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Everything posted by TimeOfDeath

  1. TimeOfDeath


    this is kinda fucked up and I like that. why are some parts so dark? why are the walls so thin?
  2. TimeOfDeath

    Death Wish

    liked except for the hidden secrets
  3. TimeOfDeath


    fun '97 map
  4. TimeOfDeath

    Chaos Total 3

    fun '97 map, get ssg first, don't miss plasma secret
    I thought this was hella fun slaughtery, except the spawn shooter map04 and no ammo in the 2nd half of map06
    liked except for the mid texture fake walls part
  5. TimeOfDeath


    cool map
  6. TimeOfDeath


    fuckin cool '97 map
  7. TimeOfDeath

    Arch Deluxe

    cool '97 map
  8. TimeOfDeath


    WTF. I haven't read the books, but this was a cool weird map.
    liked, except for the hidden secrets and I changed the deh file so that default doom2 monster hit points were back to normal
  9. TimeOfDeath

    Dead Perfect

    aw hell yeah, from '97
  10. TimeOfDeath

    Blue Monday

    liked but I thought it took way too long to get ssg
    cool map, just look at the author's name: Scott Harper
  11. TimeOfDeath


    fun map
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