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Everything posted by vdgg

    A set of maps, carefully tuned for pistol starts, pretty hard/challenging. The maps are rather small and have exactly one secret. There is no stylistic consistency; there are a few bases and castles, caves, hellish maps and so on, everything totally mixed up. I can assume the earlier maps have their slots because they are easier and the later maps - harder. MAP26 is probably the most difficult one. mlm12 reminds me a bit of Going Down, as the levels are small, packed with enemies, and one different from the other. But mind, they are less polished than GD. Some maps have a pretty high 2000's level of detail (the ending corridor from MAP09), some others are much more basic looking (MAP02). IMO they are rather good looking (above average). Bugs/problems: The mapper leaves all the doortracks without "lower unpegged" flag, so they move with the door, I'm sure he knew how to prevent it but he preferred the doors to behave this way. What is more problematic for me: unreliable W1 monster teleports, places where you can get stuck and decorations impeding player's movement, no Boom actions but some maps require -complevel 9 due to traps not working with limit-removing compatibility. Favourite maps: 03,08,17,24,25,26. I would definitely recommend giving it a try: the maps are so different everyone will surely find something that appeal to them.
  1. vdgg


    An excellent techbase which reminds me of The Flange Peddler's maps... or Rex Claussen's. I never get bored of this style. Stone sections look a bit bare, though, without gradient lighting.
    A strong "theme" of sorts, very enjoyable, inspiring
  2. vdgg

    ODESSA12 ("Chambers")

    A hit and miss for me. The red key "structure" is a must-see. The Annoying Steps(tm) maybe also. OTOH there are many completely bland-looking areas, a dark corridor with demons and spectres, the wooden section w/berserk and more. About 80% of the monsters are demons/spectres and imps.
    I had to use automap cheat, but it's only moderately confusing compared to other ODESSA* maps. The gameplay is good! All weapons are present, however, apart from the initial berserk, they are placed in somewhat weird locations.
    I can't call it a good map (quite lame fights and obscure progression), but it has a few pretty/charming and also intriguing parts. A crusher with a sector tag 22 can trap you forever, I think, if you stop it in a wrong moment.
  3. vdgg

    Sheer Poison

    Unorthodox and fascinating
  4. vdgg

    Null Space

    An ambitious level with an emphasis on looks, which, however, did not impress me much. Good stuff with aligned wooden floors. Super slow at the beginning with just a shotgun and heavy monsters, gets much more intense later. Recommended to check it out, though I can't imagine myself playing it more than once per 10 years.
  5. vdgg

    Forgotten Nirvana

    I like the red key placement :)
  6. vdgg

    Vampire 5 or Frodo 5

    E1M1 - awesome, reminds me of Fava Beans. Nice design, many (too many) rockets. E1M9 is average.
  7. vdgg

    The Grim Fortress

    This was very pcorf-like. Good looking, polished, but the style/theme was not too too original.
  8. vdgg

    The Experiment

    Old-school maps, rather "interesting" than "good". I think only MAP07 and MAP13 were excellent. 01 OK, too many crates, 02 Hitscan/no health trolling 03 OK 04 Dull 05 Bullshit 06 SS Soldiers 08 OK, too long 09 Can't be finished 10 Distant chaingunners 11 Fine with bullshit traps 12 Confusing.
  9. Can a former human (green-haired zombieman) defeat a healthy mancubus, when the player cannot directly interfere? No? What about killing an arch-vile with just a pistol and 50 bullets, no cover? It was rwdpa who started a thread which led to speculation about interesting TAS challenges: events which are impossible to do when normally playing Doom, but, when giving experts an infinite number of quicksaves and reloads, or just an opportunity to build each Doomguy's movement tic by tic, they can be accomplished and viewed. Aqfaq started the first challenge thread. Check out the Doom Speed Demos subforum for more. We encourage you to give us ideas, or even create maps. Make sure your task is really impossible with normal play, but theoretically possible.
  10. vdgg

    Exalt not the Wicked

    I adore Rex's techbase texturing. Combat: very easy, finished on first try on UV. Good last few battles.
  11. 2015 is not finished yet, but it has already been a year filled with amazing speedrunning accomplishments. On June 7, Zero Master finished the entire Plutonia Experiment on Nightmare! difficulty in one sitting, no saves or level restarts, with a final time of 43:57. You can watch the video on YouTube, and the demo file can be downloaded in the accompanying forum thread. Until 2002, a few single levels from Plutonia remained undone on Nightmare! Until February this year, not even one single episode (levels 1-10,11-20 or 21-30) from Plutonia had been completed by any speedrunner. Zero Master himself didn't believe the whole run would ever happen. To make the task easier, he invented a whole bunch of new tricks and strategies, carefully planned the run, concentrated on the hardest spots and practiced them, and finally, during the run, meticulously collected all the rockets, cells and power-ups on his way in order to increase his odds of survival. The magnitude of the accomplishment is such that it has bled over into mainstream channels - Kotaku has an article explaining in layman's terms what a feat it is.
    Confusing and very cramped, but overall good.
    I disliked lone barons in big rooms and the very idea of "minibosses". But "3 different maps depending on skill level" concept was well executed here and I adore the layout: it is so easy for me to get confused despite having played this many times. A huge map. Modern looking techbase, very nice.
  12. vdgg


    Fell in love with how MAP03 looked and played... Excellent new texture usage. Wow.
  13. vdgg

    An Affinity For Pain

    Confusing at first. Tested in ZDoom, I believe :( I played in PrB+ vanilla compatibility, taking advantage of lost soul limit, but suffering due to infinitely tall corpses. Classical style, a bit pcorf-like, nice.
  14. vdgg


    My favourite from nosun series, though the CHORD serie was at least one level above that. A non-trivial tag 666 usage, nice visuals (those candles in black windows!). Very linear.
  15. vdgg


    Looks worse than nosun, nosun2, but plays better. No claustrophobia this time. A rather large map with a surprising finale (that "close door" secret rocks!!).
  16. vdgg


    Aesthetically really strong for '97. Way too much strange item placement and traps which you need to learn (or know beforehand).
  17. vdgg

    Going Down

    This was great fun. The ultra-claustrophobic MAP11 was my favourite. Annoying "music", but it's not important.
  18. vdgg


    The flow is excellent. There is plenty of detail and all of it is *stylish* detail. I would go as far as to say this is one of the best single maps for Boom ever.
    It's rare to see these "dumb" Ultimate Doom monsters used in such a creative way. You don't need -fast monsters, -respawn monsters, it's tough without them. Respect.
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