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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Memfis

    DooM IIII

    Level quality is like in thissuxx.wad but this time the presentation doesn't make the maps funny or enjoyable.
    easy cramped space base, takes about 2 minutes to finish. liked the bit with moving floors and an arch-vile.
    short linear map, you kill some monsters or pairs of monsters in front of you in a generic brown base.
  2. Memfis

    Meep Keep, level one

    I see a lot of weird/broken textures both in prboom-plus and in doom.exe, I wonder if I need an older version of iwad or something? Anyway, it's an interesting and unique level, not really sure how to describe it since it's so different. Definitely worth a look, many new design ideas here.
  3. Memfis

    The Trials

    Unusual map. Starts out with a cool switch sequence: a little frustrating but clever! Following is a generic maze with some monsters. Then there is this horrendous part where you have to drop down and during the fall infinitely tall pinkies can bite you like five times. Don't know how I survived that. The rest of the wad is pretty easy and not really memorable. But it's worth a look just for the first switch "puzzle".
  4. Memfis

    The Abaddon

    ROFL, I load the game, make two steps to the right and suddenly I'm stuck. That has to be a record. Aside from this and a couple of zdoomisms (sky trick in the outdoor area doesn't work in classic ports, also there is a lift with a zero tag (non-fatal)), it's a fine classic style map, the author definitely got the gameplay right with many fun fights and exciting traps. Looking forward to this guy's next wad.
  5. Memfis

    January Ninth

    The texturing themes feel fresh, even though totally disjointed. Interesting music. Many traps are boring and thankfully can be easily avoided. At the end you can get on the lift without triggering it, then step back and it will rise without you and you will get stuck. Overall not great but the visuals are weird/unusual, which is a plus of course.
    embodiment of mediocrity
  6. Memfis

    Theta Base

    Requires ZDoom: in vanilla\Boom you can't get out of the starting room. It's a E1 style base but I feel like it misses all the key features that made E1 good. What you get is a bunch of semi-cramped rooms connected by doors: no large or just memorable areas, no important centerpieces, no cool outdoor views, no expansive secrets, no interesting optional areas or particularly clever progression. It just isn't really that fun to play through. The E1 texturing is here but the rest of E1 isn't.
    Fun panic start: monsters everywhere, not much ammo. Takes some time to find enough weaponry to fight back. But even after that the map remains tough thanks to creative monster placement and traps. The very dark parts were a bit frustrating for me but thrilling too, so I enjoyed them. And it all ends with a classic cyberdemon showdown on the street. Quite an adventure with original ideas and some cute new graphics thrown in. Recommended.
  7. Memfis

    Sinister Halls

    Very simple, often almost Wolf3D-like level construction. Lots of boring single monster encounters and other non-threatening fights. I still felt a certain satisfaction solving the level and some transitions seemed a tiny bit clever to me, but there is nothing to praise in this wad.
  8. Memfis


    This is by one of the guys that worked on Realm of Chaos, a 1998 megawad made entirely by Macintosh users. It's a nice looking but totally symmetrical map where you get so much space that only hitscanners pose a a threat. There are many monsters on tall ledges that are too tedious to kill but luckily they can be easily ignored. The horizon trick is done incorrectly so in classic ports you can see HOMs in all windows. It's still kind of fun I think.
  9. Memfis


    Cool 1994 style map, I didn't like the teleporter system (too complex for my small brain) but overall it was very fun to explore, I liked the music and the new teleportation sound.
  10. Memfis

    Little Evil.

    It's full of zdoomisms so playing in vanilla\prboom will result in sectors jumping all over the place, and then you'll stumble upon a shootable switch that seems impossible to activate without mouselook. The map looks nice, with a cool night city sky, accurate clean design and some really cute ideas (love the "O" that you have to shoot!). It's so damn cramped though, it's almost a 1024x1024 map in fact. But you might find it worth spending 5 minutes on.
  11. Memfis


    Resource replacement for the sake of resource replacement. Very primitive levels. Some castles are kinda cool.
  12. Memfis

    My Doom II

    I loved it. Cool aesthetics, most of the midis were new for me and the gameplay is so fun-oriented it's just adorable. Gets a bit tricky at times too if you play from pistol start (seems like the wad was made with continuous playing in mind but all maps are doable from scratch).
    some of these are cool for max/reality and the soundtracks are kickass imo
    A tyson map that will take you one minute to beat. You have to punch some lost souls, spectres, revenants and one arch-vile in a few rooms that are cramped, symmetrical and single colored. Probably not worth your time.
    Short linear city map in Lainos style with quite banal gameplay and mixed visuals (nice in some areas, bland in the other). Might be moderately fun once.
  13. Memfis

    Lost Sanctum

    Quite challenging for a Ultimate Doom map and looks very good. I really enjoyed it.
  14. Memfis

    Tab Sequel Levels

    Nice stylish olschool maps that go well with mmmus.wad. Seem to be designed for continuous play: on pistol start the second map is ok but after that things got really tough for me. The first was probably my favorite, really cool city.
    Very boring overall, the author completely ignored the vast variety of Doom music's styles and just slapped rock\metal guitars everywhere. Some of the remixes are interesting in their own right though.
  15. Memfis

    Koul Textures

    cool, good wooden crates are rare
  16. Memfis

    The City of Despair

    An old-school map13\16-style city. It's fun to explore but is a bit empty and with annoying level progression. You press a switch, something opens in one of the buildings, but in which one? You don't know so you have to recheck every building. Still, I liked it - cool.
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