc). I guess I'm after thoughts on the latter more than the former?
  23. So rude, I wouldn't last long on the forums if I were like this.  "Ma'am, I'm trying to help you..."  No wonder they say everyone leaves her eventually.

    Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 06-17-53 Messenger Facebook.png

  24. It seems to highlight what is triggered better than prboomx, too. Can't wait for it to get a console like prboomx, which had a lot of zdoom commands.
  25. That's a shame, prboom-based ports have a lot of interesting features... prboomx actually lets you stand next to a switch and see what it triggers, if you're absolutely stuck.
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