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About Mechadon

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  1. Hello! We are currently working on Episode 3 and making some great progress. It should be a very nice content update once we're done. I haven't used this thread to make updates lately because we mostly go through our social media accounts to do that. Also I'm pretty terrible at multi-tasking and I haven't had the time to properly update the post here. If you want to keep track of our progress, keep an eye on our Twitter/X page for updates (we try to do Screenshot Saturday posts as much as we can). We also have a Discord group you can join, if you're into that. Anyway as an apology, have some screenshots of the newly completed E2M6 (I don't think these haven't been shared anywhere yet).
  2. I think Kinsie and Gez pretty much answered your question. But I'll say that if we are able to put Supplice on other platforms in the future, we will try to do that. I'm certainly in favor of having the game on other platforms, though I don't have a say in that matter. I'm sure we'll make an announcement if/when Supplice appears on other platforms.
  3. At the moment no, but that could change in the future. I believe we did base the character design off of her though. Thanks for taking the time to test it! Hopefully it was just a fluke then. I've had issues with GZDoom running strange for me on random occasions; restarting would usually fix the issue for me in that case.
  4. Hey thanks for playing, I'm glad you're enjoying it! That's an odd issue that I haven't seen any reports of (will have to double-check). If you want, try spawning one in from the console (summon ophaneon) and see if it causes issues. If it does, I'll bring it up with the team and see if we can figure out what the issue might be.
  5. Cage has plans to paint over the monster sprites at some point, so I would assume that issues like this will be alleviated once those are done. Right now the majority of the monster sprites are raw grabs from their 3D models (he may have done some cleanup work though, I'm sure its not exactly that simple :P). I think I might have an old build lying around somewhere before we did the Boom/ZDoom split, so it would be the Boom variant. But I don't think we'll release any of that old stuff until well after the main game is finished. Cage may release some of the old Doom monster sprite paint-overs at some point since those are pretty cool. Most of the old stuff is just going to be unused or old graphics so there's not much to actually play as far as maps go (other than unpopulated DM maps). ReaperAA already answered your question here, but I think GZDoom might have an option to change how skies are rendered (you might have to dig around the menus). We didn't have time for the EA release, but Cage had mentioned replacing the skies with higher-res versions (same sky, just higher definition). Actually since the subject of skyboxes came up, I might ask him if its possible to turn them into proper skyboxes in the future.
  6. Thanks for the kind words and continued support everyone! Thank you for taking the time to report that bug. QA actually found this one before the EA release, but I couldn't figure out exactly what was going on. It probably has something to do with the line portal there (near the orange key door). We ran into a lot of portal issues during the last few weeks of development. Hopefully I can get it figured out in the future. The Minigun is only in M5, you'll get to see more of it in Episode 2. Initially it wasn't going to be in E1 at all, but Cage and I wanted to do the Minigun turret defense thing for the final gate fight. I haven't addressed Supplice being on other platforms (like GoG) mostly because I don't have a definite answer for you. All I can say is that if we are able to release it on other platforms in the future, we will try to do that.
  7. Hello guys! I thought it would be a good idea to let you know that we released Supplice in Early Access today! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1693280/Supplice/ We've been working incredibly hard on this, so I hope everyone enjoys it! Also sorry about the outdated OP. At some point I'll see about updating that stuff.
  8. Hey welcome back mouldy! Glad to see you're still interested in mapping. I'll be sure to check this out :)
  9. I'm pretty sure the lone difference between the vanilla and boom maps are the conveyor belt voodoo dolls. Aside from that, the maps should be identical. The only other difference between them are the map lump names (ie. MAP02 vs. MAP02B).
  10. Yea we're well aware of how powerful the Tandem is. It's been one of the more difficult enemies to balance. Initially he was a pushover because we wanted him to be more tanky with a slow spin-up attack. You could quickly knock him out before he even posed a threat. So we sped up his attack acceleration considerably and made him extra aggressive when coming out of cover. We ended up making changes to him a day before the demo released, but we didn't push them because we ran out of time. At the moment we've cut his HP and reduced his reaction time for re-attack when you go out of sight. I think his spin up acceleration has been nerfed a bit as well. He's still going to be a really deadly enemy to deal with though.
  11. Thanks DuckReconMajor! Yea that area has been mentioned a few times already by other players. I actually made it worse in an update right before the demo was released (I had to update the area because it was too cramped for some of the new monsters). The switch texture doesn't pop out enough, and you have to go around the pillar to see it. In the previous version, the texture stood out more I think. Anyways, I'm going to address it, either by making it stand out more, or [more likely] I'll move the switch so that it's seen as soon as you enter that area. Thank you for trying out the demo! So the monster sprites are currently just renders. Cage is going to be painting over them at some point in the future, so that should alleviate the visibility problems some people are having. I think he's also going to experiment with a subtle outline glow using brigtmaps. Currently the plan is to have at least 1 secret map per episode (6 episodes planned for the main game). We might push it to 2 secret maps, but that depends on how quickly we can crank them out.
  12. Thanks for the kind words as always guys! If you have any feedback or find any bugs, please be sure to let us know :) This particular demo is Steam-only. I'm not sure what the future will hold as far as GoG is concerned, but its not outside the realm of possibility.
  13. Hey guys! Just so you know, we're still working very hard on this. Most of what we've shown off has been relegated to our Twitter page. I will try to make more of an effort to post updates here from now on, even if its just a link to the latest tweet. I've also updated the first post with more up-to-date information about the project. Anyways, I recently finished up the detailing phase for a new map. So I figured it would be nice to share some screenshots :D And here's a DB shot for anyone interested in that stuff. I'm sure we'll have more stuff to show off in the near future! Well, we certainly have every intention of making the cover art good! We're not quite at that point yet though.
  14. I think this has been answered well enough already. But since I've been summoned, I'll just lazily post a link to my answer when this question was asked last time. Doing a sequel project with the Lost Levels, the Outcast levels, and possibly recreations of the cut levels sounds pretty dang cool. Something like that would probably be a full-on proper megawad, much like the original D64D2. It would be a good starting point to explore ideas at least. All that said though, there's little chance I'll have the free time to work on anything like that in the near future. I've got my hands full for at least the next year or so :P
  15. I'm not entirely sure to be honest. It's been a while since I've messed with anything related to the project, so please bear with me. I believe the widescreen statusbars were only meant to work in ports like GZDoom. I do remember having issues with them in Zandronum (pretty sure I made a bug report about it too, so maybe it got addressed at some point). I dug through PrBoom+'s options, but it doesn't seem like there's a way to get wide-screen statusbars or graphics to work. I did the same with Eternity and had the same results. Maybe wide-screen graphics for those ports would be a good feature request? Unless I'm missing something and they are already supported. Hey these are great! I'll happily add them to the first post. Nice work @Terraformer9x, thanks for taking the time to make them :) I've updated the wad with your new BOSSBACK graphic and tweaked the file name a bit. The file is being hosted on my webspace. If you want to setup a mirror link to it, send it my way and I'll get it posted.
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