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Everything posted by vdgg

  1. I don't think so, these spawned monsters don't interfere with the "originally placed" ones and very rarely are threatening. Actually I think I woke it later than Andy. I realized afterwards, from @galileo31dos01 casual max, than you can postpone it until the exit opening switch by using a tunnel I missed. It probably loses time, though. I also realized afterwards that I could save 10 seconds by rocket jumping to that switch (with green armor I need to be close to 100% health, and I had full health in my 6:13 run). I don't think I want to play it again, however :)
  2. A little bump so maybe new people will join. I am still playing this quite frequently, >3 days per week, however I see very little competition lately.
  3. Wow, what a journey! Low health after 8 mins = unbelievable.
  4. Featuring my map was quite unexpected. Also, @RjY actually guessed, wow. Old FDAs are welcome! If it were someone else's map, who knows, maybe I would be swearing at the stupid mapper and his plasma gun placement. As the author I will still claim it was brilliant. By the way, it is worth checking how @Bdubzzz dealt with that in his UV Max
  5. Castle Of Eternal Carrot in the Sky @Fredrik
  6. Commander Keen: I see two Commander Keens here, one is driving an excavator or something, the other a broken bicycle. The colours are spot on! Former human 2 takes on "Halls of Insanity" (Memento Mori MAP11) P.E.T. Rescue; name of a map from Icarus. I was secretly hoping the AI would solve the acronym P.E.T. for me, but no :-( Polygon Base Sanctuary of Filth x 3
  7. So what is the best approach if I wanted to record a new demo? Just an advanced port (PrBoom+, DSDA Doom) with complevel 2 so it will playback with these ports? Is it the same map issue as bldnight MAP05?
  8. this one has great design and it is really funny. Map05 is pure joke, some others have humorous elements here and there...
  9. Vaporware demos require Eternity v4.01.00 or newer, maybe it's worth it adding it to Ports section?
  10. missing poll options: "who cares/ no difference", and "I don't listen to midis when playing doom" :-P
  11. Cool. At map03 I was saying 'hang on, how he did that, is it a new trick?' but no, it's just the advantage of playing continuous :). map06 is very hard to survive, so well done!
  12. This is an example from strain.deh Basically you repeat the original text and insert your own. Now, vanilla, chocolate need a separate .deh file while most of the ports can just read this info directly from the WAD, from DEHACKED lump.
  13. @NuMetalManiak thanks for making these. Fascinating layouts! I think I am not good at this but let's see Without hints Hints didn't help much...
  14. MAP12 UV Speed in 3:27 @Z0k @Fonze th12-327.zip
  15. I may be the only one who is not doing these in built demos, [MF50 SL50 TR10], but always reduces SL/SR to 40 on turns. I know Andy Olivera also did this and I saw a pair of occasional demos by others (Looper?), but I guess most people are fine with that. Before the era of built runs it was good habit to write in the txt "strafe-50 is always ON" (e.g. Akse). See these posts.
  16. Biggest time improvement WAD Map Category Orig. Player Orig. New Diff New Player mm2 map14 tyson vdgg 48:05 27:10 20:55 xit-vono collect3 episode 1 uv max Michael Novikov 42:52 22:32 20:20 ELMLE mm2 map10 tyson Aqfaq 56:31 36:44 19:47 xit-vono kmetl_10 map01 uv max Andy Olivera 26:45 7:42 19:03 Revved 10secto2 map07 uv max Donatas Tamonis 46:03 28:10 17:53 cryoniq plutonia map31 tyson xit-vono 37:22 20:56 16:26 j4rio Biggest time improvement (%) WAD Map Category Orig. Player Orig. New Diff % New Player wadpak3 E1M3 nm speed Never_Again 0:01 0:00 0:01 inf Keyboard Doomer dmapoc E1M1 uv speed TGH 2:54 0:08 2:46 95 mhrz (also Pacifist and Reality) icarus MAP05 nomo 100 Unknown 6:25 1:09 5:16 82 Revved heretic E5M3s BP speed QWERTY 0:51 0:10 0:41 80 4shockblast rage_11 E1M1 uv speed Bob9001 1:11 0:16 0:55 77 Tezur0 sbspd013 MAP07 nm speed Donatas Tamonis 1:27 0:24 1:03 72 Revved raven MAP06 uv max Andy Olivera 13:51 3:56 9:55 72 Hitherto kmetl_10 map01 uv max Andy Olivera 26:45 7:42 19:03 71 Revved .
  17. THT: Threnody MAP12 UV Max in 50:50 th12-5050.zip
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