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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Memfis

    Forsaken Overlook

    Epic fantasy adventure accompanied by a very fitting soundtrack. The gameplay is somewhat tedious/grindy at the start, it encourages cautious camping tactics instead of something fun and dynamic. It gets better though, with some exciting traps in the second half. Worth a look.
  2. Memfis

    Forseen Version 3

    shooting at monsters in front of you in cramped, weirdly shaped and kinda randomly textured flat rooms. I liked how the key is hidden, had me running around thinking the map is broken. :)
  3. Memfis

    Frozen Inferno

    Great use of ice/snow textures, fun fights and traps. Sweet.
    The castle is nice and complex but unbearably confusing, prepare to open doom editor every 30 seconds unless you enjoy humping walls.
  4. Memfis

    Still Kickin'

    Eh, very boring rail shooter gameplay and the main rock texture is really weird, just what the hell is that supposed to be? Not recommended.
  5. Memfis


    Yes, the cave part is really annoying, hard to see even with gamma correction 4. The other two areas are pretty neat.
  6. Memfis


    Symmetry and repetition rule this map but the gameplay is pretty decent, some good traps.
  7. Memfis

    Waste Site

    I quit after 10 minutes, couldn't stand all the shotgun vs tough monsters action. At least there was an obvious secret berserk I was able to have some fun with but I couldn't use it against spiders and cacos for example... Not good.
  8. Memfis

    Nutty Shells

    Design-wise it's pretty nice, a cool mix of many areas from Doom 2. But the gameplay is kinda boring: you get all weapons and heaps of rockets/plasma but the opposition mainly consists of imps and zombies. Worth playing just to spot all the homages and to look at the clever ways of connecting areas.
  9. Memfis

    The Rooms Of Hell

    Haha, this is hilarious. You blast your way through a few rooms with ridiculous numbers of enemies, often stuck in each other. Killing everything is clearly impossible so your only hope is to get to the next powerup before your health goes to zero. Too bad that after the third room that powerup is always a green sphere so any elements of strategy disappear completely. Also, reaching the end seems to be impossible and it's not like there is an exit awaiting you anyway.
  10. Memfis


    This was a very painful experience. Awfully cramped map with very limited ammo/health and many cruel traps. I can appreciate the design but I'm unable to enjoy playing this map, it's very frustrating.
    Uh, I dunno, most if this is just literally smaller versions of the iwad maps with nothing interesting or creative done to them. Some little design decisions here and there are kind of neat but overall I feel like there is little point in these levels. Only for huge fans of doom2.wad.
    Fun short, sometimes a bit challenging maps. Good for casual play, as well as speedrun. Nothing exceptional or new but it's a very nice wad with a lot of variety.
    Nice looking linear E1 style map. I noticed two visual flaws: part of one building magically disappears when viewed from a certain spot, and at one point you can see the sky repeat vertically (so there are mountains above the clouds). The gameplay... well, let's just say that picking up the blue key was the most challenging part for me. :)
  11. Memfis


    Simple and featureless, with plain large rooms and "mazes". A big portion can be skipped.
  12. Memfis


    Very very easy by modern standards but amazing for 1994 indeed.
    it's garrulo.wad map04
  13. Memfis


    Good fortress map. First thing I noticed is that it seems the author was aware of the "pressing switches from below" trick because the decorations in the first area are placed so that you can't do that. Next thing I liked was the 64-wide maze. Wait, what? Yeah, believe it or not but having to worry about the radiation suits actually made it exciting. I'm running out of space here so I'll just say that this is an interesting and somewhat challenging map with a clever use of damaging floors.
    Open a door, see some monsters in the next room, kill them from the entrance. Repeat 2341 times. Boring.
  14. Memfis


    sexy wad, many exciting traps and the outdoor area is mindblowing. play it now.
    Hated it: EVERYTHING IS A GODDAMN LIFT FFS. It makes for a hectic and challenging gameplay, I'll give it that, but... I dunno, just not my thing.
  15. Memfis


    Very "meh" gameplay and the level is quite long. These two things combined didn't leave a good impression on me. The visuals are nice I guess, although they're high quality rather than imaginative. Not a great map but a least the reactor area is cool. Too bad it is followed by a boring timed battle, the map should just end in the reactor.
  16. Memfis


    Very "house.wad"ish, was sort of fun but when I died I had absolutely no intent to try again. I don't quite understand what the third reviewer is talking about: what's so special about the toilets in this wad? They make as much sense here as in any other house wad, no?
  17. Memfis


    Very very basic map with only one main wall texture (some other textures are used for switches, doors, steps, that's about it), two or three main floor textures, little to no lighting variation... It isn't exactly BAD but it isn't worth your time I think.
  18. Memfis

    Galilean moons

    First 3 maps are very nice, pretty much perfect E1 experience, but e1m4 is disappointingly full of copy-paste and is overstuffed with monsters. Still great wad overall, definitely worth playing.
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