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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Memfis

    The Molehill

    It's a standard quality Jimmy map. I find most of his stuff too uniform: you're just methodically clearing out all rooms in a similar manner, nothing earth-shattering happens anywhere, monster density doesn't change much from area to area, the design decisions are kinda "safe" and give off that robotic vibe you can also find in Eternal's wads for example. It's still decently fun for something that can be finished in 10 minutes or so.
  2. Haha, I just stumbled upon your comment here :D https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rakehell

    1. riderr3


      I'm also saw his comments all over idgames archive. Though, old archive did not show new comments...

    2. Paul977


      Yeah, wouldn't be better to just left id/games like they were ?

    3. Doomkid


      I need to get back to playing random idgames files at 2 AM again, even when the maps are trash it's still oddly fun

    ZDoomisms everywhere, don't try in classic ports. Contains a place where you get crushed if you press the wrong switch.
  3. Wow, look up serval in Google Images. It almost feels photoshopped somehow, so weird...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaws In Space

      Jaws In Space

      I love servals :D

    3. Urthar




      Instructions unclear, am now a furry.

    4. R1ck


      @Urthar that's so SUGOOOOOOOI

  4. And after all this it still retains its shine.

  5. Memfis


    Weird crap. Mostly nonsensical design (e3m1 is way too cramped, e3m2 is way too bare and orthogonal) coexists with some genuinely nice looking stuff but in small quantities. I smell a jokewad but who knows. Quite silly overall, skip unless god told you to play this.
  6. Is there a search engine that DOESN'T remove dead links? Could be useful because a lot of stuff can be accessed on sites like web archive, you just need to know the link...

  7. Is there a term for photos like this? http://i.imgur.com/wHO1VgP.jpg (I mean the colors)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tracer


      Polarized?  If you do a google image search on polarized photography, you'll find similar aesthetics.

    3. MrGlide


      Looks like this 590nm infrared option. https://kolarivision.com/

    4. MrGlide


      I'm now confident that's what this picture is, I win! WHAT DO I WIN MEMFIS!!!!!

  8. So how much for a copy of Dark Plutonia?

    1. Xyzzу


      Exactly 1024 RUB!

    2. Paul977


      You have my contribution

  9. If there are movies about making movies, should there be a wad about making wads? Instead of fighting monsters you would have to listen to the author complaining about his lack of motivation and stuff. All in ZDoom cutscenes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. leodoom85


      it it's like a cutscene type...maybe should be like Sector (E3M0) from ZPack but revealing not detailing sectors until the cutscene reveals the last sector which has better looking....or something even more convoluted...idk

    3. Benjogami


      I have an idea kind of like that, about a father making tutorial maps for his kid, to share his love of Doom, and then sad stuff happens.

    4. cybermind



  10. Will I get this window every time I paste properties in GZDB? EuET10h.png

    I pretty much always just click OK right away, never tinker with these options.

    1. riderr3


      Same question here!

    2. Memfis


      Oh I figured it out! You need to use the other action:


  11. Hooooly shit. In Windows 7 you can't put a file called "abc.txt" in the folder if there is already a folder called "abc.txt".

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BadLuckBurt


      Yes, it would get pretty complex in some cases, especially when using command-line tools. While most commands are file or folder-specific, some might work for both and how would you tell the tool wether you want to target the file or folder? Sure, you can add a flag to the command but what if you forget it? GUI-based stuff would have less problems handling this situation but still, it would provide more headaches than convenience.


      There's also backward compatibility problems with older systems when you do this, Windows still has 8-letter 'DOS' folders for similar reasons.


      In theory it could be solved but it's better to avoid the confusion all together.



    3. Memfis


      Yeah, it makes sense the way you explain it. Interesting, it seems that folders and files aren't as different as I thought.

    4. BadLuckBurt


      That's true, this is also why symlinking files and folders is so easy. All that does is create a pointer to another pointer somewhere on your hard drive.


      From a very simple perspective, folders can contain content, it's just that their content is limited to other folders and files and that they can't do things like be executed for example.



  12. I haven't mapped in some months. What's the state of the scene right now? Have we heard anything from MaxEd? Is everyone using that fork now? Anything else I need to know?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Albertoni


      MaxEd won't come back any time soon, I imagine...

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      MaxED has posted a few weeks ago, but nothing about GZDB. Probably busy working on Duke Builder, so let's not distract him.

    4. Memfis


      Lols. Nice, so at least he didn't disappear forever, I'm glad to hear that.

  13. Do you guys also have a lot of dog shit in parks in your country? :\

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      My country is dog shit

    3. ShoDemo


      Yep! Everyone is getting dogs these days in my city, which by itself isn't bad, but in my neighborhood, there are only blocks of flats, so getting a dog in a small apartment can be a traumatizing experience for everybody else. And they get the small dogs that bark a lot, instead of the big peaceful ones. And then, once a dog barks, you can hear the whole legion of dogs barking for half an hour, in the very least. Plus, the park (it is a playground mostly) and the roads are covered in oceans of shit (ok, I exaggerated), because the owners don't pick them up, with the <<reverse plastic bag>> trick. So you have to keep your eyes open, when walking, because poop can be, where dogs can place their feet.


      Honestly, I would love having a dog. However, I wouldn't get one, unless I had a yard in my future home. I don't want to torture the poor animal, by making it live in a non suitable environment.

    4. Doomkid


      its rare enough thankfully but it happens. Huge fines for leaving feces around here though which is a great thing, helps deter people from leaving it around.

  14. Is it possible to disable avatars? o,o

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BadLuckBurt


      Checking the url for my own avatar, it's:




      But the one for torekk's is:




      So '*.doomworld.com/uploads/*' or '*.doomworld.com/uploads/*/*' might take care of it if your adblock filter support wildcards for folders.

    3. Memfis


      That kinds of works but it disables much more unfortunately. Like I get a page with a white background and text in weird places.  I can't believe there is no option for this in the forum settings.

    4. BadLuckBurt


      There's one other thing you can try, browser plugins that let you define custom CSS.





      It's almost bedtime for me so I haven't checked them out myself but if they let you write pure CSS, this should be enough:


      .ipsUserPhoto img {

      display: none;


  15. Hey, nice reviews, but can you please put spaces after commas?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. fraggle


      How is this a "call out"? It's a reasonable and politely-worded request.

    3. Misty


      Alright people, if you ever find gramatical incorrections from my reviews/posts or just want talk to me, you can always write private message and discuss here with me. I don't feel "called-out" or whatever it means. I just apply my native language punctuations, which don't require put spaces everywhere. Maybe, you all found this weird. It's hard to change old writing habits from school. I hope, you all have a good day or night ;)

    4. Fonze


      The only way to learn is to make mistakes and learn from them; mistakes aren't inherently bad, the reaction afterwards is what counts.


      English can be a tough language to learn, and every language is going to have tiny, arbitrary-seeming rules, but it is good to have people correct us from time to time on our recurring errors so that when we try to say something more complicated, we can make ourselves more clear. That said, I understand you well Haruko; you're doing well :)

  16. in windows 7 is it impossible to hide the mouse pointer without it doing anything?

    on the right and on bottom you can still see 1 px of it

    in the bottom right corner it activates the hide all windows thingy

    in the bottom left corner it highlights the startup thingy

    and just 1 px... it's like they KNEW

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomkid


      It seems to depend on the video player for me. In YouTube the cursor disappears after a second, but in most other web-based video players it just sits there annoyingly. I cant handle 1 pixel at the bottom right though, still a leap up from watch TV in the olden times with the watermark at the bottom.

    3. Doomkid


      can handle*

    4. Ichor


      The best way to hide your mouse cursor is if you have a background picture that is nothing but mouse cursors.

  17. Heh, every time a "strong opinion" is expressed it gets labeled as joking/trolling/stupidity?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Don't listen to them Memfis, you're perfect just the way you are! <333

    3. j4rio


      Can you please remove your queer anime avatar? That shit sucks, it's really annoying. Thank you in advance.

    4. gaspe


      Memfis I think that the problem is that (many) people take things too seriously, or even worse on a personal level, when they shouldn't.

  18. Idea for your next sound replacement wad:


    1. Tracer


      Funny.  I also say that every monster alert sound should just be a guy screaming as loudly as possible.

  19. umm



    1. 42PercentHealth
    2. Gothic


      Wasn't that a default avatar from the old forum?

    3. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      Doomguy's demented grimace lives within us all.



  22. RIP Doomworld

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tristan


      it's not dead

    3. Doomkid


      Doomworlds not dead, it just smells funny

    4. esselfortium


      Rip Doomworld is my favorite 80s action hero

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