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Everything posted by Memfis

  1. Idea: map with completely unmarked damaging floors. You just have to remember where they are.

  2. !!!

    In GZDoom Builder 3D mode, try clicking on a wall and moving the mouse.

    Holy crap.

  3. WTF, so in some countries there is a form of school punishment where the student is not allowed to visit the school for a while? Isn't that what everybody wants? Not having to go to school so that you can sit at home and play games all day. Or do students actually want to go to school in civilized countries???

    1. Memfis


      Also I'm doing a translation and I have no idea how to describe the concept in Russian in a way that would sound natural.

    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Yeah, that's kinda typical of Eastern mentality, e.g. Japanese folks. They respect education a lot more than us Slavic assheads.

      Apparently even the Slavic assheads respected education during socialism (that's what my parents told me, heh), but then the 90s came along and ruined everything.

  4. Been wanting to upload some stuff to /idgames for weeks, but when I think about downloading an FTP client, filling the txts and all that stuff... It can wait, right?

    1. Doomkid


      It's so easy once you decide to just do it though! Thinking about it ends up being more effort lol

    2. Memfis


      Thanks for the inspiration. I finally did it.

  5. I've noticed a megasphere on your avatar.

    1. leodoom85


      Yes, a special megasphere.

      I wonder if I want to add more references in the avatar...*thinking*

  6. I've seen quite a few Doomworlders saying that they find this place much better than an average internet community. Is it because it's dedicated to an old game? But there are quite a few younger members as well... Do we have just the right user count for things to work without getting too chaotic? Or did the old guys already establish the etiquette and so now we're following it?
  7. I'm ready to map for Community Chest 5.

    1. BigDickBzzrak


      What are we waiting for anyway? It's been 5 years.


      Summoning @The Green Herring just in case that he, as the cc4 leader, happens to know the answer.

    2. Tristan


      Last I heard, he was very preoccupied with real life stuff, and would be gone from IRC for weeks at a time. That side of IRC has become a tomb though, so I don't know if he's about much now. Hope he's ok.

  8. 373901_original.jpg

    1. SleepyVelvet


      not sure what pic is referencing, but i gotta say that kilts seem like the practical way to go:


      nsfw text:

      For example.  A couple of days ago I rotated in my chair and mega-yanked my right nut in the most unpleasant way.  It's been aching with a dull burn for a few days.  Could have been avoided if I wore a kilt.  Happened a lot of other times throughout life too.  I hope it heals this time too though; it scares me each time.

  9. learned something new about the world today...



    1. Tristan


      Remembered something about the world today :I

    2. Tristan


      I've seen this one for real, I think


  10. Admin, turn on the heating! I'm dying here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TootsyBowl


      It's still 25+℃ here, admin!

    3. Endless


      Crap, it its 31°C here.

    4. Merry Widow

      Merry Widow

      Think I'll play more Doom hellish levels.That always warms me up.

  11. Ahh why is it always imps? OdJdbQ3.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ShoDemo


      What are you imp-lying with this question?

    3. TootsyBowl


      it's the impse


      they're reproducing now

    4. leodoom85


      For slaughter maps, sure those bastards are impatient...

  12. Memfis


    I've always enjoyed this one. For some reason it's just fun to blast monsters in these simple but tastefully decorated rooms, and I like how the central area keeps changing.
  13. Memfis


    The design of Map01 is kinda depressing and hypnotic due to the monotonous lighting and texturing. Map02 is much more technically advanced and enjoyable, with a great sense of 3D in certain areas and more juicier action. If you liked this, make sure to check out Post by the same author, which is his final and best work.
  14. Did my topic about Post Hell go to Post Hell?

    1. Misty


      You asked uncomfortable question, that's why your thread went way.

    2. Yousuf Anik

      Yousuf Anik

      I think so. Maybe it's in Hell now, oh no :(

    3. Kaido
  15. Idea: listen to favorite songs with channels reversed so that they sound fresh again.

    1. Neurosis


      Would putting your headphones on backward achieve the same effect? 

  16. Idea: YouTube channel of a man with multiple personality disorder. Each personality has its own vlog series and sometimes they engage in feuds, etc.

    1. Xyzzу


      That's kinda like James Rolfe except he doesn't have that disorder. The Bullshit Man and Board James interact with the Nerd sometimes, though.

    2. fraggle


      paging littletemple

    3. geo


      Like Catfish! That's more like an imaginary friend for adults because they're so bored they assume the roles and know what they're doing and how to hide it.


      Some with MPD (or disassociate identity disorder) don't know they have it so it would be difficult to get videos without it being an act. Some cannot function in society while others can. Like they wouldn't be able to do a video because they'd be too busy having personalities take over and chances are those personalities will be so wildly different from one another.


      James Rolfe just has characters... like Kurt Russel or any other actor.

  17. Idea: verbose version of Repercussions of Evil.

    1. dew


      John Stalvern waited with all the power of his tall, muscular build and beautiful flowy hair. The old and poorly maintained gas discharge lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air in an annoyingly erratic yet repeating rhythm, making John wonder how negligent a company can get with their own budget if they don't even invest in the cheap and reliable luminescent technology of the modern age. There were demons in the base. He didn’t quite see them because of the eye damage he gradually contracted by working under such unsatisfactory lighting conditions for an extended period of time, but had expected them now for years. His highly rational and well researched warnings to Cernel Joson, a laughably stereotypical bureaucrat who greased his way with nepotism and sucking up throughout his entire career, were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway, later than anyone could've imagined, although on the other hand it was hard to tell what time it actually was with the faulty dim lighting inside of the base.

  18. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/kaiser_12


    Advanced engine needed  : (BOOM, PRBOOM, ZDOOM, LEGACY, EDGE, RISEN3D, ETERNITY)


    Man, remember when readme files used to look like this? What happened to Doom ports?

    1. Doomkid


      The current batch just have different names. Zdoom, PrBoom, Zandronum, ZDaemon, Odamex, Eternity, Doom Retro, Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, etc etc.. I don't think there's a shortage :)

  19. Hmm, I disabled AdBlock for a moment to check the likes on some stuff I wrote.

    1. Benjogami


      Uh oh, soon you'll be addicted and pumping pure, refined likes into your arm.

    2. Linguica
  20. Memfis

    Space Inferno

    A pleasant newbie level that suffers from autoalign abuse and abundant symmetry a little bit. There is a dynamic midi included and I like how at times the map suddenly gets more violent than you would expect. The theme is some sort of a futuristic base and it's reasonably nice to look at, with some good color and lighting contrast. I beat it in 6 minutes.
  21. Memfis

    Deadly Squared

    A detailed and densely populated techbase. Your main weapons are shotgun and chaingun, although there is also a cleverly hidden bonus plasmagun. The level sort of unfolds as you keep going and there is a cute checkerboard floor made out of the SLIME flats that I don't recall seeing before. It's good fun and it only takes about 5 minutes to finish. Works well with IDMUS25.
  22. Memfis


    You spawn in your bedroom with a computer and everything, kill one hell knight, and exit.
  23. Memfis

    Dens of Borsippa

    Paul Corfiatis is one of these veteran authors that lately seem to engage in sort of recreational mapping, meaning that they aren't challenging themselves to innovate and instead just stick to the old techniques that have been working well enough for many years, presumably because it allows them to relax and simply have a good time with the editor. If you want to see more post-WOS Pcorf, get this file.
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