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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Memfis


    Excellent multi-store house wad with lots of cool mechanics. Very fun to figure out and explore. A bit haphazard but interesting texturing. Love it.
  2. Memfis

    The Grid...

    Very cool wad in the "a series of challenges" style. Looks good with some neat architecture and the fights are nice and tricky. Only the long corridor is a bit stupid but fun nevertheless. And for once, it has a teleporting cyber that isn't annoying.
  3. Memfis


    Lol I fell in an inescapable pit and it turned out to be an E1M8 type exit. The level is a bit boring but some good structural ideas are present.
  4. Memfis


    Horrifying, totally depressing level. It's a series of very bland looking white rooms and corridors with ZERO texturing variety. Feels like you're in a mental institution or something.
  5. Memfis


    It's by Michael Rapp, one of my favorite Requiem\/MM2 authors. Not a very professional level: feels too cramped and the texturing isn't great either. But it creates an okay atmosphere and the action is plenty. It also has trees growing on the floors of a techbase. Well, why not?
  6. Memfis


    Fun simple two minute map, some neat effects indeed. First time I see intentional (?) zero-tagged lifts.
  7. Memfis


    Classic 1994 midis, you've heard them all in heroes.wad, megawad.wad, Dwango compilations, etc.
    Mindless spam of hunderds of monsters, starting with zombiemen, ending with cyberdemons. Pleasant classical music helps to maintain interest.
  8. Memfis


    Fantastic design with great architecture and very inventive usage of iwad textures. Try not to find the megasphere secret to avoid making it too easy.
  9. Memfis


    Cool wad. Nice new textures, interesting designs, clever secrets and good use of moving floors.
  10. Memfis


    Quite atmospheric with ominous white architecture and really challenging with very little health. Haven't managed to beat it.
    Very oversized and bland design but you can have some fun with it as you get all weapons and a variety of monsters. Bad but not too bad.
  11. Memfis


    Fun level, requires some wallhumping which might take a while though. The storage area with all the crates is pretty cool. Try not to fall and get stuck in the room with two barons.
    Stylish dark brown level, very interesting progression and satisfying action. Good stuff.
  12. Memfis


    Hmm, not really good. Lots of stupid monster spam, so much in fact that some of them are stuck even. Cramped, linear and boring looking too.
  13. Memfis

    Radial Ascension

    Cool level with more and more areas opening gradually and good tough fights. Quite impressive how much stuff he put in a 1024x1024 box.
    A level with a few bugs and lots of evil traps that require foreknowledge to survive. When you see the first two switches, don't press the right one or else you will either die or get stuck. Also don't ride the yellow key lift up, there is no way out of there. The starting room and the YK area look good, the rest is very disappointing in comparison and the deadly traps aren't fun, although the cyberdemon maze is kinda neat.
    I liked it. Even though mapping was quite newbieish, the "many different dimensions" theme kept me entertained and the action was satisfying too. In prboom-plus there are some floating items and zero-tagged lifts (non-gamebreaking).
    8 maps by prower. MAP03 is also in "The Experiment", other levels aren't duplicated on the /idgames archives I think. Visual style is similar to Memento Mori, the gameplay is fun with occasional surprisingly hardcore moments. The progression is usually kinda neat and some mapping tricks are used but many areas can be quite cramped. The first five maps are the best, the remaining ones are too short to leave a big impression but they are enjoyable to play through once. I like it.
  14. Memfis


    Breaks in vanilla Doom because one of the secrets is opened by a GR door with a zero tag. Some structural ideas are taken from Plutonia.
  15. Memfis


    Badass level heavily inspired by maps 11 and 14 of Doom 2. Very scary because of cyberdemons observing every area. I looked in the editor once because I didn't realize that the path to the blue key opened.
    Quite basic design but good lighting makes it look nice. Lots of monsters, some barrels and all that good stuff. It's fun but I didn't kill the barons at the end because I could't find plasmagun.
    Very well designed wooden complex. Interesting detailing, good traps, expansive secrets. Unfortunately it is way too generous with health items but I enjoyed it.
    It's a Doom 2 conversion of evilr1_1, which is also available in the archives. Looks a bit uglier than the original (Wolfenstein room...) but of course the SSG compensates for anything.
    Cool 1994 level with gazillion stairs. Looks cool on automap (very compact). Some monsters are stuck though. The shooting gallery with imps and BFG was fun.
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