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Everything posted by TheShep

  1. Hey just wanted to stop into your profile here and say I'm giving Cleimos a go and it's solid! I'm also working on (at least in my head for now) getting to know my favorite music tracks for nostalgia's sake.

    Also I did a test stream on YT last night. I need to review it and see if it's up to snuff. I'll be doing more soon I think.


    1. Doomkid


      Nice! Once I get home I’ll check out your stream and see if there’s anything in particular that stands out to make sure it’s up to snuff as you said.

    2. TheShep


      Sounds good! I only have like 10 public videos, so it'll be the most recent one.

  2. Hi, "theshep" from youtube here. Just got done watching decino's playthrough! A fine job everyone did on this! Love the strategies that need to be employed to get these maps beat. Like the aesthetics. Like the credits map! I like how it's a doomtuber-esque collaboration wad, with you Peter, Dwars, and decino contributing. Really appreciate the hard work and look forward to episodes 2 and 3. I've been here on Doomworld a long time, since 2002, and I love seeing the trajectory and momentum of the community. Love it! I'll give it a try soon. Thanks!
  3. Nice anagram rank there.

  4. I like how the map name is almost a nod to J.A.M. Productions, the creators of Blake Stone.
  5. Maybe it could be a nod to Half-Life, with a floating baby icon of sin? Shooting weird cubes from it's skull...
  6. +1 to UV-Max'ing Nuts.wad, by Zero Master, for Most Ridiculous Demo / Video of the Year.
  7. Came here via the Wadazine discord. Looks rad. Need to get to dooming some more. Been quaking recently, lol.
  8. TheShep

    Doom Streams

    A few days old now, but I did tackle Bastion of Chaos on HNTR: https://fb.watch/2JJRdsNp_x/ it was a stream. Only like 3 people came in to see it. Facebook Gaming is slow on the uptake. Seems you have to play certain games to get any traction.
  9. I was inspired by @UltraViolenceX the YouTube G, to make a vid of me tackling this map. 2.5 hours, lots of saving and reloading. Also some cheese. https://fb.watch/2JHxS05tD_/ thanks Bridgeburner for this rad map. Yes it chugged in a few spots on my PC but oh well. also it’s HNTR difficulty because I didn’t want to lose my mind. UV tried it on HMP.
  10. I think with many of the wads suggested, they come with their own custom monsters and weapons sometimes, so it's not usually just vanilla gameplay. There's a lot of interesting effects done as well with many of the newer ones. If you end up getting into older classics, like Memento Mori 1 / 2, or Hell Revealed 1 / 2, those could work with gameplay mods. Good luck and have fun out there! I've been DOOMing since 2002, and frankly, played the games when they were new (DOOM on my 386, which chugged and ran real slow... imagine Doom running slow on Episode 2), so it's been a journey.
  11. Glad to see you here UV! I'm "theshep" on youtube. I've been on one of your streams before. Hope you're doing well!

  12. I actually owned this game when it was Halloween Harry. So cool!
  13. I'm finally playing Ancient Aliens, and yes, this is superb! I like the credits list, the music, the mappers that were on board for the project! It's just a very A1 set, and I almost thought it was broke until I realized it was broken up into episodes (heh). Anyway, great work! Thanks for this fun color palette :)

    1. skillsaw


      Thanks a lot! I'm glad you're enjoying it, we all put a lot of energy and work into trying to make it as best as we could.

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