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Everything posted by vdgg

  1. MAP21 NM100 in :20 MAP21 UV Fast in 2:09 MAP23 UV Fast in 5:07 MAP26 UV Max in 1:47 MAP26 NM100 in :31 MAP28 UV Max in 5:35 ic21s020.zip ic21f209.zip ic23f507.zip ic26-147.zip ic26s031.zip ic28-535.zip
  2. 4 Seasons of Doom (may be too easy for you, but who knows? )
  3. MAP18 Tyson in 57:06. I like watching my own demos, but even I feel the need to fast forward some sections p218t5706.zip
  4. Oh, so you don't need a rocket jump to secret #2 and arch-vile jump to another secret?? I love how you approach EVERYTHING a different way than me
  5. MAP13 Tyson in 54:06 p213t5406.zip
  6. FYI this map is the same as 1024.WAD MAP32 and @cryoniq got 3:48
  7. MAP09 Tyson in 28:03. There is a baron kill with 6 berserk punches, which doesn't happen every day :) p209t2803.zip
  8. Very cool, I am thrilled that you enjoy watching them. I may go for dickie04,09,10 at some point but no promises Dickie07 UV Max in 7:49 di07-749.zip
  9. Dickie08 UV Max in 12:31 di08-1231.zip
  10. Dickie05 UV Max in 9:10. Almost all Richard Wiles maps, even the ones before Crusades, are very good! di05-910.zip
  11. Vrack2b UV Max in 18:32 vr2-1832.zip
  12. Vrack2b UV Max in 20:39. DSDA note: it may be worth considering keeping vrack2b.wad as default and adding notes to four demos from 2001, or even make two separate pages for old and new versions. vr2-2039.zip
  13. BERMUDA TRIANGLE for DOOM II UV Max in 23:47. bermuda-2347.zip
    I liked: the opening vista, the sky, the fight near the first rocket launcher, the little touch of lights going off when you approach the invulnerability. But geez, so many hitscanners, so little weapon variety for a map this long...
  14. This is great news indeed. Once it is announced, I will wait a certain grace period of 2/3 weeks, as WADs just happen to have some "this time very final indeed" modifications and then record something, and comment on the maps in my text files, I found this WAD very fun and intriguing at the same time, something I would be proud of pulling off myself.
  15. Heh, so I realized that there is a newer version (1.2) which is NOT at /idgames or DSDA. MAP04 and MAP27 seem not to be affected (no changes). I have no idea, what are we supposed to do now? @Scypek2 thanks for the WAD, now is 1.2 going to be final and uploaded to idgames?
  16. Hello, has -trace_givendamage parameter been completely abandoned or is it replaced with something else?
  17. Speed Villa MAP01 Tyson in 2:25 spdvt225.zip
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