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Everything posted by Memfis

    Now this is interesting: two challenging levels with modern style traps and high monster counts, there is even a slaughter arena. Starts can be annoying if you don't know where to look for the weapons though.
    Classic trick with a middle texture, you've probably seen it used in e.g. Requiem map16.
    What a horrendous midi of Kraftwerk's "Robots"! The map starts out as a typical prison escape scenario and then turns into a randomly textured mess. Low ammo made it kind of fun and challenging but goddamn that midi...
    It's an adventure level in the sense that each room looks unique and uses a different texture set. With lots of classic sound replacements ("swallow this", "hail to the king baby"...) and a cool Axel F midi, I found it an enjoyable 3 minute romp. It also replaces all songs from Doom 2 with Pearl Jam, Metallica, Eye of the Tiger, the X-Files theme, etc.
  1. Memfis


    Looks interesting at first sight, then you realize that it's just a few rooms copypasted six times or so. Visually interesting but who would want to play this?
    Early marble castle level. Quite confusing with all the corridors, lifts, teleporters and semi-hidden doors but has what they call a clean design. Lots of unnecessary powerups. Probably more interesting historically than as a level on its own.
    Yeah, very average and basic... Nothing really interesting happens, just some mildly cool visual details to look at.
  2. Memfis


    It uses some zero-tagged SR doors, so use the "linedefs w/o tags apply locally" setting if playing in prboom-plus.
  3. This week in TNS: Doomworld Mega Project 2014, a world where quality control doesn't exist and everything is accepted. And it's actually pretty good! For the most part...Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoom070PWADs: DMP2014v4, DMP2014v4-memfix1Maps: map02-12,14-16Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 12th February 2015More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  4. Memfis


    Pretty good, the guy understands what Plutonia is all about: challenge created using low numbers of monsters, interesting set pieces with some non-traditional usage of triggers and effects, ascetic but not empty looking design. Would be interesting to see more levels like this.
  5. Memfis

    United Mod

    One of the most awesome things ever. :D
    3 stars for the description alone.
  6. Memfis

    Complex 867

    There is a VERY tempting jump from the top of the crate maze to the soulsphere. Well, don't do it because you won't get out of that area. :(
  7. Has this ever happened to you? Suddenly you realize that you're breathing "automatically", without putting any effort into it, and then it stops working and you have to breathe by yourself. How do you get out of there? Took me forever to fall asleep last night because of this.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. joe-ilya


      Put a relaxing song, or put a fan in your nose to keep you breathing.

    3. Pedro VC

      Pedro VC

      It happened to me once, also preventing me from sleeping. I thinks it's OCD related.

    4. printz


      geekmarine said:

      Of course, I suppose that's tricky when you're trying to sleep and the whole point is you're trying not to think about anything.

      I think that's wrong. Whenever I'm ready to fall into sleep, I start thinking about random, dreamy things. Their purpose is to ease my way into dreamland, preventing me from consciously going all OMG, I'm soon gonna lose conscience for a few hours, don't let that happen.

  8. This week the TNS crew will go through Rush: a bunch of slaughter maps by Archi set in various locations, including snowy mountains, hellish shrines, mysterious structures in the void and more.Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoom070PWADs: rush, tnsskins1aMaps: map01-map11Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 BST @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EDT @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 7th August 2014More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  9. For this week we have two wads in store: End Game, a nice classic style episode; and Nilla Doom, which might remind you of Hell Revealed's gameplay.Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoom070 PWADs: EndgNilTNS, sprfix14, tnsskins1aMaps: map01-map15Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 BST @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EDT @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 17th July 2014More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  10. "One Bloody Night" is a collection of early levels by Erik Alm of the "Scythe" fame. Come this Thursday and find out what's so bloody about it! It's only 9 levels, which means we'll have time to try all sorts of crazy gameplay settings.Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoom070PWADs: bldnight, sprfix13, tnsskins1aMaps: map01-map09Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 BST @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EDT @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 19th June 2014More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  11. why waking up feels like the worst thing in the world?
    after waking up i can feel like shit for hours
    doesn't make sense imo, i thought sleeping is supposed to restore your powers and stuff
    yet after waking up i feel weaker than at any other point in time
    makes no sense, buggy nature mechanics imo

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. printz


      If I sleep enough (which I rarely do nowadays :|) I wake up healthy. Otherwise, all the day I feel sleepy and weak.

      I'm trying to break out of a procrastination habit, where I just open my laptop and browse nothings on the Internet after I wake up, until noon.

      If I wake up the night's sleep after the noon (like 1 or 2 pm) that sounds like an illness to me.

      I have no problems with the afternoon sleep, though I prefer to avoid it because it disrupts my pattern. But otherwise it's the most pleasant sleep, quick to come and full with dreams, and I wake up like a new man. However if I don't sleep that enough, I risk waking up dizzy.

    3. Creaphis


      I'm the only person who voted good?

      I agree with all of 40oz's rules, and I feel good as long as I go to bed and get up early enough. I have to get up at 6:30 for work anyway, and I try to schedule stuff in the mornings on my days off just to force myself out of bed, because when I sleep in is when I feel shitty.

      Going to bed on time can be a struggle, that's true. It helps that I've gotten bored of all of my late night time-wasters.

    4. GreyGhost


      The best I can manage in the morning is "ok", rheumatism's a bitch. :(

  12. Sadly this Thursday isn't April 1st, so we can't run Cleimos 2 just for laughs. Have 1killtng instead - 22 classic style levels with high monster counts, promising a good time in multiplayer. Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoom070PWADs: 1killtng, sprfix13, tnsskins1aMaps: map01-15,31-32,16-20Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 BST @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EDT @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 3rd April 2014More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  13. This week the TNS crew is going to Mars. We will go through the usual UAC bases, explore some weird, often humorous anomalous areas, and ultimately fight Bill Gates himself... Marswar is an old charming megawad with most levels made in 1995. Since it is rather easy by modern standards, fast and 2x powerful monsters will be enabled right from the start.Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoom PWADs: tnsskins1a, marsw301, sprfix13Maps: map01-map32Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 27th February 2014More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  14. This week we are going to take a look at the newly released "Flashback to Hell" by Vordakk. It consists of 15 nicely designed levels inspired by Doom 2, plus two bonus maps. A stripped-down version without the new sounds will be used since not everyone likes them. Skill: Ultra Violence IWAD: doom2 or freedoom PWADs: fth666nosounds, tnsskins1a, sprfix13 Maps: map01-15,31,32 Lives: 1 Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USA Date: 6th February 2014 More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  15. Esta noche vamos a jugar... oh wait, wrong language. Garrulo is a wad designed by Eyedecul, a Spanish player, which features 32 levels with some decent architecture and challenging gameplay and several nostalgic music tracks. Its design improves and gets better as you go on, and provides a good oldschool experience. Join us tonight as we fight through this pack. ¡Adelante, amigo!Skill: Ultra ViolenceIWAD: doom2 or freedoomPWADs: tnsskins1a, garrulo, garrulo-coopfix2Maps: map01-map32Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, EuropeUS session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 9th January 2014More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  16. This week we will take a look at Freedoom, a free Doom 2 IWAD replacement. Opinions on its new sprites and sounds are divided, so we decided to not use them. We might, however, use another sprite wad to give the game a Christmas feel. So don't be surprised if you see a revenant with a Santa hat on...Skill: Ultra ViolencePWADs: freedoom-nosprites-nosounds, tnsskins1a, tns124Maps: map01-map31Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 26th December 2013More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  17. This Thursday we are going to explore Stomper by Paul Zarczynski. It's an unfinished megawad (the author seems to have lost interest in Doom mapping) containing 23 fully playable maps with rich nonlinear layouts, an interesting mix of classic and modern design styles and a bunch of new graphics that give the levels a unique look. Skill: Ultra Violence PWADs: stomper, stomper-memfix1, miekskins-r3, tskins1e, tns120 Maps: map01-04,06-07,10-18,20,22,24-26,31-32,36 Lives: 1 Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EST @ DUI - New Jersey, USA Date: 28th November 2013 More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
  18. This compilation contains 21 maps from 2006, and most are quite long. Here are just some of them: e6y3, CrossFire, Songs of the Damned, Blowup, Balls, Palace of Nemrac. Prepare for a hot and spooky Halloween night!Skill: Ultra ViolencePWADs: tnsc2006, tnsskins1a, sprfix13, tns116Maps: map01-map21Lives: 1Euro session: 19:00 GMT @ [L@P] - Germany, Europe US session: 19:00 EDT @ DUI - New Jersey, USADate: 31st October 2013More Details...Get ZDaemon and join in.
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