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  1. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Dragonfly for a status update, https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=57781 "I'm starting to think that zdo   
    "I'm starting to think that zdoom is held together with Pritt Stick"
  2. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from TheUltimateDoomer666 for a status update, https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=57781 "I'm starting to think that zdo   
    "I'm starting to think that zdoom is held together with Pritt Stick"
  3. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Mordeth for a status update, Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.   
    Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.png 
  4. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Turbo Saber for a status update, Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.   
    Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.png 
  5. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.   
    Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.png 
  6. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.   
    Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.png 
  7. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.   
    Turok2 now officially has more player's than Odamex! https://puu.sh/wpLb8/a771ebccbe.png 
  8. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from MrSkeltal for a status update, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=899316150   
  9. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Mordeth for a status update, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=899316150   
  10. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Quagsire for a status update, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=899316150   
  11. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Quagsire for a status update, It turns out Nambona was a robot this whole time! https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.p   
    It turns out Nambona was a robot this whole time! https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=55539&start=45#p984281
  12. Like
    Edward850 got a reaction from Yuki Senmatsu for a status update, It turns out Nambona was a robot this whole time! https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.p   
    It turns out Nambona was a robot this whole time! https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=55539&start=45#p984281
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