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Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, The Joy of Mapping project is currently sleeping, but the Discord associated with it
The Joy of Mapping project is currently sleeping, but the Discord associated with it is still alive and kicking. It's recently had a renovation and rebranding so if you're looking for a place in this community to get started with mapping, modding, or music-making, look no further!
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, I have graduated to Old Man. Happy 30th to me. 🎂 In case you missed it, my mapset JEN
I have graduated to Old Man. Happy 30th to me. 🎂
In case you missed it, my mapset JENESIS (in its final release form) turned 10 years old as of two days ago - my first foray into Doom single-player mapping and a turning point in my Doom mapping career.
...I really missed an opportunity to put out a 10th anniversary edition and call it "Tenesis", didn't I.
Maybe for the 15th anniversary then. I could call it "JENES15"... no. Bad Jimmy.
Here's to another 30 years of... me being alive, most likely!
Mechadon reacted to Breezeep for a status update, So over the weekend, I made this quake map that uses some solid colors found in Khrea
So over the weekend, I made this quake map that uses some solid colors found in Khreathor's prototype texture wad, part of a speedmapping session that was held over the course of a week.
Play it here!
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, 10 years ago today I embarked on a crazy mission, to create a Doom 2 megawad all by m
10 years ago today I embarked on a crazy mission, to create a Doom 2 megawad all by myself.
Took me the following 13 months of on-off development, but turned out pretty good in the end!
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, Doomers playing on the Bethesda.net port, check out your Add-Ons page - Deathless has
Doomers playing on the Bethesda.net port, check out your Add-Ons page - Deathless has been included as DLC for Ultimate Doom!
Hope you enjoy!
Mechadon reacted to Breezeep for a status update, Today marks 21 years of hell. I don't have any wads to show for it, but oh well.
Today marks 21 years of hell. I don't have any wads to show for it, but oh well.
Mechadon reacted to kmxexii for a status update, Here is a link to my review of Counterattack by Brett Harrell aka @Mechadon (posted t
Here is a link to my review of Counterattack by Brett Harrell aka @Mechadon (posted today, 09/17/19)
I don't think that I'll be doing the mini-writeups for profile posts anymore because I am already managing review syndication on Tumblr and Twitter. Ideally I'd make a higher-visibility thread like @Not Jabba where I just post links but I don't have my blog where I'd yet like it.
Other reviews posted:
The Subway by John J. Bye aka "Spook" (review posted 08/27/19)
Sacrifice (Doom Tutorial) by John J. Bye aka "Spook" (review posted 08/27/19)
Congestion Control by Karthik Abhiram Krishna @Karthik (review posted 08/29/19)
ICARUMEM by @Memfis (review posted 09/07/19)
Installation A by Alex Parsons @nobbjob (review posted 09/09/19)
Complex 867 by Simon Broadhead @Volte (review posted 09/11/19)
Gestalt666's Town of Heresy by John J. Bye aka "Gestalt666" (review posted 09/13/19)
Out of Phase III: One Cloudy Afternoon by Karthik Abhiram Krishna @Karthik (review posted 09/15/19)
Mechadon reacted to esselfortium for a status update, My latest soundtrack work has been released! These songs were written for the visual
My latest soundtrack work has been released! These songs were written for the visual novel Heart of the Woods. The music is wintry and atmospheric with a focus on strings, piano, and acoustic guitar. My contributions make up the OST "Snowfall".
BandCamp link
Heart of the Woods OST: Snowfall by Sarah Mancuso
Mechadon reacted to Breezeep for a status update, I took out the trash, Now there's the glorious Tacodemon (art by Kurashiki)
I took out the trash, Now there's the glorious Tacodemon
(art by Kurashiki)
Mechadon reacted to esselfortium for a status update, IT LIVES I put this together over the past couple months. It's the soundtrack to Sol
I put this together over the past couple months. It's the soundtrack to Sol Hemochroma, and also a standalone EP for your listening pleasure! Lots of dreamy guitars on this one.
Grab it from Bandcamp: https://esselfortium.bandcamp.com/album/sol-hemochroma-ost-piaculum-arcana
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, I have a Patreon now. Support me! I’m going to become a regular content creator and t
I have a Patreon now. Support me!
I’m going to become a regular content creator and try to do twice-weekly streams during which I compose music for various projects. A rolling payment of just a few dollars a month will get you access to my Discord channel and lots of cool content as I make it.
Hope to see you there!
Mechadon reacted to kmxexii for a status update, AfterDoom 2: Deep Space Pirsuit by @Virgil (review posted 01/19/18) Screenshots can b
AfterDoom 2: Deep Space Pirsuit by @Virgil (review posted 01/19/18)
Screenshots can barely convey the sometimes soul-crushing monotony of ADSP. I have tried to highlight some of Virgil's greatest novelties. The black hole sequence alone made the adventure worth it for me. Something more than an episode of industrial and spaceship-themed levels packed full of Satanic sardines. Enter at your own risk.
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, @Baratus and I entered into the Global Game Jam (GGJ) ’18 with a game of our own that
@Baratus and I entered into the Global Game Jam (GGJ) ’18 with a game of our own that we managed to put together in about 48 hours. It’s a short puzzle-platformer made on the GZDoom engine with harsh abstract visuals, called nu//void (pronounced “null-void”).
Download link at the very bottom.
You have only one “weapon” – click your mouse to switch the lights "on" and "off" with a snap of your fingers. This will invert the colors black and white in the game world, exposing hidden doors, switches and platforms that you will need to find to progress.
Find your way through the labyrinth, and collect the three artefacts, before making your way to the exit door.
Oh yeah, and keep an eye (and ear) out – for the phantom.
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, Made it round the sun again.
Made it round the sun again.
Mechadon reacted to AD_79 for a status update, still trying to get back into Doom-stuff after not doing much for ages, haven't been
still trying to get back into Doom-stuff after not doing much for ages, haven't been feeling very motivated I guess. maybe I can release something soon-ish though, as well as return to other things.
Mechadon reacted to Breezeep for a status update, Did a bit of work on a 1024^3 sized map for q1 AD. I'm really liking the looks of it
Did a bit of work on a 1024^3 sized map for q1 AD. I'm really liking the looks of it so far.
If anyone who makes q1 maps are interested in this project, go here: [Advent Jam]
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, "In Star Trek they have the... xenomorph, don't they? Which is like the T-1000, it tr
"In Star Trek they have the... xenomorph, don't they? Which is like the T-1000, it transforms into different things"
- my dad, at 3am
Mechadon reacted to esselfortium for a status update, My new EP 「PC LOVE LETTER」 is out now on BandCamp!
My new EP 「PC LOVE LETTER」 is out now on BandCamp!
Mechadon reacted to Jimmy for a status update, These two little guys showed up at the house today. Thanks @glenzinho ! :D
These two little guys showed up at the house today.
Thanks @glenzinho! :D
Mechadon reacted to esselfortium for a status update, By popular request, all of my songs from Back to Saturn X episodes 1 and 2 are now fi
By popular request, all of my songs from Back to Saturn X episodes 1 and 2 are now finally on BandCamp! Yours for free or for any price of your choosing :)
Mechadon reacted to Yugiboy85 for a status update, Map I've been working on for more than a week or so. It's getting somewhere heh. More
Map I've been working on for more than a week or so. It's getting somewhere heh. More to come when I feel like it :D
Mechadon reacted to skillsaw for a status update, Here's a pretty cool, comprehensive feature on shacknews today about Doom, it's histo
Here's a pretty cool, comprehensive feature on shacknews today about Doom, it's history, and the current Doom scene:
There are some comments from various community members (myself included) and some discussion of mods/wads as well.
Mechadon reacted to Breezeep for a status update, Ah, the joys of starting on a map and not being able to finish it because I don't hav
Ah, the joys of starting on a map and not being able to finish it because I don't have the motivation to finish it, otherwise it would turn out to be shit.
Mechadon reacted to AD_79 for a status update, Here's a shot of a WIP map that's been sitting around for a little while. I haven't b
Here's a shot of a WIP map that's been sitting around for a little while. I haven't been able to do enough Doom-stuff recently (got caught off guard by other things, sorry!), so might as well show something, I guess? Should be easy to guess what project it is (or was) intended for.