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  1. in windows 7 is it impossible to hide the mouse pointer without it doing anything?

    on the right and on bottom you can still see 1 px of it

    in the bottom right corner it activates the hide all windows thingy

    in the bottom left corner it highlights the startup thingy

    and just 1 px... it's like they KNEW

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomkid


      It seems to depend on the video player for me. In YouTube the cursor disappears after a second, but in most other web-based video players it just sits there annoyingly. I cant handle 1 pixel at the bottom right though, still a leap up from watch TV in the olden times with the watermark at the bottom.

    3. Doomkid


      can handle*

    4. Ichor


      The best way to hide your mouse cursor is if you have a background picture that is nothing but mouse cursors.

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