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About 40oz

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    Banned (but still the Forum Etiquette Expert)
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Doomworld forums comes with an ignore feature that hides posts by the members who are selected to be on your list. It can be accessed from the user control panel. It doesn't totally hide the fact that the person had posted there, but it does state that the person who posted is being ignored, and only takes up a little space. I've recently been pretty liberal about updating it now and then. The link that says to click to read the post (because sometimes its relevant to the discussion) doesn't seem to work though. Other than that, doomworld forums now has much fewer people who post strictly in the everything else section, have lame opinions about video games and want to talk about the economy and politics and religion (or their lack thereof) and share other rather personal details about themselves that I'd be much better off not knowing. Now browsing through doomworld is a little less taxing on my sanity to read now that I'm reading more about doom and less about stuff that makes me want to kill all of you. That would be all.

    Also in before "40oz is first on my list"

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. TimeOfDeath


      Oh, I didn't realize it was related to java script (I also have js disabled except for email). I didn't do it to read his posts, I always have javascript, images and plugins blocked on this computer to cut down on data usage.

    3. printz


      I'm just dragging the bottom status bar to the right, I'm not that lazy.

    4. Blastfrog


      The problem with scrolling to the right is that his posts are put in a very small column, as opposed to the full window width. It makes it very difficult to read.

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