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About lupinx-Kassman

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  1. Updated LKTex to V2.9.5. Updated sprites and Bio Society textures.

  2. If you want a puzzle episode from 96': Puzzler. Played this in a coop session with friends. Realizing that some of its puzzles could be frustrating, I had also included this Tim Allen sound wad to soothe their nerves.
  3. Haha thank you! Several years later I did make a small second series, though its aim was completely different. Nebula 95 was an exploration of my love for 90s (and a bit of early 00s) cheese. There were a few more than these four maps (one of which sees two versions), but the they remain (mostly) incomplete and unreleased. While not technically a series, my cc4, aaliens, and tnt2 map30 maps all have a hidden continuity I built into them through secrets and reoccurring characters. I can look back and find things to change in all of my older stuff, but I'd say I'm still pretty proud of TNT2 MAP30. It's currently my best work not counting my WIP stuff. There is one more map on the way that follows this thread. Finally on the Z-front, not a series, but a WIP that has been my pet project for forever. Autumn Flock.. I'm gonna have to make a proper website for it soon. Smattering it across various bits of soial media hasn't turned out to be the most ideal form of promotion.
  4. Correcto Unfortunately, like the rest of the series, it aged like bread. Now I wince at the dialogue, the self-inserty plot, the level design, way I managed resources, etc. In some ways I feel like it was an extension of my sprite comic days. As though they had taken the shape of a wad. The one saving grace in the wad that's still pretty cool is Hozen's artwork (the anime-styled mugshots which were representations of me and my friends', uh, self-inserts, as well as the one drawn scene in the intro cutscene.) Hozen went by VegaKurtsa at the time, and we're still close friends. I even used one of those graphics as my avatar for years, before eventually making my own. I suppose I do feel a weird nostalgia when thinking of it. The wad was from that high school era of my life when I was still big on MS Paint, frankenspriting, and listening to remastered Megaman music at a volume higher than one concerned with their hearing should. Some of those mp3s were originally in the maps, though I later removed them. Good(?) Times.
  5. Congratulations to everyone recognized! I'm still reading through the full thing, but preemptively gonna say that the writing is incredible. I know it couldn't have been easy to pick these out and sum up your feelings in such exquisite detail. Props to the writers! And special thanks to @Dynamo! It was a very pleasant surprise seeing my name up there for the Espi award. I really didn't see it coming at all. Reading your personal review of my past was both nostalgic and extremely touching. I'm always impressed by your knack for research, even if I shouldn't be considering your tireless work on the doom wiki and prior cacowards haha. I had a big dumb smile on my face when you described your personal experiences during the heyday of the KK days. We dove deep into the dust-covered relics of doomin' old, and this door was indeed one of the greatest treasures we've stumbled upon. Its a testament to why we keep getting our ass kicked by demons. That wooden midtexture blockade wouldn't work! The door's too tall! Doors slide up in Doom!! Agh!!! Uh, anyways, I mainly wanted to say that I really appreciate the detailed article you wrote on me Dynamo, but moreso, I appreciate you as an irreplaceable friend. I've got my evening read in order for tonight haha PS: Thanks for snapping that photo of me @Bank, and for the physical award @Scuba Steve!
  6. Updated LKTex to V2.9.4. Updates are to Bio Society textures.


    Updated LKTex to V2.9.5. Updated sprites and Bio Society textures. (Will be adding new versions to this post until the DW sync issues are resolved, though you can also find new versions if you click on "See My Activity" then "Status Updates".)

  7. Project Defoot occupies a permanent space in my head.
  8. I provided the wrong link. My mistake. Here is TNT2rc1.txt
  9. Updated LKTex to V2.9.3. Includes updates to most sprites, steel, and base textures. Also indicated which textures palletize or mostly palletize to Doom's pallete through Credits.txt and by adding DoomPallete subfolders.

  10. I apologize for introducing the issue. I updated most of the MAP24-related textures for V1.1. In the process I aligned some of the textures in the map to fit the updates. I thought I saved the map without rebuilding the nodes since the map played back the three demos submitted to DSDA for MAP24 in prboom-plus and DSDA-Doom with the reported times in 1.1. However I had not thought to test 1.1 with Eternity. Skillsaw informed me of what happened and pointed out a solution to save the map in "ZDBSP - Extended Nodes". This fixed the issue, and it now runs and plays back the demos in Eternity as well as prboom-plus and DSDA-Doom. I submitted V1.2 with the fix to /idgames.
  11. Thanks! I'm still aiming to finish Autumn Flock before the sun envelops the Earth.
  12. Updated LKTex to V2.9.2. Includes updates to skies, sprites, lights, and office stuff among other miscellaneous changes. Also updated the categories so that they are themed by material.

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