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About printz

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    Eternity/Eureka dev
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Alien Vendetta by far. I love how they crammed a whole level under that pyramid. Of course, ultimately it's underground, but it's all very consistent.
  2. THUNDARR THE BARBARIAN Demon dogs! I wonder if it will have swords & sorcery, or will it be more realistic GoT style. Will Doom guy use lances and bows with arrows, or magic staves and stringless crossbows? Will he be able to steal handheld chainguns from heavy weapon dudes? Will his weak medieval ears and hands be overwhelmed by the superior technology?
  3. Yep, it worked, thanks for the information about that parameter. Currently the mod doesn't have a Doom Wiki article; if it gets one, then the -hhever hint may be useful to mention.
  4. This mod, Ichor: Blood of the Gods - Carnage Galore II, is made for vanilla Heretic v1.2 with HHE gameplay changes. Unfortunately, the final Heretic version is 1.3, so the HHE tool won't work with it. Source ports such as Chocolate Heretic also lack support for old version HHE patches. Thus the only way to play this mod properly is to get ahold of Heretic v1.2 and never upgrade it. I find this solution very inconvenient and bordering on illegal downloading, so I'm wondering if anyone actually made an accurate conversion of the HHE patch to a modern source port mod, such as GZDoom DECORATE. Tagging @Ichor since he's the author of the original mod.
  5. Well I don't think you have to add support for all source ports, such as Eternity. If you made this with GZDoom in mind, just say in the text file that's the advanced engine needed (pretty sure it's for GZDoom now that you mention ZMAPINFO). I usually just follow the text file's instructions so I don't have to spend too much time.
  6. Is this an update over this merely-graphics WAD? https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/kyiv But now with levels. Beware that the text file in your current download from moddb is not updated. It still says "no levels" for example. Also, it says "advanced engine needed: none". However, when I tested with Eternity Engine (which should work, given that the implication is that it works with vanilla DOOM), the new sprites were surrounded by white or grey rectangles, like in the picture below. Is it all in "Episode 6"? I had to idclev to get there, and the music playing was just the standard "hell beneath" music. I like the intermission map above but didn't yet get far enough to exit the level, due to the graphical bugs mentioned.
  7. Some of them have complete music in them so they might need to be stripped of it and replace it with some bog standard midi before uploading :)
  8. Looks like you prepared /idgames-style text files for several of the maps, are you planning to make them final and publish them on /idgames?
  9. printz

    Retribution: Part I

    Pretty good and big map. I think it's one of his first, and it shows in some areas or monster encounters. However, for such a big map, it flows pretty well. The automap is your friend, and make sure to use the 'm' key to mark any areas you'd like to visit later.
  10. I use the plasma rifle in unknown territory because it's the best defense in case of ambush. Mappers are ruthless with releasing chaingunners and other dangerous enemies right in your face. With the BFG9000 it's too easy to waste 40 cells when firing in panic. As soon as the immediate threat goes away, I switch from the plasma rifle to a more suitable weapon.
    An excellent Heretic custom episode, with good attention to design and combat. The difficulty is pretty high all the way through, with many traps and boss fights, so finding and using the inventory items is essential.
  11. Please also ping @fabian, he's been managing AndrewJ's Linux APT packages so far.
  12. My daily script tends to put garbage stuff sometimes for some reason. If a latest build is broken, pick the one before it.
  13. I'll note this on GitHub. I've been on a long stint mucking through Eureka, but hopefully I'll be back on AutoDoom, though I'm really considering it deserves better AI by this time, and this is tough shell to break. But fatal bugs are fatal bugs and they need fixing independent on feature development.
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