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About TheShep

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    Streamer + Enjoyer (known as ShepOriginale elsewhere)

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  1. this'll be juicy when i get to it for sure
  2. Is the door directly behind you on E1M1 supposed to be a HOM? Or rather, a DOM (door of mirrors)?
  3. I'm milling about in Clippy's old vids again and found your thread on Friday speedmapping back in 2020. Good times. Hope all is well!

  4. i've been here a long time and feel like folks are snoozing on things. i'm trying to make a way on twitch, but i feel like if i'm not a speedrunner, mapper, CP leader, etc., i get left in the dust. it's pretty disappointing for someone who's been here for a good 22 years. but that's fine. i've been left behind before.
  5. TheShep

    Doom Streams

    puss 33 die rowdy if ya care
  6. Hmm, mysterious. 41 maps in the maplist, 44 maps in the title and description... perhaps there are some secret maps :o
  7. I'll try to remember to add it to the backlogue. On work pooter now.
  8. Just bought CoD: MW4. So far so good.
  9. Dope, finally browsed DW now to grab this bad boy. May likely play it directly after Hell's Bane.
  10. I was asking about this on stream and at least two people said that it's really good. It has two episodes out so far for anyone wondering.
  11. Kind of cool I'd say. (bottom right) oh yea and the link if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/theshep
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