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Everything posted by vdgg

  1. Caverns of Darkness MAP04? @SilverMiner
  2. @A.H. Sankhatayan yes, correct, that was easy I guess :)
  3. MAP20, infamous tree thanks to which I skipped this map and returned to it many years later
  4. vdgg

    Rim - The Colony

    I like the aesthetics. This could have been a great map with some cacos/lost souls/barons/cyberdemons, or even better, Doom II monsters. If I were responsible for item placement, I would place at least 150 monsters there, but as it has 33 (zombies and imps), it's too easy.
  5. One thing for sure, they tried to alternate Milo/Dario maps: there is never a streak of three maps in a row by the same author.
  6. The Great Urban Battle (pc_urban) by @pcorf, UV Max in 36:54 pcurban-3654.zip
  7. Nine pages of goodness, including j4rio's H232 famous death and brilliant comments: EDIT actually the last one is in the HR2 thread
  8. Hold on, @Andromeda, the distance to the blue key when the bridge is low (Xit Vono's trick) in Requiem MAP29 is 192 units and I always thought it was baaarely posible to jump across and it is absolutely the maximum. How can you convince me 4 more units are still possible?
  9. Obviously Deus Vult II MAP19 (gorgeous), Epic II MAP15 (a bit worse IMO, but definitely Vrack style). Bldnight MAP01 is a tiny Vrack 2 - style creation.
  10. To avoid arch-vile resurrection, stand on the corpse. Sometimes prioritize, e.g. 10+ corpses of weaklings and a dead baron, you prefer to stand on the baron's corpse. Requires foreknowledge: stand on the monsters' teleport destination (not on MAP30 :) )An example is Requiem MAP15, a trap near the yellow key. Pinky demons should teleport in front of you and behind you; if you stand on one of their destinations, they only appear in one spot, making survival very easy.
  11. @FEDEX also, https://www.dsdarchive.com/wads/ka_mill
  12. E4M6 UV Speed and Pacifist demos n4e6-220.zip n4e6p256.zip
  13. What @Harpax said is mostly correct except the command-line is wrong. Tnt31.wad contains only one level. If I want to play the whole set starting from MAP01 like this, the rest of the maps will be Doom II maps. I would run it like this in PrBoom+ and most other source ports behave the same. prboom-plus -iwad tnt -file tnt31 -complevel 4 -skill 4 -warp 1 -record xxx With this command line I start on MAP01, if I get the secret exit on MAP15 I get to MAP31 which is correctly patched. Note that prboom-plus doesn't require .wad extension while vanilla/chocolate doom and maybe some other ports do, so if yours fails to start, replace "tnt" with "tnt.wad" and "tnt31" with "tnt31.wad".
  14. Good idea that you used the same version as me; don't get discouraged if the number of downloads is very low, folks that don't have 2.4.1 installed will probably be too lazy to download it just for a 4 second show :)
  15. E4M3 UV Max in 5:39. Managed to get the cyberdemon stuck n4e3-539.zip
  16. Tons of thoughts can be found here, starting from ~page 7:
  17. There's this soulsphere in Obituary, MAP08, that can be easily reached by walking. If you run, you hit your head against the wall. Of course, if you have "always run" on, you still can make it, by tapping the forward button.
  18. Yeah it's a limit-removing WAD, but two players used -complevel 9 before. Now what significant difference is there? IMO it's lost soul limit, so actually -complevel 9 is harder.
  19. I thought I was done with this WAD after completing the UV Maxes but I missed something obvious Beyond Revival MAP05 UV Max in 5:14, MAP05 UV Speed in 1:40 ber5-514.zip ber5-140.zip
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