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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Skewed textures are a thing that's now possible in GZDoom 4.12! No need for tedious manual graphic editing.
  2. I had no small amount of help from savescumming, plus a friend (@KeaganDunn) playing the map alongside me on Discord, who was already intimately familiar with the workings of the Divine Contraption. He was giving me pointers on each fight's hyper-specific criteria for survival and how best to conserve resources. It was a considerable test for the both of us.
  3. Many thanks! Glad this rather silly little mapset still brings enjoyment years later. :)
  4. My stance on this has been, and continues to be: Hexen is a great game, if you ignore the gameplay
  5. @Gothic This is MORE than serviceable! You've very much hit the Schilder style square on the head. I'd like to fiddle around with it if that's okay, it just needs fleshing out with a little bit of fuller instrumentation in certain parts and maybe something to break up the odd bit of repetition. Kick that impostor syndrome to the curb, you're doing great.
  6. That's saddening to hear, @Gothic. No pressure of course but if you have anything you've started, please feel free to upload it so someone (perhaps me! eager to keep momentum going on this) can finish it off.
  7. The sheer volume of one-off in-jokes in this mapset that - at best - like three people in one of our Discord voice-chats would ever understand, is probably sufficiently high to annihilate a small Victorian child on the spot, so yeah, bear that in mind. :P
  8. Void RTC-3057 Hub 1 Putrefier dead.air Lullaby Hell-Forged Episode 1 Corrupted Cistern Godless Night Insanity Edged Sorry, GZDoom/UDMF bias here. :V
  9. AD I believe in you, I always have done
  10. Thanks Lippeth! This definitely sounds good, have updated it in the wad and marked this track as finished on the OP. :)
  11. That's looking like an awesome bit of TWID+ design, AconyX, can't wait to play!
  12. @Lippeth Awesome work on this, mate! Definitely happy to have it included as Market Place's midi. Loving how genuine it sounds now, this was absolutely the vibe I was after with this track. What I'll probably do is include the original Coroner as well, as an unused track - the two pieces definitely have a lot in common, but it'd be great to showcase the evolution of the piece from my version to yours, as well. Having multiple tracks that share common material was a vanilla Hexen thing as well, of course, so that'd be great to call back to! Think the track is where it needs to be from your perspective? I'm happy with it if you are!
  13. Absolutely fine, Varis, no worries! To whoever might be interested: Castle of Pain (deathmatch hub, level 4) is up for grabs again!
  14. @Hunghoang1992 Have you just taken a bunch of unedited sprites, and then just added them individually into one obscenely tall post?
  15. ^ Oh I am gonna play the SHIT out of this
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