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About Memfis

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    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. rip memfis ):


    he was one of the best posters on here...

  2. What happened to you, man?

    1. Catpho


      He was banned a while back. He's still alive and well if you are asking.

    2. Eugene Krabs

      Eugene Krabs

      Why'd he get banned?

    3. Catpho


      He cheated in a speedrunning contest that invovled money.

  3. last online 1 year ago :(

  4. come baaack ):

    1. Avoozl


      Didn't know he was gone.

    2. El Juancho

      El Juancho

      I hope he is fine

  5. Hey there.
    I just played through your mapset Kuchitsu and had fun.

    Thanks for making it! 🙂

  6. tumblr_pip2r3xjDt1qzeui2o1_1280.jpg


    I brought you a serval.

  7. Memfis

    Toxic Computing

    Good small relaxing techbase. The author shows a lot of creativity when it comes to the room shapes, and there are vertical differences between the areas everywhere. The final cacodemons seemed pointless though.
  8. Memfis

    Energy Flux

    Very basic level geometry. I guess it is somewhat fitting if you take the Egyptian theme into account, but it results in a lot of simple and repetitive encounters. At least you get a lot of plasma and rockets, so the fights don't take long.
  9. Memfis

    Dead Zone v1.00

    Way too many demons, cacodemons, and barons to kill, I got bored quickly. The design is clean and pleasant though, a little unusual even.
  10. OMG, I just learned that DOGGY MAGGY was a wordplay (どぎまぎ/dogimagi = flustered, nervous, embarrassed).

    1. Catpho


      Knowledge is infinite!



      also stop making me nostalgic!

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