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About hardcore_gamer

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  1. I love Doom but always felt Quake was fun as well, but disliked it's castle theme compared to the high tech theme of the doom series. So I decided to merge the 2 by using that Doom 3 texture pack somebody made. It's a single level Quake wad I am working on that has the Doom 3 theme.



    2 more pics inside spoiler.








  2. Just came from the doctor. Things are worse than expected. Strained my neck and suffered a concussion. Will lose days of work because of this and won't be able to do much during the weekend :( Also threw up this morning and felt crappy in general. Curse slippery ice all the way to hell and back.

  3. Slipped on the ice today on the way to work and got what appears to be a concussion. Feel slightly dizzy and neck muscles are crap :/


    Not sure if if I can continue working on my Doom mods today like I intended to :(

  4. Just finished the first metal trim texture and updated the AO map for the metal wall texture. Kinda reminds me of Alien 4 for some reason lol. More textures to come!







  5. Some screenshots of the first PBR texture I just made for a PBR texture pack I am working on for a secret project of mine. The first screenshot is the PBR version. The second has baked lightning (There will be PBR and non-PBR versions of the textures), and the third is a in-game screenshot showing the PBR version. The images are large so I am putting them into spoiler tags:









  6. Decided to start work on a sci-fi room thingy in Modo for fun since I was bored. Nothing major, just a small doodle thingy. It's not finished but it's shaping up nicely. I put the screenshots into spoiler tags since they are large:







  7. 3D keycard for my 3D Doom mod. 5 other variants of different colors will be made as well. Demon keys will be made later.



    1. dew


      Looks like an oversized USB stick, I much prefer the iconic L-shaped cards.

    2. hardcore_gamer


      "Looks like an oversized USB stick"


      Well that was sort of the idea.

  8. Update on the gun I am making. This time with textures. Will try to put it into the game soon.



  9. Started work on a 3D gun for my as to be announced 3D Doom mod. Nowhere near finished but still shaping up nicely.




    EDIT: Updated screenshot



    1. DooM_RO


      I can show you a terrific tutorial for making 3D weapons. It is for 3DMax but if you have intermediate knowledge of Blender you can follow it along. It shows you the whole workflow of making a weapon: LP modeling, HP, smoothing groups, UV unwrapping, baking and texturing. It is paid but it's really worth it. 



    2. hardcore_gamer


      I already have that tutorial actually. As well as a bunch of other ones. I only recently started modeling weapons so my skill in that regard is still beginner level.

  10. Working on a medkit model for a 3D mod I am making. Though to be honest it ended up looking more like a berserk pack :/



  11. I am working on a map blueprint maker for photoshop. The idea is that you are able to create accurate sketches of your maps for both Doom and even Quake before making them in the editor. So far about 10 icons are done, including things like doors, liquids, stairs, slopes etc. Dunno if there is any interest for this sort of thing, but for those of you who like sketching stuff out on paper before making them perhaps they would find something like this useful?



  12. Can't use lighting effects in photoshop since it's grayed out for some reason. I enabled GPU and yet it still doesn't work. Not sure what's causing this. Any photoshop pros here who have had this problem before and know how to fix it?

  13. Working on a Sci-fi wall texture in Modo



  14. I am trying to dip my toes a bit more into Quake modding, but am not sure where to start. Does Quake have some eqevelent to the zdoom wiki where you can learn how to code mods for the game? And which is the best and or the most flexible source port for modding?

    1. wallabra


      Quake modding isn't easy like ZDoom modding. You have to compile QuakeC code to make new things, monsters, etc. But hey, at least there's TrenchBroom to make mapping easier!


      Maybe you should consider Unreal? UnrealScript is a friendlier language, and UnrealEd was, since the beginning, known for its interface and ease to use.

  15. My second attempt at a zbrush bust. Slightly better than the last one but still lots of room for improvement. I originally wanted to make some type of alien thingy but ended up with something that sort of looks like a retarded arch-vile lol.



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