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About WH-Wilou84

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  1. Our Romero-inspired map collection is now on /idgames ! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/j-l/lgqafd_lc I'll keep it short for now but it's definitely been thrilling. :) Having our work featured alongside an official John Romero-related collectible can only happen once in a lifetime, if it happens at all.
  2. Congratulations @Jackass of Doom for being the first player to achieve an UV Max demo on "Coeur de Haine" :) This is something I've meant to do since the wad's release. Here, I was pretty curious to see which of the 3 paths you'd pick first - my choice would've been the red temple battleground as it's arguably the hardest section (much like franckFRAG's on the regular map30). Really glad to know that the section pick actually depends on health situation at that point. Thank you for this.
  3. Yugiboy's map is the only one set in an episode 4 slot - all the other maps should be playable :) Don't worry about textures, all the extra resources are already included into each wad. I recommend using batch files, like this : "D:\Program_Files\DSDA Doom\dsda-doom.exe" -iwad "D:\Program_Files\DSDA Doom\doom.wad" -file LGQAFD_Roofi_E1M1.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 1 -complevel 3 -shorttics
  4. The "r_drawplayersprites F" console command in ZDoom-based ports allows you to hide the player's weapon sprites. Then, just hit the "+" key until the HUD disappears.
  5. Here's version RC2 with only a couple changes related to texture alignments and typos in the text file : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t0skmpvci1owbvkjzz52d/LGQAFD_LC_RC2.zip?rlkey=d730e1qc6ahhcdvjjknz09jxd&dl=1
  6. Hello there, Today marks the release of "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom", the official French translation of John Romero's autobiography ("Doom Guy - Life in First Person"), courtesy of independent French editor Omaké Books. Here's Romero himself saying a few words about the book and its imminent publication : The book comes in a limited edition along with a digital card autographed by John, and will definitely please a lot of Doom enthusiasts here in France ! I've had the chance to discuss with the person in charge of translating the book, and he's truly passionate about Romero. Get the book here : https://omakebooks.com/fr/livres-jeux-video/672-le-gars-qui-a-fait-doom-9782379892790.html And... Obviously, there's more :) The French Doom Community was secretly reached by Omaké Books to create new maps accompanying the book's official release. We just couldn't let this occasion pass us by ! "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom" Level Collection is a series of 8 new Ultimate Doom maps for Limit Removing ports. They come in all styles and colors, and all of them are more or less inspired by John Romero, whether it's his old IWad maps, his modern offerings (SIGIL and its sequel), his other games, or even his real life. You can play each of these maps in any order you fancy, as there's no clear theme or difficulty order. Each wad can be played standalone, à la Master Levels, and some of them contain new textures and resources. Maplist : - [Wad name] - [Author] - [Map name] - [Map slot] - LGQAFD_Alephany_E1M8 - Alephany - Undesired Reincarnation - E1M8 - LGQAFD_Datacore_E1M1 - Datacore - Nouveau Sang - E1M1 - LGQAFD_Duskolos_E3M1 - Duskolos - Lift & Traps - E3M1 - LGQAFD_franckFRAG_E3M1 - franckFRAG - Encounter of the third John - E3M1 - LGQAFD_Nixx_E1M5 - Nixx - Romerian Era - E1M5 - LGQAFD_Roofi_E1M1 - Roofi - Grand Canyon - E1M1 - LGQAFD_WH_E2M1 - [WH]-Wilou84 - Icons from the Deep - E2M1 - LGQAFD_Yugiboy_E4M1 - Yugiboy - Say Hello to Sunshine - E4M1 Screenshots : These maps were supposed to be included with the book itself, in the form of hidden QR Codes within its pages, but due to time constraints, this idea had to be scrapped. Nevertheless, the goal was to release the maps alongside the book's publication, so here we are :) This project was quite the challenge, as we only had a month to compile resources, create maps, and test them. Still, I think the end result is well worth the pain. Well, that's me done ! Links : - Download on /idgames : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/j-l/lgqafd_lc - Related topic on the French Doom Community forums : https://doomfrance.forumactif.com/t5361-limit-removing-le-gars-qui-a-fait-doom-level-collection Feel free to share your thoughts and bug reports, as usual. :)
  7. Played up to map 11, really enjoying the wad so far. Difficulty seems fine to me on UV. Spotted a bleeding midtexture here on map 09 : Misaligned support texture not too far from that spot : Misaligned texture on map 31 as well :
  8. Amazing stuff guys. Axing them skeletons in one Berserk strike is a lot of fun :) I loved the secret hunt on map 03, couldn't find more than 10 secrets but I'll definitely come back to it. Noticed a slight misused texture on that map : texture on linedefs 9644, 9648, 17834 and 17839 should probably be BRICTBRN instead of NMB1_11.
  9. Congrats on the release ! Just got softlocked on map 07 : action on linedef 6433 should be WR, not W1.
  10. Judgment by Rayziik features a Spiderdemon variant that may shoot BFG projectiles. It's interesting to note that the BFG charging sound is emitted at full volume whenever she uses this kind of attack, obviously to tell players when to hide.
  11. To add up to Monsieur E's post, are we indeed sure Requiem wasn't designed with Pistol start in mind as well ? I mean... - Weapons are given in each map - Maps were made by different people, and surely not in the order in which we play them (balancing them for continuous play only would then be a chore for mappers who'd have to wait for the finished maplist to rebalance their maps accordingly) - UV Max demos exist for each map, which means that each map is at least playable on Pistol start As regards to map 24, the text file explicitly states that you have to "find the remains" of your fallen comrades to proceed. Ammo drought and the need to find the not-secret ammo caches are the core concepts of this map, and these would simply be ruined if played continuously. MtPain was indeed harsh on some maps though, particularly on maps 06 and 10 which I like immensely. But hey, to each their own.
  12. Congrats on releasing this new issue ! So far, I've only read Biodegradable's take on playtesting, the Roofi interview and your E4M1 apology. The latter reminded me of Coincident's retentless UV Max attempts on that map that I had watched a couple weeks ago, and yeah this map is indeed a banger, easily top 3 material in Thy Flesh Consumed along with E4M6 and E4M2. Wouldn't call it the best Doom level (it's obviously E1M5), but despite all the pain it causes, E4M1 is definitely fun to blast through and a very strong opener for E4. If you do decide to fix these errors in an updated release, here's some other ones I've noticed along the way : - Roofi interview, page 17 : "ubt" instead of "but" - Roofi interview, page 16 : the legendary mapper Roofi alludes to is "Iikka" Keränen, not "Likka" - Pictures gallery, page 87 : netcurse2000's screenshot is actually taken from a Tarnsman map
  13. Hello!


    It's not much quite frankly, but I just wanted to say, that I love your MAP06 from 3HA2. It's an firecracker of an map, every monster encounter in this map feels really thought out, to the point where your level is really enjoyable to blast through. I enjoyed it so much, that I recorded a demo of your map; it's a really good example of the intense continuous combat this level puts you through, to the point I think this is one of my favorite maps of all time.


    1. WH-Wilou84


      Hey !

      Thank you so much for the demo and for your message, these are much appreciated :)
      Glad you liked the map. Watched your demo, you handled the beginning like a top player.

      I'm currently working on very large Sunder-ish maps, but bite-sized, action-packed levels like that one are immensely fun to work on as well (and they probably offer a better experience for demo recording). I hope to be able to make more of these in the near future.

      Have a great day !

  14. Here's mine as well : (DSDA Doom -complevel 2, Ultra-Violence) https://www.dropbox.com/s/2xg6m31i4sqz43r/ad-nstlg-fda-27-05-2023-wh.zip?dl=1 Loved the (main) theme right off the bat, nice contrast between abstract vivid blues and pale green stone structures. Between this, Stardate 20X7 and Capybara, it's cool to see these textures getting some attention. Gameplay-wise, I had a good time, this is a fantastic level from what I've seen so far. Things pick up slowly but steadily as you pick up basic weapons and work your way towards the mysterious Nostalgia Generator and its assorted plane-shifting adventures. I only found like 2 or 3 secrets, but I haven't finished the map yet. There's still a lot remaining to explore in there, I'll definitely give it another try. I'd like to see if trying to get that BFG9000 was worth the risk. MIDI is spot on, too. Fits the moody theme like a glove. Great work ! It was certainly worth it to pick that map up and resume your work on it, although I'm pretty sure it would've been a solid addition in your project instead of a solo release.
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