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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Memfis


    A short violent level from Simo Malinen. Very monotonous texturing makes it look like an unfinished work. Some strange dark sectors too. Mindless and a bit boring.
    Simple and very nonsensical. Offers enough carnage to keep you entertained, but ends with an exhausting switchhunt all over the previously visited areas. Has a voodoo doll (and the authors were proud of their idea).
  2. Memfis


    An early warehouse level that eventually becomes something more abstract. The highlight is the outdoor area, which is actually kind of pretty with some colorful structures. The circular soulsphere room is also beautiful. Unusual walkover trigger placement encourages exploration of the storage area. Not great or really good but you can have some fun with it.
  3. Memfis


    Total shit, it's just the most basic rooms imaginable filled with as many monsters as possible. Might be interesting for speedrun though.
  4. Memfis

    Grande Coolness

    Seems impossible to finish. The switch that reveals the red key is behind a red door, so... Structurally the level is very basic, but there is something exciting and arcadey about the idea of many rooms connected by teleporters. Too bad it's broken.
    A cute monster blaster level with overall pleasant visuals. Probably seemed rather radical at the time, now it's just relaxing and enjoyable. There is a bullshit moment with a crusher trap near the end.
  5. Memfis


    A basic castle. Stupid progression with very inelegant use of barriers everywhere. NO HEALTH ITEMS in a map with almost 300 monsters, most of which are hitscanners = unplayable under normal conditions. Most likely an unfinished work.
  6. Memfis

    Wages of Sin

    Stylish and atmospheric hell design with somewhat tricky fights. There is a puzzle that you'll most likely never figure out on your own, followed by a small room where the only option is to hump all the walls. Kinda disappointing after such a promising start. Still maybe worth a quick look.
  7. Memfis


    Very interesting layout for a real life based map. Surviving is a piece of cake due to countless pickups but it's a bit fun to mow down all the zombies. Kickass midi by Jeremy Doyle. In the readme the author plugs Yngwie Malmsteen. Worth a look if you like recreations of stuff in Doom.
  8. I haven't been to too many concerts in my life so maybe I don't know enough to make generalizations but... Why do they always have to rape your ears? Almost every concert I have to deal with obnoxiously loud instruments and the buzzing\drone (? dunno how to translate "ãóäåíèå" properly) is usually insane. Most music is supposed to be pleasant to the ears I think, but how can it be pleasant when you feel like covering your ears half the time? Maybe I should actually wear earplugs next time lol?

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Malinku


      Saw a concert friday used earplugs all was good.

    3. Creaphis


      I like the experience of live shows but I can't enjoy anything if I'm not physically comfortable. The last show I went to I was the only guy covering his ears and looking for quieter places to stand, and I'd probably have walked out if I didn't have friends on stage. This wasn't a particularly loud show, so either I'm abnormally sensitive or I've spent enough time with deaf grandparents to make me cautious. I'm thinking about getting musician's ear plugs. I can probably get enough use out of them to justify it over the long-term. I'd rather not have frequency-skewing florescent orange foam sticking out of my ears if I'm the only guy in the audience who needs it.

      I never would have guessed that it's just standard procedure to wear ear plugs to rock and metal concerts. I'm with printz - my first thought is "Can't they just turn that shit down?" but I get it, different strokes and all that.

      Memfis said:

      My best concert was Uehara Hiromi...

      Lucky bastard.

      Technician said:

      Deep Purple was probably the loudest show I've ever attended... That was the show that made my tinnitus bad enough to quit going to concerts.

      And you were wearing -30 dB ear plugs? Jesus.

    4. dg93


      Creaphis said:

      And you were wearing -30 dB ear plugs? Jesus.

      It would be kinda ridiculous wearing these at any rock or metal concert.

  9. I've just realized something. I think I haven't called anyone by their name in, like, several years. For some reason it's just incredibly difficult for me to do, it's like the word simply refuses to come out of my mouth. Same goes for words like "mom", "dad", etc: I haven't used them in forever. Can't really explain why. I wonder if this is common or whatever. When I want to speak to a friend or a relative, I always either wait for them to look at me first or I ensure that there's noone else close enough to us so that it's obvious who I'm addressing. Pretty interesting, huh?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tristan


      Yeah I'm like this. Doesn't go for everyone, but it's pretty rare for me to address someone by name.

      I'm having a bit of fun with the reverse lately though. My name is often misheard as something else, and someone has been convinced that my name is something that it really isn't. Haven't corrected him yet, just gonna see how long this drags out xD

    3. Hellbent


      I have noticed this tendency in myself in the last few years and it bothers me. It really only applies to people I have just met or don't see regularly. Part of it is a slight feeling of awkwardness calling them their name and part of it is I'm afraid I will say their name wrong, but I think it's more the former. The more I don't call people by their names the more difficult it becomes to do it. So I have been making a concerted effort to do it more.

      It bothers me because people will greet me by my name, which I like, it shows consideration, friendliness and respect; it's almost as if it validates my existence, but I will say "hey" back instead of "hi Bob" or whatever. Sometimes it's because I can't remember their name in the moment but often it's this strange feeling that it will be awkward if I say their name. I kinda thought I was the only one with this problem. Interesting to see I'm not. I definitely chalk it up to some kind of social shortcoming. Seems mildly autistic to me. Somewhere in the realm of social anxiety and social awkwardness.

      I always feel bad when someone who I haven't seen in a bit immediately says my name when they greet me and I just say "hey, how are you". It's like, why can't I return the respect and courtesy of saying their name back? I like it when they say my name, yet I struggle to say theirs. I find it mildly rude if someone just says "hey" to me if I expect they know my name. It shows a lack of investment in the person and consideration. What kind of world would it be if we just went around saying "hey" to each other? Sure, you don't have to say their name ten times in a single conversation; that's just weird. But I think it is really important to say someone's name upon greeting them if it's been more than 24 hours since you've seen them (the longer it's been, the more important it is to say their name), and again when saying goodbye to them.

      Naming things in general is important. Everything in the world has a name. Naming things makes them real and meaningful to us. That's why it's so important for Atreyu to give the childlike princess a new name in The Neverending Story. Naming things gives them validity and relatability. "hey"ing things keep things in the realm of unimportance; not worth being distinguished from anyone or anything else; not worth one's attention or consideration. So if something or someone has a name, call them by their name, lest the Nothing take over you and your reality!

    4. printz


      I've never had this kind of anxiety. If I need to get someone's attention, I just call them directly. What does make me feel a bit uneasy is when others are calling me by my name. It usually means they want my attention immediately.

  10. It's too distracting with my OCD. :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Memfis


      Thanks TimeOfDeath, works for me too!

      I need to use numpad numbers because that way I can study in Anki in a more relaxed pose (no need to reach far for the other numbers).

      I think most people use the term OCD half-jokingly. They find it weird how a tiny little thing can be so distracting so they exaggerate (wow this word is hard to spell) the situation to present it in a funny fashion.

    3. RestlessRodent


      OCD is needing to wash your hands after touching or being touched by infected things, since there are more infected things than uninfected things.

    4. Memfis


      But really I probably have OCD or some similar thing. Sometimes I'm required to count the number of letters in a word I've just read. Also when leaving the kitchen I often feel the need to touch the refrigerator to check whether it's fully closed or not, even if I'm 100% sure it is. Or if I touch my left nostril for some reason, I might feel forced to touch the right one as well to "complete" the action. I'm not too too crazy about this and when I'm conscious about it I usually can fight it, but there is definitely something there.

  11. I just want to say that I laughed my ass off at that whole password thread. Especially the part where dew did a noble thing but it was turned against him, I didn't expect that plot twist at all! Fucking hilarious. :D

    1. Show previous comments  57 more
    2. 40oz


      Its like a car crash, its so awful but I can't look away.

    3. frithiof


      Maes said:

      So, what do I think it means?

      How would I know?

      All I know is that the actual definition does not match up with how you were using it.

      40oz said:

      Its like a car crash, its so awful but I can't look away.


      When I was a truck driver, I remember when I "accidentally" ran over a motorcyclist (I was found not guilty); it was one of the greatest feelings ever. I know exactly how you feel, bro. :)

    4. Bloodshedder


      Congratulations on ruining yet another thread (not that it had much promise to begin with)

    it's UAC_DEAD with "UAC" changed to "SJW" on crates, computer terminals, etc
  12. In uTorrent when I set a high priority for one of the files, it downloads like 95% of it but then concentrates on the other files instead. So the trick is to set all other files to "don't download" and only then will it agree to download that one file first. When I get it fully, I resume the other files.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. wildweasel


      Maes said:

      Transmission, which comes with Ubuntu by default (I think), is all that uTorrent claimed to be, and more.

      A well-served torrent download has many advantages over a file hosting service's download link, which is anything but direct.

      I'm more of a Deluge kind of person, to be honest; that one does happen to be available for most (all?) major OSes and has a layout very similar to older uTorrent.

      And yes, torrents are extremely useful for larger files (especially OS distribution DVD images), and have the distinct advantage that the more people are connected to a given torrent, the faster it'll go*, as opposed to just hammering the HTTP/FTP for all it's worth and killing all bandwidth.

      * I'm aware this is an extreme oversimplification of how the bittorrent protocol works.

    3. printz


      Isn't there a barebones free-software command-line (without UI, just with config file) daemon for managing torrents already?

    4. Maes


      Apparently, there is. And yeah, the question made me curious enough to google it.

    A long, inventive and highly engaging level from the best period of Doom mapping. For modern skill a bit too many powerups. Also some puzzles might require wallhumping and there is a death trap just before the exit switch.
  13. Memfis


    Absolutely legendary. Perhaps the most amazing thing about it is the fact that it actually still plays well! Of course you can exit in 2 seconds if you want, but try to get 100% kills and you'll realize that it's quite a challenge, especially if you're not so good at punching.
  14. Memfis


    Very strong ominous atmosphere, impressive large scale architecture, great somewhat nontraditional texture usage, satisfying gameplay with many tough monsters, interesting music. Fantastic work.
  15. Memfis


    Very entertaining. It's a small courtyard with 4 buildings in it, and the high monster population combined with lack of health items makes it quite a challenge. You really have to act like a sniper to survive.
  16. There is some dude who looks at the latest votes on /idgames every day and always comments on the wads that I commented on, often saying how my rating isn't appropriate. Who are you man?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Marnetmar


      I'm not really seeing it unless the comments replying to you have been deleted. It could very well be BDL.

    3. FireFish


      GhostlyDeath said:

      Those engines either drastically change the game logic, are infected with C++, or have fancy hardware accelerated render systems.

      I almost missed your joke while thinking you might have missed my joke. I hope Memfis did not mis the joke either... or else the joke's on me.

    4. Maes


      Well, I once had a ZDaemon stalker. Some guy from Colombia didn't get my jokes muy buenos, and when I left the server he actually chased me to the next one, and tried to grief/troll my game. Pretty sad, actually, as I now had to fight him as well as the monsters (it was a Sunlust Survival server).

    A preview of a megawad that was never finished due to Quake killing Doom. Maps 01 and 03 are kinda bad but fun in a trashy way, with unpredictable progression\/texturi ng and a good deal of action. 04 and 15 are heavily unfisished and just barely playable for about a minute. You can skip them. Or this whole wad.
  17. Memfis

    RIP-OFF .99

    It's a crazy crazy 1994 level with even crazier graphics and DEHACKED patch. You get to fight Barney, Beavis and others with weird new weapons, I'm not sure if they even work correctly in prboom-plus (I get some overpowered shotgun with unlimited ammo that stuns any monster completely). Play if you want to have a really bizarre experience.
  18. Memfis


    It's a bit painful to get through. There is a non-switch texture you're supposed to press, a lot of action takes place in very cramped spaces and at some point you're supposed to take a green sphere and rush to a specific point where you will absolutely need it to survive. Quality design but too many annoyances. Interesting readme where he is pissed off at Tim Willits for getting into Id with his "mid-quality wads".
    It's a mixed bag that had a pretty decent day. The author was way too obsessed with symmetry and non-SSG combat, however POST has a lot of character, which is created by the new textures, sprites, weird map names and of course the stylish design. I had a good time with it, some fun tense moments due to low HP as well as mysterious moments of confusion. Nice work for 1996.
  19. Memfis

    Flood Mines

    I liked it. Took me some time to figure out that the arch-vile I got rid of was supposed to help me = suicide time! Then I died to a rising revenant trap. On the third attempt I succeeded but it wasn't easy even with all the health and ammo surplus, especially when the devilish blue skull key refused to be picked up and almost starved me to death. Not a trivial map, some cute ideas here and there.
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