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About SaladBadger

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  1. I was going to make a blogs post about how I lost somewhere around 80 pounds in the last two years, and perhaps ask for advice on how to avoid snacking since that still happens to be a bit of a problem for me, but when I went to do so, blogs was no longer a thing, so that's not good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SaladBadger


      I've been doing some calorie counting, but I should probably do it more rigorously. Seeing the numbers add up would definitely discourage further snacking, for sure. Thank you for the app recommendation, it looks like a pretty nice one, and I believe my sister is using it or a similar one to great effect.

    3. Ichor


      Actually, you just did make a Blog post. Blogs may not exist anymore as a forum, but the Blogs threads were moved over to the status section.

    4. sesq


      right now i'm in the process of starving myself.


      Not the best option?

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