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John Smith

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About John Smith

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    not hobbs

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  1. And I'm doing fuck all. Wish I could at least get drunk, but alas. Anyways, what are you fags doing?

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    2. Butts


      heh, nice! is that a mask or is it painted on? link looks ready to save himself a princess!

    3. Creaphis


      VileSlay said:

      One of my roommates saw me playing a freeware game today that uses some sprites of Link from The Legend of Zelda, and he asked me, "Who's that guy with the sword?"

      He was deadly fucking serious. And HE OWNS A NES.

    4. VileSlay


      Butts said:

      heh, nice! is that a mask or is it painted on? link looks ready to save himself a princess!

      the forehead, nose and ears are latex appliances made by woochie. wasn't very happy with the forehead though. I prolly could've done without it or made something better if I had the time and money. the rest is makeup and my own beard.

      @Creaphis: Yikes!!! he should be banned from gaming for life.

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