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About DaJuice

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    Da Juice is Loose aboot da Hoose!
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  1. I doubt anyone here gives a poop, but I've made a small movie capture of my irix desktop, just to kinda show what the window manager on irix looks like. Here's a small screenshot...

    The movie is in .mov format since that's the only common format I could capture to on the machine. It uses jpeg compression I think, but the quality settings make it look lossless and the file size is big so I had to rar it (and then zip it so geoshitties would accept it). It's 800x600, 26sec long, and 13MB uncompressed. Compressed it's only 715kb. Anyways, if you wanna looksee...
    You'll need winrar to unrar it (better compression than zip)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodshedder


      This is pretty blog-ish.

    3. DaJuice


      I bought an Octane, they are very cheap now actually. If you look on ebay, low end Octanes go for less than $200.

    4. Lord FlatHead

      Lord FlatHead

      Looks neat. Vector icons = a good idea.

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