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About Deeforce

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  1. Knee-Deep in KDiZD!!! Play it with gzdoom-4-10-0-Windows-64bit in software mode!
  2. "Knee-Deep in KDiZD" is the best doom project in the year 2022! You may want to release it here, too: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ I use it with gzdoom-4-10-0-Windows-64bit in software mode! https://zdoom.org/downloads
  3. Deeforce

    Run And Shoot

    @doomedwarrior1981: Your problem is hacksoftware on your computer! This level is normal/easy! Also important to know: Someone said that the chainsaw is useless: There is also hacksoftware that made the chainsaw useless, where it is not useless normally! Thanks for reading! This is the truth.
  4. Deeforce


    It is better to get "Half Life 1" the original version than this "Half Life Doom"! The graphics are way better in "Half Life 1"!
    Get the "doom collector´s edition" on ebay. Then you can play with the source port "ZDoom" most of the custom wads and original doom! Very great! I did it this way!
    One of the best wads is Simplicity!
    Best multiplayer. I played it in the year 2008!
    One of the best custom wads is "Scythe 2"!
  5. Deeforce

    Plutonia 2

    "Plutonia 2" is as good as the original Plutonia Doom. Perfectly done!
    Very awful and low quality wad. I really don't like it. Make something like "Scythe 2" again, people :-)!
    Perfect 1 level wad! The new graphics are very beautiful here too. It's the amazing sequel of hti!
    Perfect 1 level wad! The new graphics are very beautiful.
  6. Deeforce


    Error copying wad file zombie.wad error 0x80004005. Someone should reupload it.
    Good use of the blood graphic and well done! 3/5
  7. Deeforce


    Great details, but a bit confusing. 3/5
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