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The Green Herring

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About The Green Herring

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  1. Speaking of commercial IWADs, WAD Rule #2 on the idgames archive has just been updated today not only to clarify what it means, but to also provide instructions for using SLADE to ensure that your WAD complies with the rule. There have been a number of cases where "unmodified resources" from the commercial games targeted by uploads were accidentally included due to inheriting them from certain texture packs, and this revision should go a long way to averting headaches for uploaders. The revised rule reads as follows: If anyone is wondering, the special case example at the end is in specific reference to the lostres texture pack, which unfortunately had to include every frame of NUKAGE and BLOOD in order to restore their unused fourth frames due to how animated flats work in the Doom engine. Have a good day, and happy uploading!
  2. Hi, Alongside everything that everyone else brought up here, I'd like to focus on one thing in particular: if you are to start a community project of this magnitude, it would be best to wait till you have experience in leading community projects. I made many mistakes myself running Community Chest 4 that caused it to be dragged out for years, and I'd been in the community for only about a couple years at the point when it started. You've only been in this community, it seems, since June of this year. The best course of action would be to not repeat history, and save a huge project (let alone Community Chest) for when you have a wealth of knowledge of project management under your belt, rather than bust out a huge project with just a few months' presence in the community to your name. There's a reason Community Chest 5 hasn't been started in all this time: it takes some serious time, effort and patience to run a project like Community Chest without it crashing and burning or being dragged out to an absurd extent, and I haven't been able to do much in terms of planning because, long story short, life was kind of rough to me for the past half-decade. So, there's some consultation from the last person to run a Community Chest about running Community Chest. I would have appreciated if you asked them for that consultation before trying to start the project, but there's some consultation nonetheless. If I were you, I would put this on the back burner, wait till you have much more experience, and then ask them again. I would much prefer to transfer leadership of a series to someone who has the project management experience to take it on and who makes the effort to communicate with me directly to discuss the idea first, rather than someone rather new to the community who announces "I'm starting this soon" as the second post of a thread about the idea of the project, and then tries to start the project, all without saying a word to me even privately. After all, a person rushing headlong into starting a project without discussing it with me first is another part of why 4 dragged on as far as it did, as while that person had at least already been recruited as a co-leader beforehand, I was forced to run the project without as much planning as I could have, alongside someone who demonstrated little consideration for teamwork in the few months they were involved.
  3. With the release of this pack, I've uploaded renders of my track "Impending End" to SoundCloud. Original Microsoft GS version: Roland SCVA-55 version in SC-55 mode: Click through to the SoundCloud pages for each song for composer's commentary!
  4. Awesome work in rebranding PrB+ into a speedrunning port and adding features for that very purpose. However, I tried out that compiled binary for a bit and I get a signal 11 (segmentation violation) the instant I take any damage from nukage. I wonder if there's something amiss in the floor-damage code...
    A short, L-shaped hallway filled with monsters, followed by a joke text screen and cast roll. 'Nuff said. Signed, the Guy Who Accepted This File to the Archives
  5. Late last April, new files stopped appearing on the idgames archive, leading to mounting concern about maintainer Ty Halderman's well-being. The following month, in late May, a visit by a Doomer in Ty's native New Orleans confirmed that he was alive but hospitalized. That same month, Bill Koch (Bloodshedder) and Eric Baker (The Green Herring) were recruited as interim maintainers to keep the idgames archive running. Today on the forums, a close relative confirmed that Ty Halderman died on July 31, surrounded by his family. We have no reason to believe that this information is fabricated. As maintainer of the most important part of the Doom community, Ty Halderman was the reason over 20 years of custom levels and mods remain available today. As part of TeamTNT, he contributed to TNT: Evilution from the Final Doom package among other WADs, and was one of the main programmers of the source port Boom, which set a new standard for custom level design that remains today. Needless to say, Ty Halderman was not called an "essential pillar of the community" for nothing. For all of this and more, he received the Espi Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Cacowards just last year. The work he did for this community is immeasurable, and his loss devastating. We at Doomworld offer our condolences to Ty Halderman's family, and would like to thank him for his efforts in keeping the central archive of the Doom community alive. He will be missed by us all.
  6. The Green Herring


    This level's ZIP file, until June 2015, was overwritten by a 1995 level with the same name (now sewer2.zip, ?id=1366). It's a small level congested with zombies and imps whose alleged difficulty is made moot by countless health, munitions and invulnerability spheres. An unmarked door must be found to win. It's also got two different places where you can trap yourself by pressing an ill-placed door trigger. It's a poor piece of work, but at least it's properly archived again.
  7. After four years of development, Community Chest 4 was finally released on August 17, 2012. As of today, it now has a page on Doomworld's /idgames Archive database. As per tradition, it is a full megawad for Doom II created by members of Doomworld. This time around, these 20 designers include Jenesis creator James "Jimmy" Paddock; Speed of Doom co-creator Josh Sealy; veteran designers Paul Corfiatis and Kristian Aro; Mapper of the Year winners Dutch Devil, Mechadon, and skillsaw; and level design legend Adam Windsor. You may play it with any Boom-compatible source port that supports increased SEGS, including PrBoom-plus, the Eternity Engine, and ZDoom.
  8. So, yeah, I'm 25 now (Feb. 16). No new "Year" series level today, I'm afraid. Still, happy birthday to me. Here's to another year in this community! :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WH-Wilou84


      Happy birthday, TGH ( & Memfis ) :)

      25 certainly felt like a mliestone to me.

      The Green Herring said:

      No new "Year" series level today, I'm afraid.

      A pity. Hopefully next year you'll have more time / motivation.

    3. Bucket


      printz said:

      I believe that's the age when someone skinny starts to inevitably grow in fat, right?

      Depends. Are you skinny because you exercise every day, or because you have a typical teenage metabolism that runs as hot as a nuclear reactor? If you're the latter, like me, then yes. You will start expanding at 25 and it won't stop until you do something.

    4. DuckReconMajor


      Or stop doing something. Namely eating.

      Happy birthday Green Herring!

  9. After over four years, Erik Alm has finally completed Scythe 2, a megawad which won a Cacoward in 2005, even in an unfinished state with three of the levels missing. It is now a full, 32-level megawad, and numerous bugfixes have been made to the previously existing levels. This new version can be downloaded from any idgames/ mirror you wish, and can be played with any limit-removing source port. Don't miss it!
  10. Plutonia 2, the unofficial sequel to The Plutonia Experiment from Final Doom, was started in 2000, but had not seen the light of day for years. After eight years of development, however, it has finally been released. Click here to download the megawad. It is playable on all vanilla-compatible ports, but requires The Plutonia Experiment IWAD to play. The package also includes a desktop icon, as well as an additional text file with extensive details about the megawad and its team. Go 4 it, lads! Happy new year!
  11. After more than a year's worth of work, Community Chest 3 has been completed. Like the previous Community Chest, it requires a Boom-compatible source port, and features 32 maps by members of the Doom community. It can be downloaded here at Andy Leaver's Doom Projects. EDIT (11/26/2007): A hotfix has been released that fixes errors in a few maps, along with some other changes. Use the same link as before to download it.
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