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About 40oz

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    Banned (but still the Forum Etiquette Expert)
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. "banned (but still the Forum Etiquette Expert)" what does that mean? i was innocently browsing and found this guy through their rank, so what happened?

    1. YouAreTheDemons


      his rank was "Forum Etiquette Expert", then he got his ass banned, and so now he's banned (but still the Forum Etiquette Expert)

    2. Obsidian


      In case you're wondering why he was banned, it was mainly just cumulative little things over the years: getting into fights with staff, releasing one of his more high-profile projects specifically on the day of the Columbine school shooting, things like that. The tipping point was in relation to some cross-forum harassment that he was in a position to stop, but in terms of the ban itself his conduct up to that point (which is incidentally how he got his custom title) had the most bearing on the eventual decision.

    3. shroomie
  2. Biz!

    yo what happened here

  3. Ahh good, just checking to see if he's still the Forum Etiquette Expert.

  4. Wish to see some new WXR episode or a comeback man!

  5. I wish you hadn't been banned.

  6. Much respect Lut, and Linguica. I realize being Administrator's for this forum has grown into a massive and mentally exhausting responsibility. Thanks for doing what you do for so many years.


    I'd like to apologize on behalf of the behavior of people that stormed my recent and ironically titled "People Suck" thread. I'm a trusting person and I've made some amazing friends by assuming the best of people rather than the worst, and I think many people can benefit from adopting a similar philosophy. Skepticism is very healthy and useful in small doses but sometimes it goes wild to the point of xenophobia against perfectly harmless people.

    But most importantly I'd like to apologize on behalf of myself. I don't mean to hurt people. I do say some shit that might be dark to you and pretty normal to me. I don't know how destructive it is until it re-exposes itself, misrepresented in its most cruel and scandalous form in my threads. Its not an excuse to say that without feedback, I'm being denied the ability to help in repairing these damaged relationships. Its in both of our best interests to work this out from where it started, and Lut is right that this is best handled by PMs. 


    I don't know how to respond to people who continue to find reasons to either fight with me or back up the people who do it at the most inopportune times. I've reached out to many of these people to talk to about it privately and I think they'd be concerned about the damage it would do to their reputation if other people got to see their responses in that context.


    I love Doom and its surrounding community and I dream someday that it won't be so difficult to just be yourself AND be a doom fan. 

    1. minigunner


      The best thing to do in this kind of scenario is to identify what you did wrong, and work on resolving that so it never happens again. It seems like you're handling that step, but there's also another thing. Other people may not be as quick to see that as you are. Don't force reconciliation, make your intentions known, then do your best to be good on your part. If people want to mend bridges, and they know you want to, they'll come to you when they trust you enough.

  7. I've always had massive amounts of respect for the Doom community. Growing up, theres was never a game I loved more than Doom, and for years its been the only game I play. Having made maps myself as a means of giving back to the community that continually satisfies my appetite for more Doom, I have an enduring love for anyone who has done their part to keep this game relavent for so long.


    Im very serious about this. Whether its conversations about mapping philosophy and gameplay, ogling at screenshots, participating in peoples projects or events, its all been very stimulating. I couldn't make this up. I have a deep and profound love for all of this. Ive literally wept thinking about Doomers who have passed away. It saddens me when I think of Doomers I've talked to who once shared the same burning flame of optimism for Doom as I have but moved on to do other things.


    All the interesting talks, the hilarious shit shows, the jokes, the demos, the multiplayer, the collaborations, all of it has made everything in Doom so fulfilling to me. I've been late for work, bailed on plans, and have even fought with my wife to write detailed feedback for maps, host a podcast, help with peoples projects, anything i can do to help benefit other doomers. I don't believe I could possibly repay the community for how much good its done for me. I cant find other people who love this game like I do in my normal every day life. Theyre just not around. But they're here. Doom would just be this weird closet thing that I do alone and no one else understands. It would be this huge empty void in my life if this community weren't here.


    I'm being completely up front when i tell you how much i appreciate all of you. Its ok when its not reciprocated. But on numerous occasions in the past few years Ive read more and more posts that suggest I'm really toxic for this place. Maybe its funny, i dont know. But its been feeling very real to me. People I've had great respect for consider me an enemy, people I've always thought to be friends have gone distant, and some people I've never talked to before already despise me. I don't know how many of you are serious when you make posts here that suggest that I'm not one to be trusted, but it really hurts. I don't like to be one to cry for help, but if you're not one of them, please send a message to my PM inbox. I really need it right about now.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Memfis


      Guys... Adblock...

    3. leodoom85


      This is great...talk to one person to start talking shit to another. Settle down your things privately...

    4. Liberation


      C'mon 40oz, ignore the muppets! People spend to much time getting offended by mean tweets and posts when they should be getting on with life... Important things like providing for you family etc, not crying in there pillow between wanking off due to a difference in opinion. 

  8. q7NQgJo.jpg

    1. [McD] James

      [McD] James

      Nobody does malt liquor like Schlitz. Nobody.

    2. Xyzzу


      40 ounces of podcast punch!

  9. R1ck

    found this at my work today, somehow it reminds me of you :p




    Here's a Doom history lesson: This wad is a perfect (and rarely referenced) example of the OMGDETAILZOR mid 2000's era of Doom level design. This wad is especially nostalgic for me because it best represents the time period in which I was most inspired to get involved in mapping for Doom. Sector density and high linedef counts were drooled over. Massive dumps of beautiful screenshots once populated Doomworld forums and welcomed more cynical and artistically inclined visionaries to create worlds out of sectors that rivaled true 3D games that were saturating the market. Many of these screenshots have been lost in the sands of time to downed image hosting services like imageshack and photobucket, and a lot of these mappers come and go within the community. Unfortunately these types of maps take a lot of time and patience to make and many works in progress that were promoted, and highly anticipated at the time will likely never see the light of day. Few mappers who made this kind of stuff are still actively mapping today; this torch carried almost exclusively by mappers such as Viggles, Lutz, Mechadon, tourniquet, and Ed Cripps. More pessimistic Doomer's feared the death of good clean homemade Doomy gameplay, with non linear layouts, emphasis on exploration, and chaotic run n gun gameplay. This wad especially is no exception. At the cost of bumpy floors and grindy gameplay, you get some of the most artistically crafted square rooms and corridors you'll ever find in any wad. Pay respect to the attention to detail applied to every ceiling light, the borders adorning the steps, and every flat surface occupied by a computer terminal. There's no shortage of visual stimulation with every corner you turn. There's a lot to take in if you'll set aside the time to look around and really appreciate the energy and dedication that was put into every insignificant thing. This style of mapping, perhaps, has not held up well to the test of time. It has since been answered to by the birth of vanilla megawads like DTWiD, BTSX, and Reverie, and later by the surfacing of both visually impressive gameplay-centric wads like Sunder, and Vanguard. We've come a long way since then, and fewer people have such long and committed attention spans today than ever before, but a part of me is still hopeful that this nearly-lost mapping culture will rebound in a whole new way. If you like this kind of stuff, you may also be interested in maps by Fredrik Johansson, Ian Cunnings, Tormentor667, AgentSpork, Vader, and Ola Bjorling.
  10. It seems to me that the last ~250 or so doomworld members that signed up here are basically all the same people.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted_Account


      Your next episode should about it!

    3. Alfonzo


      Oh, so that's what you plan to do with all those barrels.

    4. BigDickBzzrak


      "Hmm, *name* and ImpMan11203 have the exact same IP address. What are the odds, huh?" -- Linguica

  11. Posting from Roma, Italy



    1. Avoozl


      I would love to visit Italy one day and try their authentically made Italian food.

    2. leodoom85


      I was in Milano and Venice 2 years ago.....unforgettable man...

    3. valkiriforce


      Awesome man, you made the right choice.

  12. Posting from Barcelona



    1. Doomkid


      That's awesome!

    2. DuckReconMajor


      aw man i was in barcelona right after this

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