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Everything posted by TheShep

  1. TheShep

    Doom Streams

    DOOM 2 UNLEASHED (Pcorf community project) - Various https://www.twitch.tv/sheporiginale
  2. Thank you all for hanging out and visiting.

    I *might* end up running twogers soon... we'll see. It's a banner week for doom wads.

  3. at the bottom of the "login" dialog box it says "continue without logging in" or somesuch. that should help.
  4. TheShep

    Doom Streams

    Valiant - Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne starting with map14 https://www.twitch.tv/sheporiginale
  5. I was curious when this was getting released after seeing stx play it. In my archives for now.
  6. As usual, saving to my backlogue, lol.
  7. Thanks to everyone who follows! I'll be back someday.

  8. TheShep

    Burn out

    i'm in a bit of a slump myself
  9. i'm sure it's good or something idk
  10. chains against a baron's maw is what i like best
  11. Glad that I got a raise in my day job and also the opportunity to pursue some IT stuff outside of graphic design.
  12. Let's try this again... it seemed it got nuked. Here's my YT channel, feel free to give it a sub if you wanna:


  13. Not a big deal if you don't wanna, but my YT channel is lacking in subs. Feel free to swing by and boost it if you'd like and desire:


  14. I'm doing something new when I sort the WADs section of DW by Start Date. Helps me find new wads that might have gotten some views but no comments. This looks interesting. Might play it on HMP or lower. Thanks Yumheart!
  15. Is it possible to get a fix on the Twitch video embeds as well if we are fixing the YT ones?
  16. After playing the Bean Factory recently, it may be high time to give these a go.
  17. Played your Bean Factory yesterday, with proper attire.



    1. kwc


      Just checked it out! Thanks for sharing, I love watching playthroughs of my maps, so I’m excited to see you check out the others! 
      That shirt is hilarious, makes me think I should get a nukage or fireblu one printed or something :p

  18. Hey upon your nice video about the Bean Factory, I played it yesterday over lunch, with proper attire.



    1. EduardoAndFriends


      Beautiful bean costume, you looked the part hehe!

  19. This link requires me to request access. Could it be made a public link?
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