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About Russell_P

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  1. I don't know of any tutorials. I tend to bash my head against the zdoom wiki until I figure things out. Failing that I go and find a mod that does what I want and then use that as an example. I'm very rusty on some of this stuff, but I had a pickup in doom raider that executed a script. Here's the DECORATE code, you should hopefully figure it out from that. ACTOR ProtectionAmulet : CustomInventory 19121 { Inventory.PickupMessage "Amulet of protection" Inventory.Icon "ST_AMUL" +INVENTORY.FANCYPICKUPSOUND +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP +COUNTITEM Inventory.PickupFlash none States { Spawn: AMUL A 12 //Bright AMUL B 6 Loop Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ProtectionArmour",1) TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("blueFlash", 0) Stop } } edit: Try this ACTOR Medikit2 : CustomInventory { Inventory.PickupMessage "myMessage" +INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP States { Spawn: AMUL A 12 //change this to whatever your sprites are AMUL B 6 Loop Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Medikit",25) //assuming this is a medikit variant and you want the same effect TNT1 A 0 ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("myScript", 0) Stop } } ...I seem to remember that only classses that inherit from CustomInventory can have pickup states. If I'm wrong then I'm overcomplicating the whole thing
  2. Off the top of my head.... assuming you are only spawning one Medikit2 and only the player can pick it up (and it's single player...maybe) int aTag = UniqueTID(); do{ delay(1); int x = GetActorX(0) + 200.0; int y = GetActorY(0); int z = GetActorZ(0); } until (Spawn("Medikit2",x,y,z,aTag,0)); //might want a delay here? while ( ThingCountName("Medikit2", aTag) > 0 ) { delay(1); } //then put your wanted code here or ACS_Execute to start the desired script Or do it in DECORATE, making the class execute a specified script on pickup.
  3. Here in the UK we use to have a TV program called Tomorrows World. It ran from 1965 to 2003 and looked at new and upcoming technologies, always through rose-tinted goggles no matter how unfeasible or flawed the idea was. In the late 90's they featured an item on a virtual reality prototype, which was basically a large transparent hollow sphere the user stood in whilst viewing images projected onto the outside of the sphere. The demonstration showed used a monster-less e1m1 as the environment in which user moved around, or should I say 'shuffled' around. I've been telling my friends about this for years, but could never find any evidence of its existence. Not remembering it's name didn't help. I'd got to the point where I was beginning to ask myself whether I had imagined the whole thing. But no, it did exist and I've finally found proof. Judging from the video though, I wouldn't want to spend too much time in something like that without having concern for my hearing. Wireless controllers and headphones would be a wise idea, but this was the 90's (....actually I'm not sure when these first became available). Anyway, I present to you the 'Cybersphere'........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGVu7pWQIrs
  4. I made a Wrack map, but it suffered from the most severe case of 'mapping creep' I've ever encountered and ended up being absolutely huge. By the time I finished it nobody was interested in Wrack anymore (or at least most of the community had moved on). https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1086544456
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