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  1. How do I search for music like doom's drum and bass tracks that isn't drum and bass? (the genre)



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    2. 40oz


      @Nine Inch Heels I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for. I was thinking more about Doom songs like D_E1M2, D_STALKS, D_THEDA, D_ROMERO, D_ADRIAN, etc. Stuff where the primary instruments in those tracks are drums and a simple bass line. I don't know if there's a named music genre for it, but if there is, I don't know how to search for it.

    3. Tristan


      I've not come across that sort of thing as its own genre. Royal Blood are a duo that are only those two instruments (+vocals) and they're just lumped under various existing rock subgenres.

    4. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels


      Stuff where the primary instruments in those tracks are drums and a simple bass line. I don't know if there's a named music genre for it, but if there is, I don't know how to search for it.

      I'm afraid there isn't a particular genre for that. It isn't groove, or downtempo, or ambient, or chill, or whatever. When you look at D_ROMERO, for example, that resembles Pantera's "This love" or what it was called. In that sense, it is leaning towards metal, despite not being actually metal. So chances are, you're gonna have to look for those things the hard way: Click, and listen.

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