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Everything posted by 40oz

  1. Last night, up till 10pm watching music videos on YouTube.

    Go to bed, wife locks doors and joins me shortly after returning from the King of Prussia Mall. She came home in her friends car.

    Forgot to change the alarm so I wake up at 3:30am, an hour earlier than intended.

    Walk the dog at 3:30am, observe my car still in front of house. Observe nothing unusual. Very quiet Sunday morning.

    Return home at 4am, car still parked in front of house.

    Feed dog, eat a banana, observe car keys sitting on kitchen counter.

    Go up stairs to bed, nap for an hour because I don't have work until 6:00am (didn't lock front door, didn't think id need to for only an hour -- and after walking up and down the neighborhood without seeing anything suspicious,)

    Wake up at 5:00, brush my teeth, change clothes, put on deodorant, come down stairs, look at phone for a few minutes to kill some time, then go to kitchen.

    Can't find keys.

    Retrace steps around the house, thinking if I moved the keys to a location where they'd be easier to notice for about 15 minutes, its now 5:50am

    Look out the window -- CAR IS MISSING.

    Call police. Officer on the way.

    Call work, tell them I cant come in, car is stolen, work uniform in the car.

    Officer arrives at 6:10am gets some information. Asks if we were drunk last night, if the car could possibly have been repossessed, if we have any friends who might have believed it was okay to borrow, if there's something of value in the car, if we have enemies (crazy ex girlfriend, crazy relatives) that might want to get revenge for something, but we answered no to all the questions.

    My wife and I are the only ones who live in the house. We haven't had any guests at the house for weeks, we don't have any enemies (afaik) that would want to do something to us, our crazy schizophrenic next door neighbor doesn't drive and has been in the hospital for the past five days. And my car isn't really worth anything or has anything of value in it.

    The crazy thing is that someone entered my house WHILE I was in the house, with my wife and my dog. I don't know how they got in without alerting my dog, or me, or anyone. The keys were not in a very obvious place, I don't think, at least not more obvious than other things such as an iPad that was sitting on the living room couch, a Nintendo Wii, a bluray player, expensive makeup my wife came home with, an engagement ring that was in the bathroom(!!)

    I don't know who could have done it. I honestly dont have any friends who know me so personally to know my morning routine, so I can only imagine it was some stranger stalker in the neighborhood who saw an opportunity (not even a good opportunity either, we were all in the house!) couldn't find anything else out of place or unusual with the house. This person was really inconspicuous for someone who would commit such a risky crime for a relatively little reward.

    I am however, relieved no one was hurt and other than my missing car, nothing was damaged or destroyed.

    I know statistically that most people that steal (or get caught stealing) vehicles often take them for a joy ride and dump them off somewhere else usually pretty far away and that most people who do often get away with it. Most of them usually aren't even recovered. The officer said this is a very strange and unusual case that we don't know anyone or can suspect anyone who would have done it, to freely enter our house, take the keys and leave with the car. Its a super ballsy thing to do.

    If anyone has had any experience with having a stolen car, or has any advice they heard from someone who had their car stolen, I could really use it. At the moment im changing the locks on all my doors and waiting to get a call from the police to tell me they found it.

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Tango


      that sounds really frustrating. I can't even imagine the thought process of a detective who would walk up to the door and put his business card there. wtf

    3. Blastfrog


      That sucks. Still, worth waiting to hear what happens with the guy they found.

      Tango said:

      that sounds really frustrating. I can't even imagine the thought process of a detective who would walk up to the door and put his business card there. wtf

      It's pretty standard practice AFAIK.

    4. Hellbent


      whoah, kitty now blinks. awesome. So any more updates on this story? Are you going to buy yourself a less egregious vehicle? Something other than a large SUV? What about a minivan. I'd go for a Honda Odyssey.

  2. 40oz

    Sunlust Officially Released

    After a development time of almost two and a half years, and a two-month long public beta testing stage, dream team Ribbiks (swtw, sd20x6, crumpets) and Dannebubinga (c-shock, c-shock2) have officially and finally released their suspiciously named collaborative 32-level Boom-compatible megawad entitled Sunlust. Don't be fooled by the wonderfully, visually attractive screenshots. Sunlust is a distinctly challenging megawad, designed to put even the toughest expert Doom players to the test, and designed to counter the norm of most Doomers playing exclusively on Ultra Violence. But that's okay since Sunlust has been extensively tuned for each difficulty setting, and the duo encourages players to play on Hey Not Too Rough or Hurt Me Plenty for their first time. If that's not enough, it has also been tested in Zandronum in Cooperative and Survival Cooperative so you and your space marine friends can venture through the beast together! Sunlust features many new maps designed specially for the project, but also features some mostly refurbished unreleased maps that were intended for other projects, such as what would have been dannebubinga's Combat Shock 3(!), and some unused stuff that almost landed in Ribbiks' Swim With The Whales. Hopefully Sunlust will help pave the way for a new trend in mapping pairs and small teams working together to release more highly-anticipated megawads such as this one. While there's no talk of an official Sunlust sequel, Ribbiks states he'll have more projects to release in the the future. For now, us Space Marines certainly have our work cut out for us!
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. fraggle


      Great work. I look forward to your TED talk.

    3. 40oz


      Thank you! My professor said something along those lines too :)

  3. I have a professor who teaches my Exercise, Nutrition, and Wellness class who has hinted on more than one occasion that the theory of evolution can't be true.

    He thinks the claim that human beings evolved from primates, and by extension microorganisms is totally bogus. Human beings, particularly how the body works internally, are far too complex, mysterious, and perfect to have possibly evolved from things that are so simple and vulnerable.

    Having been in his class, he's highly educated, enthusiastic about the subject, and far from stubborn. I trust his judgment on a lot of things and he's by far more involved with the class than any of my other instructors. I don't know for sure if he believes in creationism, but I've overheard him telling a story to someone about some people he met at a church, so he may be an active church goer. He researches nutrition and physical exercises daily on the internet and on youtube and has something new to tell us every class, often finding out interesting stuff, and even finding articles claiming some human body functions that scientists have yet to have clear explanations for.

    I'm not necessarily saying I agree or disagree with him, but I find it interesting to hear someone like him who is well educated and otherwise very open-minded make the claim that evolution can't be real. I haven't yet picked his brain about it, as I'd rather complete the semester and get my final grade before possibly offending him if I sound too contrarian to his beliefs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DoomUK


      Mithran Denizen said:

      Not that I'd be surprised if your prof actually does have background in biology, either.

      I'd be a little alarmed if he didn't at least understand human biology. Someone who isn't up to speed on how the body actually works has no business teaching exercise and nutrition as a profession IMO. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he knows what he's talking about.

      Going with that idea, I don't think his feelings on evolution are compatible with what he's teaching, even if they don't necessarily impede one another. He's entitled to have whatever alternative explanation he has, but I think he should keep this stuff out of the classroom. It's a fair point that no one knows everything about everything and can be right all the time, but whereas anyone who knows what Einstein or Mozart were famous for wouldn't waste their time with questions about horticulture or Judaism, it's not unreasonable to expect someone who understands the science of his body to also understand how it came to be, and to not dismiss the best explanation science has as "bogus".

    3. Dragonsbrethren


      DoomUK said:

      I'd be a little alarmed if he didn't at least understand human biology. Someone who isn't up to speed on how the body actually works has no business teaching exercise and nutrition as a profession IMO. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he knows what he's talking about.

      Yeah, pretty much my thoughts.

    4. Coopersville


      Hmm... so evolution's weakness lies within kinesiology. I guess no one thought to look.

  4. I just started taking my first internet class at community college, and it blows.

    I thought it would be kinda cool since it's set up like an internet forum like doomworld is, but getting work done for it is the most time consuming thing I've ever endured, and I just started. It's a computer information systems and technology class, and many of the points are involved in class participation, so the teacher will post a list of questions that are required to be answered in the form of a new thread. Most of the questions require you to click links and read a long article, or browse through a website and pick your favorite page and write a summary about it or something. In addition to that, part of the points involved are to visit other student's threads and respond to their answers in some way or another.

    I'm a pretty self-motivating guy in most conditions, but I'm having a really hard time already keeping composed, mannerful, and polite to talk about something so hideously boring. It doesn't help that my teacher is flooding the announcements page with 10-15 minute long youtube videos related to the subject, links to other uninteresting websites, and isn't clear whether or not it's required or optional to view.

    I feel like I'm going to be spending 20 hours a week of my own personal time just to keep up, while my classes on campus are a fucking piece of cake. I literally just show up, take some notes here and there through the lecture, and complete the assignments the instructor hands out in class, or immediately after class, and my mind is free for the rest of the week, while this online class has so much reading material drilled into that I feel like I'm neck deep in quicksand already. Anyone have any tips on how to get through this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DoomUK


      I have no advice, only empathy.

      I started an online programming course in 2005 with a seemingly reputable college. I dropped out of it after a few months of assignments which were way too difficult for a complete beginner, awful help from my assigned 'tutor' who basically kept telling me to "motivate myself", badly written books, and a website which was down half the time. It was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. Certainly the most expensive one. With no option to switch to regular classes or get a refund, I was left with a bill for ~£2000 and nothing to show for it.

      Had I been self-motivated to the point of being obsessive, and/or smart enough to learn a completely new skill all on my own, my experience might have been different. But that would have negated the need for taking a course, right?

    3. Pure Hellspawn

      Pure Hellspawn

      DoomUK said:

      I have no advice, only empathy.

      I started an online programming course in 2005 with a seemingly reputable college. I dropped out of it after a few months of assignments which were way too difficult for a complete beginner, awful help from my assigned 'tutor' who basically kept telling me to "motivate myself", badly written books, and a website which was down half the time. It was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. Certainly the most expensive one. With no option to switch to regular classes or get a refund, I was left with a bill for ~£2000 and nothing to show for it.

      Had I been self-motivated to the point of being obsessive, and/or smart enough to learn a completely new skill all on my own, my experience might have been different. But that would have negated the need for taking a course, right?

      was this a for-profit college? AVOID THOSE AT ALL COSTS. It's better to have no college experience than a degree from a for-profit.

    4. Blastfrog


      Pure Hellspawn said:

      was this a for-profit college? AVOID THOSE AT ALL COSTS. It's better to have no college experience than a degree from a for-profit.

      Yes. I was foolish enough to court one of the Art Institutes when I was almost done with high school. I never committed to anything or even signed a paper but the bastards sent me a bill for tuition that I never asked for. When I asked them what the fuck was up, the response was "oh, don't worry, this happens all the time". All the time?! That doesn't reassure me, that makes me trust you fuckers even less!

      I got it taken care of soon enough, but man, that is an experience I don't want to go through again.

  5. I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I've never really been a dog person until I met my wife. I've grown up with cats for most of my life and she's infatuated with puppies, so when we moved in together I became part owner of her dog. Until I've gotten more accustomed to her dog, I was always bothered by the way dogs bark and shout and jump all over you the instant you walk into a dog owners home. I'e grown to be more accepting of it as time passes, and to my surprise most people who've owned dogs or are best friends with a dog owner are too. But sometimes it makes guests uncomfortable.

    Speaking of making people uncomfortable, my dog tends to make excessive eye contact as a way of getting attention. Naturally she follows me anywhere in the house I go. I think in part due to her separation anxiety, she needs to constantly be informed where I am at all times. I've kinda just adapted to it, but lately I'm beginning to suspect that she is learning that this is a tactic she can use to get what she wants.

    I walk my dog every morning at 5:30am. It's the first thing I do when I wake up besides put on pants and shoes. It chills her out for most of the day and keeps her from doing things like peeing in the house or digging in the trash when my wife and I are out of the house. At 5:30am, It's dark and quiet and free from distractions and beats the neighbors who walk their dogs in the morning too, so my dog doesn't get all riled up and start yanking on the leash and trying to pull me around. I don't have any tolerance for that shit so I usually shorten the length of her walks if she starts acting up to keep her in line. After about the usual 45 minutes of walking her, I get home and take a shower, get dressed, then drive my wife to work, then I drive to my college classes. That's my morning routine almost every morning.

    One morning I didn't have to go to school or work and chose to sleep in. At the time I woke up, around 9:00am or so, I went downstairs to watch some TV. As I was laying on the couch my dog, simply walking around in circles around the house as she usually does sits right in front of me on the couch and just looks at me. Unsure, I started petting her head, scratching her back, playing with one of her toys, but these only seem to distract her for a minute and the instant I stop she's back to sitting 6 inches away from my face staring at me with her big ol eyes wide open, occasionally making a quiet drone or moaning sound or something. This is annoying evil cat behavior except with the way my dog is, I find her exhibiting this kinda behavior to be much more noticeable and awkward. I think because cats have a way of acting where sometimes you're not even sure they are aware you exist, while my dog is always constantly alert of my whereabouts and responds to everything I do. I can't focus on the TV show and she continues making me uncomfortable, so against my will I take her outside for a walk in the afternoon in the hopes it would calm her down.

    It works and she chills out for most of the day. At least until the next morning. I guess in excitement for going on these morning walks, she's awake earlier than I am. Sometimes I will wake up before my alarm goes off with my dog apparently staring directly into my eyes while I'm sleeping. Only inches away from my face, occasionally making that stupid moan noise, I accept the fact that with my dog's eyes fixated on me the entire time, and sitting invasively in my personal space, close enough that I can almost feel her breath when she exhales from her nostrils, that I'm not going to feel anymore refreshed trying to sleep during the remaining hour before my alarm goes off than if I just wake up now. This is becoming a daily affair and I'm beginning to suspect she's learning to do this conciously as a way to make me nervous and uncomfortable and give in to any of her demands.

    Today I woke up at 3:30am. What do?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Clonehunter


      Funny, my Dog is starting to get a bit more pestery and annoying. Often he'll find me on the computer and just sit and stair, and occasionally put his front paws on the chair and stretch. Generally this means he wants to go outside, but I often try to ignore him because usually he was already out several times and he just wants to bark at random shit. Now I just lock him out of the room after tricking him into thinking I'll do what he wants. At least he seems to have finally figured out how to untangle his leash by himself, as he gets stuck on everything (Including a slightly tougher tuft of grass). I tried to curb his barking by taping his maw shut whenever he barked at the moon, then taking it off again later a few minutes (He would never move with the tape on. He's just look at me). It seemed to be effective, but then it got really cold outside, and I didn't want to do that anymore because it meant going out to freeze.

    3. glenzinho


      Clonehunter said:

      taping his maw shut

      And I thought I was harsh for using this!

    4. Linkrulezall


      Phml said:

      Aww man it's just a dog, dogs don't do evil.

      Yeah, as we all know it's CATS that do all the evil! (Ever played Postal 2 Apocalypse Weekend, by any chance?)

  6. A couple nights ago I started watching a TLC 'reality documentary' series on netflix called extreme cheapskates. I'm a bit of a stickler at times in regards to spending money, and it was a bit relieving to see people so radically in that direction.

    On the first episode, first guy they interview, out of all the episodes on netflix I watched, was the worst. He air dries his paper towels on a clothesline so that he can use to dry is hands or clean up a mess as much as five times. He puts a brick in the back of the toilet tank to displace the water so it uses less per flush, sharpens his disposable razors, picks up any amount of loose change, buys expired foods from the liquidation store, even asks people at restaurants for their leftover foods when they're done eating!

    The worst of it though was, that his wife and him were talking about their wedding day, and how he had orthodontic surgery the very next day with no insurance. She had a job and insurance, which was the reason he married her.

    The episode continued, and it's the morning before their 25th wedding anniversary dinner. And he had to get her a gift. She said she's given up expecting any sort of jewelry or fancy restaurant or whatever. The self-proclaimed extreme cheapskate spends the day seeking a variety of gifts to get for her wife for their 25th anniversary dinner -- starting with the dumpster. In his searches, he finds four wilted roses, to which he proudly states "nothing says romance like flowers" and a teapot, which he defended his finding by saying she's always drinking tea.

    Later on he moves on to the discount food store, purchases a bottled water for $0.15, and a miniature box of animal crackers for $0.30. "Not even expired!" he exclaims. Then he 'splurges a little' this year by buying her a skull shaped stress ball for $0.99. When he gets home, he finds an old greeting card his sister in law gave to his wife when she was ill. He crosses her name out on the card and writes his own, and paperclips a piece of paper reading "Happy Anniversary" over the message in the card!

    When they go out to dinner that night to the local diner, she begs him, for this one day a year, not to take other people's leftovers. They bicker about it back and forth on the ride there. When they get there, he says he needs go to the restroom, but instead gives the $0.15 water to the diner staff and asks them to refrigerate it for him, so that they can serve it to his wife in lieu of paying for a normal beverage.

    The night proceeds with him giving her the garbage he collected for her. While not ungrateful, she's obviously not impressed. He later starts scavenging tables where the guests left their leftover food for the wait staff to collect, embarrassing her like no other. The episode ends with her consolidating herself by saying these things happen, but she gets over them in time. I thought to myself I would never be like him.

    The very next morning I go out to walk my dog just before sunrise. As were walking, my eyes fall upon a trash can. Perched directly on top, is a 21 in flatscreen LCD computer monitor in great condition. Much bigger than my current monitor. It wasn't even in the trash, but sitting on top of an old beanbag, filling up the can. I stared at it for a while, but it was still dark out, no one was around. I hesitated. Started to walk away, then turned around and yanked it out of the can. I took it home, tested it, and it works fine! Much larger than my current monitor which i paid over $100 for, and the colors really pop. It's not in my interest to pick from the trash, but I can't help but feel like I really scored big.

    I hate myself.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 40oz


      There was a mouse and keyboard, and a tower in there too, but I don't live in a wealthy neighborhood. I suspect the owner was sort of an idiot, downloaded a bunch of toolbars and loaded it up with viruses and malware until it was pretty much worthless, then with no further use to it, trashed the whole thing without realizing that many of the working parts were easily interchangable.

    3. CorSair


      You know how the proverb goes; one man's junk is one man's treasure...

      Just... the fuck. A goddamn 21" LCD monitor lying around? I too wouldn't mind being vulture if there's decent quality stuff lying around, like... just like that. O_o

    4. Maes


      40oz said:

      There was a mouse and keyboard, and a tower in there too, but I don't live in a wealthy neighborhood. I suspect the owner was sort of an idiot, downloaded a bunch of toolbars and loaded it up with viruses and malware until it was pretty much worthless, then with no further use to it, trashed the whole thing without realizing that many of the working parts were easily interchangable.

      If only all stupid users dumped their computers like this, so that the 1337 h4xx0r fux0r d00dz like you and me could get new computers for free all the time, rather than having to clean up their mess...

    1. Blastfrog


      Seems pretty good, but I have a couple of nitpicks (very minor, however).

      I thought that IWAD was "internal WAD", not "initial WAD". I'd also say "digging your way out" instead of "building your way out", as digging implies subtracting space while building implies adding space, and I'm pretty sure you're trying to convey the concept of subtractive space. It also just sounds more appropriate for the "underground" analogy. Lastly, I suggest ordering the geometry creation list with sector, line, then vertex rather than sector, vertex and line.

      And maybe this would get more exposure and be more relevant in the editing subforum? The bit about your wife being the prospective mapper is more blogs material, but the focus it seems is trying to create the ideal Doom mapping guide for total novices that know next to nothing about game design from a technical perspective.

    2. Phml


      Hmm. I get where you're coming from in making a structured plan; but at the same time, you're dropping a ton of knowledge on her at once without giving her the time to discover things on her own and truly familiarize herself with the process.

      Even if it's tempting to do things "right", I think it could be just as helpful to just let her try stuff, hover around and answer any practical question she might have. After all isn't that what we wish we have, whenever we learn something new? Something or someone to deliver instantly the exact answer we need, the right amount of knowledge and not a drop more.

      I know when I started, the biggest hurdle wasn't my misunderstanding of PWAD/IWAD terminology nor my misconception of Doom space, but rather... How do I start drawing stuff? Ok, now do I make a room? Cool, now how do I make a door? Neat, now let's try those stairs...

      Simple questions that take only a few minutes of fiddling around to solve each, but having someone else to point you in the right direction turns those minutes into seconds and you get to the actual part where you actually make stuff and in that process learn how to make stuff, rather than learn how to use the program.

      Plus then you run into problems like deleting a vertex to change a shape and seeing your whole sector disappear, and that's where it's really useful to have someone around to tell you what happened exactly and how to fix it. It's also better than to be told the right way from the start, because if you don't make the mistake yourself then it's harder to grasp why the right way is the right way.

      Agree with Soda in that this would be good Doom Editing material for a general purpose guide.

    3. 40oz


      Not sure I want the exposure :P

      thanks for the input though, I'll modify the lesson appropriately. I went over it with her last night in a short, literally, 15 minute session that clearly covered everything i wanted to cover, and gave her a chance to interact with the editor. She got to practice drawing isolated shapes and drawing sectors to connect them together. It wasn't really clear to her what exactly what she was doing, I think. She didn't make any attempt to conform to the grid. She drew some sloppy squares and triangles and other random shapes, but i had her practice so she could get into the rhythm of right clicking to start a sector, and left clicking to plant vertices, and closing sectors. To a first-timer, i presumed this action wouldn't flow naturally at first, so having her create some "my first sectors" would solidify the process. I don't think its very clear to her the kind of worlds she wants to create. She's only played from E1M1 to E1M6, so i doubt she has a fully visualized idea of what she wants to make of this yet, unlike most of us who probably had preconcieved ideas for maps before we even downloaded the editor. I told her theres no limit to how many vertices you cany put in a sector, so I had her draw the most complex sector she could come up with, and she tried to draw a dinosaur :P

      in the next lesson I'll show her how to place things, like player 1 starts, visual mode cameras, keys, weapons, health, ammo, powerups, decorations, and monsters. That way she can explore the world of testing your own creations, so she can see what her shapes look like in the first person perspective, perhaps she will have a better sense of space, and consider drawing sectors that resemble rooms she would want to play in.

      When we've created some rooms and ran around inside them as the player, collecting weapons and health bonuses, looking at decorations and things and killing an imp or two, I'll load up a linear template map that I will have made that demonstrates how to use decoration things, like how some hang from the ceiling, block movement, and some examples of how to use them in ways that look nice, like torches in alcoves, and floor lamps that radiate psuedo light point sourcing with sectors. After that, demonstrate the use of items and powerups. There will be things like a marked door that requires a keycard, with the key down a hallway next to it, or a flooded hallway with nukage, and a secret door revealing a radiation suit, demonstrating that you can look for mistextured walls as a hint for secret items, and that the radsuit lets you pass through damaging floors without getting hurt. Sort of like the hazard course tutorial in half-life. (does a map like this exist somewhere already?)

      Later in the map, there will be a demonstration of dooms weapons, with a single weapon in each room, accompanied by a switch that reveals a monster closet containing the monsters that particular weapon works best against. I'll probably have her go IDDQDing through it since she's not very heavily acclimated with the game yet. But that will give her some ideas of what she might like to create.

      Edit: I'm thinking of designing the map in such a way that is 'unfinished' and letting her demonstrate what she has learned by attaching a starting room to the map, and placing the player start. Perhaps the gun range part of the map can be its own isolated section of the map, (maybe with windows so you can see the places you can't get to.) after we get through the first part, I could have her move the player start position in the editor to the other part and test it again. This might help to open up the fascination of the things youre capable of doing from within the editor.

  7. Here's an award winning thread:

    almost every day I go into work, my nose starts to get itchy. I feel it on the tip of my nose and the outer parts of the inside of my nostrils. Its a lot like when you visit someone who owns a hundred cats and there's a thin coat of fur on every surface of their house and they just turned on an oscillating can. Its an infuriatingly annoying feeling and I only feel at work. As soon as I go home the feeling is gone. Theres no furry things where I work. I work in food service and the air isn't stuffy or anything, and I don't have any allergies, or a cold or anything. My nose just gets super itchy.

    anybody have any idea what's up?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. 40oz


      geekmarine said:

      Well, I have two guesses... one is that maybe there's something in the air at your work that irritates your nose - you said you work in food service, maybe one of the spices you work with bothers you or something? Just a thought. The other thing is, I was wondering if the air was particularly dry at your work or something. I dunno, just spitballing ideas, seeing what sticks.

      could be. I wondered at first if it had something to do with humidity, as our refrigeration units attract a lot of condensation, but I'm at work and it just rained this morning but I'm not feeling it as bad today.

      the spices might have something to do with it too. Though I don't recall having the same issue when I worked the same job in a different building last year. Thanks for your input, geekmarine and everyone who posted. I've been meaning to post this thread for months but I always forget about it by the time I get home and googling my symptoms has pulled mostly unrelated results. I've heard an itchy nose is a sign that you're going to get in a fight, probably because its debatably the most annoying feeling in the world.

      theres no congestion or runny mucus or anything, no bumps, I don't even think theres any red irritated skin. Its just a repeating feather dangling on my nose feeling. It sucks working with food, scratching it could easily be misconstrued as picking it or blowing it into my hand or something. During times of high customer volume I don't have much choice than to just deal with it, or rub my face on the sleeve of my shirt, which surprisingly, is also questionable for a customer.

    3. 40oz


      Nomad said:

      Hey ol buddy ol pal Johnny Rancid, where do you work? Sounds like there could be something at work that you may be allergic to. Generic version of Zyrtec is probably the best anti-histamine I've used, I'd recommend giving one a try either way.

      its a privately owned convenience store / gas station franchise called Wawa, which is kinda exclusive to the north eastern united states (but recently opened up in florida last year). I kinda hate it and have been meaning to quit but they pay alright for someone with little experience and if I stick it out a few more years I can reap the companies employee stock ownership benefits :)

    4. Nomad


      Do your eyes get sore and/or randomly cloud up too? Do they sell flowers by chance? Oftentimes "allergies" can be pretty mild and you can go most of your life without realizing you have them. It's probably fair to just call it "hayfever" in that case. I'm no doctor, but as said before an antihistamine would probably help. Not benadryl unless you want to be a zombie all day.

  8. I think I'd truly regret calling this an announcement of my official retirement from Doom mapping, but I think I may be coming to the conclusion that it's time to quit kidding myself.

    With certain circumstances in my life sucking up my time and negating my ability to pursue Doom mapping as a legitimate hobby, I've been balancing a weight on my shoulders with rather small unfinished projects that I'm struggling to bring to completion. Things are moving at a glacial pace and my future only looks to incorporate more extra-curricular activities in my daily routine, making my absolute favorite pastime look more and more like something that's only fit to be put in the attic and left alone as a distant memory.

    A few years ago, mapping seemed to flow naturally out of me, which is where the majority of my body of work came from. I began to concentrate on more complex design strategies in order to construct more unique looking and replayable doom levels. Unfortunately this started shortly before I bought a house and got married and such. If the kind of levels I really want to make were a piece of jewelry at the bottom of the swimming pool, my responsibilities are the air-inflated floaties pulling me up to the surface. My wife would be offended if she saw me describing things that way but it's about time to admit that Doom mapping wasn't much more than a timesink to get myself to the point in life that I am at now. Now that I'm living it, there isn't much room to squeeze it back in. There really hasn't been much room this whole time and anything I've released since shows it.

    While reverting to my older mapping style would probably be much more productive, I'd still have the reminder that "I can do better than this" lingering over me as I play through them. I think there are enough mappers here who can create similar enough maps. I'm not really interested in being a part of that category of mappers.

    But anyway, it hurts my ego every time I come back to mapping after a long unavoidable hiatus with an intention to create a design that I feel has finally manifested in my mind after many weeks. The lack of regular practice with Doombuilder 2 is clear in my attempt to rectify it when the design comes out sloppy and inconsistent. I begrudgingly close the laptop lid and go do something else. If I find myself a career path that pays much better and has an unusual amount of downtime and low-stress, I may be able to get back into the groove and nullify everything this blog stands to declare. Until then, I feel as though the only other appropriate time to get back into mapping is when I retire and wait to pass away.

    What does this mean for UAC Ultra 2? Not sure. For a long time I've been epitomizing UU2 as a way to "go out with a bang" and encapsulate as many of my ideas as humanly possible into a single megawad and live the rest of my life comfortably with the satisfaction that I've exhausted as much of my potential as I could into a final product. Then I'd leave everyone in the community with a sick megawad to play in many different styles with hundreds of hours of gameplay depending on how one chooses to play it. I'd also hope it would stand as a model for what I'd like to see more mappers do with their maps. I can't say I'm pulling the plug on it, but the rate of its progress is mirrored by my motivation to complete it without an optimistic partner or small team to share it with. I hope I can garner enough strength to make my ideas come to fruition, but until then, I've put a pin in it until things change.

    In the meantime, I have no trouble checking on Doomworld and posting every now and again. I still have an insatiable urge to kill monsters and fortunately, playing the game and all the new wads that come out for it is significantly less taxing than editing it is. At best, I think tabling my mapping career may be excusable in exchange for offering myself as a mentor for any interested mappers (PM me!) or volunteering myself for a rather minor role in a major project. It breaks my heart to tell myself that it's time to call it quits, and I'll fight with every fiber in my body to keep the candle lit, but I just wanted you guys to know where I'm at.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. darknation


      the buttworld forums are less retarded as well.

    3. 40oz


      Its just the mapping aspect of it. I'm still actively playing the game, watching demos on my tv, and keeping up with the forums on my phone.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Roscoe


      tl; dr, anyone?

      Anyways, the main thing I've discovered about food and shit was to stay away from anything that has sugar added to it. Much easier said than done. *drinks 1 liter soda*

      Good appetite booster? Don't eat. For a long time.

      Also, what she said about going out into the wilderness and being away from fast, easy foods is kinda true. I hiked/camped in the Grand Canyon for a few days, and during that time I don't think I've ever wanted desired plain old water more than anything else. And when I'd finally have a drink, it tasted like nectar of the Gods.

      Probably not a helpful post, but eh.

      Good luck, Original Poster. I am having similar problems.

    3. 40oz


      The past few days I've been successfully eating food without the feelings of being satisfied, for reasons I can't explain. I had beef pot roast soup with rice in it and a turkey wrap, and while I was eating it I decided to cook some mac and cheese and make a tuna sandwich while I waited for the macaroni to boil, and I ate all but the excessive portions of mac and cheese I made. I'm not really sure what holistic thing I did to make myself eat... So uhh. Honor the cow I guess.

      realistically though, I took a few hours to prepare the tuna salad and soup the previous day so putting the tuna on bread took roughly the same time it took to microwave the soup, so the food preparation that I associated with work that darknation pointed out (or Evelyn did, I'm not entirely sure yet) was pretty low profile.

    4. ArmouredBlood


      Sounds like you don't enjoy your food much. Invite friends/family for dinner, and have them reciprocate, and try some food out you might not normally have. This subreddit has some interesting ideas, though I haven't been in a position to try them because I'm an unemployed freeloader.

      For exercise, I hope you have someplace interesting to walk/bike to because I'm pretty bad at it.

  9. Gregory Wang is a cousin of mine. We live on opposite sides of the United States so our relationship is pretty distant, but occasionally we get to meet up during family events and such. He's a pretty cool dude.

    He's also an extremely talented pianist. He's been practicing piano since he was in second grade and has since performed in many concerts, was a four-year winner in music competitions in his school, performed with Johnson City and Maryville Symphony orchestras, competed in the Russian International Music Competition, presented with scholarships to various schools, and is currently studying at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music

    I wasn't able to find any videos of him playing online but I've seen DVDs of him performing and it is jawdropping. I'm not even one to listen to classical music but his performances are completely outstanding. During holidays, he will occasionally sit down play requests on my grandparent's piano, from Charlie Chaplin to Lady Gaga. He has an amazing gift of being able to play music by ear.

    I haven't contacted him recently, but I've been contemplating the idea of getting a piano keyboard, and some midi recording software and abusing his talents to record music to use exclusively in my Doom levels so I don't have to be concerned about people not liking the music in my maps ever again.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Creaphis said:

      I've thought about abusing my dad in the same way. The thing is: once your musical skill and appreciation reach a certain level, you lose interest in the sort of repetitive, looping electronica that works well in games. I don't know your cousin, but I'm betting that if he's willing to give you something it won't be what you want.

      A fuckload of trance musicians have a classical background eg Infected Mushroom.

    3. stewboy


      Memfis said:

      Yes, most of the midis by stewboy, Jimmy, you and some other currently active Doom musicians are not repetitive/simplistic enough, they feel more like ballads or something rather than music to listen to while shooting monsters. (not that it matters for me personally, all I need from a doom song is to be enjoyable to listen to, whether it fits to the mood or not isn't really important) I think only PRIMEVAL does it right currently, his songs are very Doomy. imo.


      I do actually have this problem when writing midis. I can't stand making them too repetitive. I know there's a difference between so repetitive it's annoying, and just repetitive enough so that it's effective as background music, but I'm never really sure of it. So I tend to err on the side of non-repetitiveness, although I do try and keep the same mood throughout the piece. (Map20's music from the plutonia midi project, once it gets released, is probably my most simplistic recent midi.)
      Another issue which might separate me from other musicians from a classical background, is that I play (as a percussionist) in several ensembles weekly (and have played in one of them since I was 10). Wind bands, brass bands, orchestras. I'm very much an ensemble player, as opposed to a solo player. And the music that these ensembles tend to play is generally very non-repetitive, as well as the music that I have to listen to for my uni work (I study music). All (or most of) these pieces are quite dramatically different to video game music. New material is introduced every ten seconds (Brass composers like Philip Sparke*, Peter Graham etc do a lot of this, if you've heard of them). Material is rarely reused in the same way that video game music material is.

      Also I'm aware a lot of video game music is actually quite varied and interesting. But different video games will require different forms of music, and possibly music fitting a game like Doom (which is what we're talking about, I assume) needs to be more simplistic than music for a game like Civilization.

      *Do listen to this piece, by the way. It's fantastic. Part two is here. You can also watch the brass band I'm in play it (I'm the timpanist on the right). We're pretty good, although we came 5th (out of 15) in that particular competition.

    4. MajorRawne


      I'm just commenting in this thread because GREG WANG. Ask him if he'll write a melancholy yet somehow hopeful theme for my 20K stories, will you? :)

  10. Last week, I noticed a flier posted outside of my workplace concerning a lost pet. Joe the Tortoise, with contact information with any help of where he was last seen.

    Today I was walking my dog along a rather busy street and spotted something rather disturbing on the side of the road. Shell split in half, head severed, unusual intestines I'm not used to seeing (I've never dissected an amphibian before.) A certainly gruesome sight. I can tell by it's size that it's not your normal pond turtle. I think I have a duty to report it to the person who posted the flier, but I feel a little uncomfortable delivering the news.

    RIP Joe the Tortoise.

    Anybody have any suggestions on how I best tell this person?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      40oz said:

      Last week, I noticed a flier posted outside of my workplace concerning a lost pet. Joe the Tortoise, with contact information with any help of where he was last seen.

      Today I was walking my dog along a rather busy street and spotted something rather disturbing on the side of the road. Shell split in half, head severed, unusual intestines I'm not used to seeing (I've never dissected an amphibian before.) A certainly gruesome sight. I can tell by it's size that it's not your normal pond turtle. I think I have a duty to report it to the person who posted the flier, but I feel a little uncomfortable delivering the news.

      RIP Joe the Tortoise.

      Anybody have any suggestions on how I best tell this person?

      Ummm don't?

    3. Hellbent


      "Hi, I have some bad news. I may have found your tortoise. I saw a dead tortoise on the side of <street> and it was yay big and had a long neck and pointy nose <insert description here sans gory bits>." You don't even know for sure its his. so call ASAP and just tell 'em straight prefaced with some kind of warning that you haven't any good news to tell. Good practice for sharing bad news since, well, it's only a tortoise and not the guy's only 7 year old daughter or something.

    4. Hellbent


      Technician said:

      I carry a shovel in my trunk so I can pick them up to bring to the nearest swamp.

      Our turtle populations are taking a hit. And we don't eat them like in the south.

      Hmm.. not a bad idea! There was a large snapping turtle crossing the street while I was being driven to the ER so wasn't able to stop and help, otherwise I do like to stop and help when I can..

  11. Anyone play around with this much anymore? I've kinda steered away from it for a while since it's not so much the hot new thing anymore. But I decided to kill a few hours of my night playing around with its large amount of selectable configurations in hopes of generating a vast array of "what if" scenarios. Little did I know I'd dig myself deep into a downward spiral of time-wastery by voluntarily torturing myself with a series of monumentally horrendous megawads.

    Allow me to state that this is by no means a rant about how Oblige is a terrible level generator. It's no cacoward maker, but it does kick slige in the nuts in a couple areas, and with it's huge level of customization, I'm granted the freedom to create horrible abominations that should never exist to be played by any doom marine. Rest assured, hilarity ensues.

    I started my fun playing with the monster selection, where oblige offers the entire list of Doom 2's bestiary, with a drop down menu allowing you to pick the probability in which each monster appears. Out of morbid curiosity, I selected each monster and set them to "None at all" and lastly setting revenants to "INSANE" in the likely event of creating an all-revenant megawad.

    My megawad opened up staging me in MAP01: "Data Refinery" which is where all the revenants live for some reason. The level started with me having to outrun hordes of screaming revenants, dipping left and right to direct homing missiles into themselves, despite being immune to their kin's firepower. When reaching the other side of the room, I am within arms reach of a chaingun, followed by long stretches of bullet clips scaling the walls of the room. It was a thoughtful gesture of Oblige to give me a weapon better than a pistol to calm this raging riot, but I was offended by it not taking into consideration how long it would take me to put a dent into this giant pile of 363 angry skeletons that occupy this territory that I so gracefully intruded. Attempting to run past them all was no use, as each corner turned was announced by overlapping RRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH's. Obviously I grew tired early of the lack of superior firepower and the inability to incite infighting. I retreated to Oblige's interface to create something new.

    I wanted to give my Oblige experience a little more Super Shotgun lovin. Fortunately, the "I LOVE IT" option for weapons is the maximum availability for the Doom Weapon Control menu. I also wanted to stir up some good infighting too. I knew from past experiences, that setting the "monster strength" often opens up an episode with light monsters, which slowly progresses into armies of cacodemons and hell knights. I wanted to skip straight to the hard stuff, so I left all monsters set to "None At All" except for Imps, Demons, Chaingun guys, revenants, Hell Barons mancubi, arachnatrons, and archviles.

    "It will be just like Hell Revealed 2!" he said.

    I ran the megawad, accompanied with HRMUS.WAD to set the mood. Each level's starting room opened up with a weapon, a small group of ground troops, overcompensated by tremendous piles of health kits. Seriously, health bonuses on top of stimpacks on top of medikits on top of more medikits on top of stimpacks on top of megaarmors. Much like how selecting the Nightmare skill level is immediately followed with the question "Are you sure?" this was Oblige's method of communicating to me "Trust me, you are going to get hurt. a lot."

    At least Oblige is honest. As each level successfully pitted me against insurmountable odds, with rooms so crowded there appeared to be no correct way to go without digging yourself a deeper grave. Opening a door only ignites a different variety of monster roars, unless of course I catch myself breathing a sigh of relief whenever I opened a door into one of Oblige's obviously prefabricated rooms, which are apparently too complex to house monsters. However it wouldn't take much for said rooms to be overcrowded by the resulting swarms of the next opened door.

    In one map, aptly titled "Welcome to the Enigma" I had no trouble subduing the introductory Hell Barons with my unparalleled circlestrafing skillz. I ran up some stairs where I found myself waist deep in green armors, and a few medikits, and stumbled into a giant parade of arachnatrons. Seriously, probably the second largest fleet of arachnatrons I've ever endured in one sitting. After investing a good 15 minutes of my life crushing all of them with my super shotgun, I made a dash for the next door where my next task awaits. Unfortunately, my unsuspecting ambitions turn into a horrible nightmare, awakening a sea of archviles which flooded the room, driving me back to my starting area, permitting them to successfully reconstruct my entire arachnophobic death factory, leaving me in my starting room with 18 shells and 6% health, completely surrounded by an uncanny swarm of terror with no other purpose than to turn my screen very very red.

    I played a few other maps which were usually stupidly unplayable, due entirely to my choices in selecting obviously game-breaking settings for my generated megawads.

    In hindsight I probably should have provided screenshots and seed numbers. Maybe I will later as I delve my stupid self into trudging through these disgusting piles of crap.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RottKing


      I love oblige's inescapable pits, I think they became escapable in the newer versions :|

    3. purist


      I like them too (they always damaged) but I was purposely trying generate levels it was almost impossible to die in and then they get littered with death pits

    4. 188DarkRevived


      I've had Oblige downloaded since way back in 2006, but it's been so neglected. I think I've used it only once to make a small map for Hexen.
      After reading your essay I'm inspired to do actually mess around with this thing for a change. It's been gathering dust just sitting there.

  12. I want to preface this blog by saying that this isn't a means of responding to everyone's reactions to it, and I'm not posting this for more detailed feedback. At this risk of sounding like a cry for attention, I'm hoping this is interpretted the way I intended it and less like "PLEASE LIKE MY MAPS!!" I'm just laying out my thoughts on how the first episode panned out and how the results were different than what I expected. This is helpful for me as a mapper, to spell this out for me to review during times of need, instead of letting it dwell in my mind, abstaining me from moving forward.

    I believe I was successful in creating what many of my listeners said were overly ambitious. I created levels that could be played in single player, cooperative and deathmatch. I designed the maps to play quite differently in all skill levels, with each skill level optimized to a different style of gameplay per player. All done, without reducing the volume of monsters that appear in each map. I designed the levels with a high volume of large secrets to heavily expand the gameplay if the player so chooses. I also designed the levels with many different possible routes to the exit, so that coop players could spread out and attack the same monsters from different angles, and in Nightmare, respawning hordes of monsters wouldn't crowd up hallways, blocking the only paths the player can take. This was also exciting to me as the designer, as with almost every demo I watched, the players each had a different approach to each map, none of which matching my usual runs. It seemed almost every player had a different experience, even though most of them conceded on it being rather boring.

    Watching the demos of my players in my maps was infuriating at times. The way many of the players skulked around corners, picked off monsters from a safe distance, and played highly defensively was absurd to me. It appeared as though they were expecting any step to activate the trap that jumps out and slits their throat. Like the use of light monsters was supposed to lead up to something deadly. When truthfully, I wanted my players to play highly aggressively, utilize all their weapons, ration out their ammo, and crash through this thing. Instead, players weren't very observant of the ammo items, were hesitant to press onward, and resorted to infighting to conserve ammunition. With six levels with the same style of gameplay, where players were quite obviously missing the point, I couldn't help but scream "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" while watching some of the demos people made for me, as they simply wandered around crowds of monsters, even while carrying powerful weapons and tons of ammo, and unintentionally ignoring the hitscanners that devastated them. Apparently distracted by the array of directions to choose from, which was the type of gameplay I designed the easier skill levels for. I was expecting people to approach these levels with the same aggressive enthusiasm as they would Knee-Deep in the Dead, or Hell Revealed 2. From my observations it looks as though the foreboding atmosphere and lack of highly threatening monsters implied a different method of gameplay, and the players obliged.

    I was beginning to be concerned that with a game as black and white as Doom, that people seem to have a need to be told what to do, and that even with an increasing demand for non-linearity in the Doom community, it's the levels that pit the player in situations where "the only way out is through" are the most successful. It became increasingly depressing as I wondered how the creator of Garry's Mod might feel, after creating a mod designed for infinite possibilities, the majority of it's player base uses it to show off Gman making silly faces.

    It was comforting when I retreated to my playtesters to ask where I went wrong, and they responded that I have successfully created levels that were perfect for the type of player that I am, and that what is perfect to me may sound good on paper, but in practice, it is so specific to my own taste that it's discouraging when another player, even one who does like the same gameplay as I do, has a mild disagreement with it, especially with a brand name that people will play with specific expectations. Just give it time.

    I hope time is all that it is, but it feels as though my time is up now that UAC Ultra 2 is residing in post hell. I still have hopes that after UAC Ultra 2 is completed, that players may recognize its beauty and how careful I was at designing it after playing and replaying it a few times. That is, if they can reserve the strength to give it a second chance even after it left them with a sour taste in their mouth the first time around. Who knows how long that will take. It may take decades to even consider playing UAC Ultra 2 in Nightmare coop or in Deathmatch. And I could simply be completely full of myself to be expecting that, especially when a quick sadistic zinger at the end of my opening post is all it takes put its credibility in ruins for most people. But I certainly hope not.

    I'm hesitant to move right on to making the rest of UAC Ultra 2. Even though I have set high standards for myself, along with any doom level designer, I'm in full confidence that I can create the amazing Doom experiences that I can envision in my head. I'm just concerned whether I can successfully design something that will appeal to the types of people that enjoyed Speed of Doom, Alien Vendetta, Scythe 2, and the Memento Mori's without compromising the goals I set for myself in the first place, especially because many of the scenarios that appear in these wads cannot be recreated without a UV-only like design. It will take a lot of careful planning to make them work in the many game modes I wish to appeal to, and simultaneously create a unique and fun experience for the people that won't play in anything other than UV. I'm taking my time with it, but I refuse to ship out a rushed product, and can assure that every map that appears in the completed megawad will have to endure a cruel and severe level of quality control monitored by myself.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. traversd


      traversd said:

      Maybe even just a dummy sector with multiple W1 teleports to the same location (or different locations) and after each teleport linedef there is a different generalized linedef action, so you could get in sequence any number of actions to occur with each respawn of the same monster.

      ie: you have to kill the same cyberdemon three times before the exit door will open.

      Hrm, I just read on doom wiki that respawn time is a random value between 8sec - 5min. Anything over 2mins might not be that desirable for a repeat action like the above (especially if it leaves the player waiting for it to occur to proceed) heh, those close for 30sec door actions feel long as it is sometimes ;0)

    3. Justince


      Keep in mind that last time I knew, conveyers in Boom behaved slightly different from those in Zdoom, like the speeds weren't quite the same. Be sure to test conveyers in both ports!

  13. In November 2006, I was 15 years old and got my first job working at Subway. Shortly after I set a personal goal to save up $30,000 to put down on a house and become a homeowner before I turn 22. I'm 21 years old, and I currently reside in West Norriton Pennsylvania as of August 24, 2012 with my current fiance Julie and our dog Penny (not shown)

    When I was 15 years old, I started earning $6.25 an hour making sandwiches for people 5 days a week. I submitted to reserving 40% or more of my paychecks in separate savings accounts (some banks had better interest rates than others.) and doing my absolute best to live within my means. I used my money strictly for the cell phone bill (my burn phone that could only call and text was about $25 a month) and gas for my car (about $80 a month -- short commute to work) My entertainment depended on playing Doom and designing levels. I listened to the same CDs I listen to today, and I hung out mostly with my poor friends who knew how to have fun for free. I've studied marketing and advertising as a hobby and started analyzing social trends in regards to entertainment mediums. I've since established an irreversible hatred to almost everything such as video games, money, television shows, advertisements, movies, music, social events, etc. I've confided in doing the things that hit all the right notes for me, and sticking with them for long periods of time. This filled in a hold of boredom in me that hardly cost anything during this time frame.

    I met my fiance Julie in October 2011 when I started working at Wawa, a gas station / convenience store combo where I currently make $12.00 an hour. Before we started dating, we would hang out every single day after work at midnight in the church parking lot behind her grandma's house where she lived. We stood out in the parking lot talking about anything. We talked for hours and hours into the night in 20 degree weather, just talking about ourselves and how stupid work is and how shitty people are and all that. It was freezing outside but we didn't care. We continued hanging out week after week, during a point in my life where I was convinced love didn't mean anything and to ever consider getting married is to find a woman that you can tolerate and coexist with for the rest of your life. I was wrong.

    We started dating shortly after, even though I was hesitant to get involved with a coworker and more importantly, someone who I was a really close friend to. However, our relationship moved forward. As time went on, we would have our occasional tiffs at work. They say that working with your significant other does a lot of damage to your relationship. This can be true because we would often say some rather nasty things to each other just out of stress and time constraints at work. Fortunately we were able to resolve all of our conflicts because we agreed that it was more important to be together than to be the one that's right. (Which I'm sure you can imagine was extremely difficult for me to admit)

    I asked Julie to marry me on February 14th 2012. We hadn't been together very long before I made such a commitment, but having spent a majority of my free time with her, day after day, it didn't take me long to understand that this was the girl I wanted to be around for the rest of my life. In due time, My commitment to my financial goal was later amended to be the for the house for my fiance and I to live in.

    Here we are now. Notice the giant rock on her finger.

    I saved up $30,000 in November 2011, and contacted one of my coworkers who is also a realtor. She was able to get me connected with one of her friends which approved me for a loan up to $158,650 because of my excellent credit score. We began shopping for houses in all the neighborhoods in the area. We looked at over thirty houses before we finally found one we were both comfortable in and agreed on. On August 24th, we settled.

    Our house is a twin on a quiet street in West Norriton Pennsylvania. We have three bedrooms, one bathroom, a large front porch, a living room, dining room, kitchen, basement, and unfinished sunroom. We have a fenced in backyard for our dog Penny to run around free in, and a parking space in the back, along with a detached one-car garage.

    This is our living room, shown are my brother Randy and friend Francisco. We got pretty much all of our furniture second hand. All of our friends and family have been extremely generous. The couches, coffee table, Playstation 2, and stereo were all free. I got the 55in TV on craigslist for $250 (it also comes with picture-in picture modes so I can do my Home Dooming Station that I plan to invest in in the future), and our cable (all the DVD seasons of our favorite TV series to the right of the tv) were about $150 in total.

    Here's our kitchen, messy because this photo was taken while I had company over. We got our kitchen appliances from a coworker who was coincedentally moving out around the same time and had to sell her refrigerator, stove, microwave, and dishwasher that she got new two years ago. She sold me the whole set for $800. The house came with appliances too, but they're a bit older. We moved them into the sunroom where I'm going to clean them up and sell them on craigslist for, hopefully, about the same price. The kitchen table and chairs I got for free from mom and dad. They were taking up space in their basement.

    Aaaand here's the backyard. Shown is my car in the parking space, alongside with our single car garage. We still have to mow the lawn and scrap that swingset. We'll probably get to that later this week.

    TL;DR I've worked some years at a job that just barely transcends over minimum wage, and with a combination of careful determination and smart decision making, I'm now a homeowner living happily with my fiance on a quiet street in a really nice house. Things are looking pretty awesome for me and I couldn't be happier. Also fuck everyone who didn't believe in me and thought I was stupid for acting the way I have been for the past few years because this is where it got me.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Coopersville


      Can I crash in your basement, dude? Only for a couple of days of course :)

    3. Phml


      Impressive stuff. Congrats. :)

    4. Csonicgo


      Now all you need to do is wear argyle sweaters, vote republican and hate kids. The American Dream is real!

  14. Doomworld forums comes with an ignore feature that hides posts by the members who are selected to be on your list. It can be accessed from the user control panel. It doesn't totally hide the fact that the person had posted there, but it does state that the person who posted is being ignored, and only takes up a little space. I've recently been pretty liberal about updating it now and then. The link that says to click to read the post (because sometimes its relevant to the discussion) doesn't seem to work though. Other than that, doomworld forums now has much fewer people who post strictly in the everything else section, have lame opinions about video games and want to talk about the economy and politics and religion (or their lack thereof) and share other rather personal details about themselves that I'd be much better off not knowing. Now browsing through doomworld is a little less taxing on my sanity to read now that I'm reading more about doom and less about stuff that makes me want to kill all of you. That would be all.

    Also in before "40oz is first on my list"

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. TimeOfDeath


      Oh, I didn't realize it was related to java script (I also have js disabled except for email). I didn't do it to read his posts, I always have javascript, images and plugins blocked on this computer to cut down on data usage.

    3. printz


      I'm just dragging the bottom status bar to the right, I'm not that lazy.

    4. Blastfrog


      The problem with scrolling to the right is that his posts are put in a very small column, as opposed to the full window width. It makes it very difficult to read.

  15. I know Doomworld knows a good bit about cooking stuff so I figured I'd ask.

    Whenever I go to the grocery store and pick up condiments and sauces to add to my meals, I usually always end up with a ton of leftover sauces and dips and they end up stinking up my refrigerator for weeks. Well it doesn't stink that bad, but it's very annoying to open up the refrigerator after I haven't gone grocery shopping in a while, and find all I have left are bottles of ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, french union nacho dip, salsa, sour cream, maple syrup, horseradish sauce, relish, buffalo sauce, and nacho spinach dip, and nothing else edible.

    I'll get one bottle of this stuff and it will last FOREVER. Sometimes I just wanna throw it away but a lot of it I've only used once and the bottles are almost totally full. Are there any good meals I can cook or prepare that will make good use of this stuff? Preferably not millions of hot dogs and hamburgers and giant bowls of nachos please.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. sgtcrispy


      What? No Molé? Tsk tsk tsk...

      exp(x) said:
      The only condiment you will ever need is Sriracha.

      I prefer Cholula because I enjoy not having my head on fire.

    3. printz


      exp(x) said:

      Ever heard of steak?

      I also don't eat that alone...

    4. Technician


      printz said:

      I also don't eat that alone...

      Need someone to hold your hand?

  16. Phobosdeimos1, an active forum goer, Skulltag player, and mapper from UK and here at Doomworld passed away just a few months ago in January at age 18. He was known for being very supportive of up and coming projects, and quick to offer contributions to community wads such as Interception and Doom the Way id Did. He also been known to be very interested in learning and improving his mapping skills by personally getting advice from his list of respected mappers. If I were to do another collaboration project, I'm sure it would have been with him. A list of some of his bigger releases (such as Spire Complex and Raw Action) in the /idgames Archive can be found here. He has also made a wide number of DTWiD submissions that didn't land in the final project. A fellow space marine has left us, Doomworld. Fortunately leaving with a strong contribution with our never-ending war with demonic hellspawn. May he rest in peace, but if not, bury him with a super shotgun and an infinite supply of shotgun shells just in case. He will be missed.
  17. As of late I've been on a house hunting quest with my loving fiance. We've looked at a few houses in person and we only have a few prospects now that we're considering putting an offer on. One of the things that we are really hoping for is at least three bedrooms, or two if there's enough property to add on the house.

    As of now, my fiance agreed that before we have kids, It is okay that I use one of the bedrooms as a "Doom Room" / Office. A room to myself where I can put together my PC and Widescreen TV combo that I play with a gamepad, and optional split screen with three other PCs on Odamex. Also a dimly lit room with bulletin boards and sketch paper and a wide desk to draw over so that I can continue planning and making doom maps. (At the moment my life is just way too full of distractions to map comfortably.)

    While the topic has come up some times before, My fiance would most certainly like to have kids at some point in her life. I agree and have no qualms with that. However, the topic of exposing my children to Doom at a young age, teaching them to map and play the game very well, My fiance has proven to have a rather averse stance on that subject. The first time I mentioned it she said "Our kids are NOT playing doom."

    I chose not to get confrontational and I figured with a little more Dooming she might think differently in the future.

    Another time it came up, I happened to be staying over her house with my laptop and her young cousins, a boy and two girls ages 3, 5, and 11 were visiting as well. They're very loud and hyperactive kids at times, and it was very funny to see how intrigued they were with the game as I was playing it. I was especially interested in how quickly they were able to figure out that colored doors are locked without the colored key, and tell me what places to go that I haven't explored yet, especially in such godawfully ugly '94 maps I was playing. I let them get a chance at playing a few levels too, and they adapted to using the controller pretty quick. The three year old played the best! It was also funny to see them shouting "GET THAT ONE THATS A BIG GUY" and "EWWW! HE'S UGLY!!" and telling me not to go in the hallways that are too dark!

    Later that day my fiance seemed kinda iffy about me letting her cousins play the game. She said the game is really violent and scary, and that I was out of my mind if I was gonna let my kids play it. She even went on to say she doesn't want our kids to become psychopaths! I tried to deconstruct her argument saying that I started playing the game when I was 3, listen to grindcore, and watch gore/slasher movies, but everything else about me is completely normal. I went on explaining that the graphics are so colorful and pixelated, that it's comical compared to the melancholic gore that they're no-doubt going to be exposed to when the other kids at school are playing Gears of War 6 and Grand Theft Auto 8. And that violent video games have been scientifically proven to pacify a person's mind and make them less prone to commiting any violent acts (Which can be good and bad, I wouldn't want kids that are TOO passive)

    Unfortunately, she didn't seem to buy into any one of my points and is still holding her stance. She doesn't seem too strong about this subject as I've seen her on other topics of interest, so I'm not really heartbroken about it. I'm sure there's gonna be a point where I can get her to crack and admit defeat. There's no way in hell I'll censor my kids from my favorite things.

    The thought of that makes me wonder if my mom wouldn't let my dad be interested in the things he likes in front of me. As far as I know, I don't really have any grasp on the genres of music he likes, his favorite movies, what he likes to do. He's difficult to interpret sometimes. Not that I've ever had any problems with him, I just feel like there's more to know about him than I already know. I wouldn't want to be a closed book towards my kids, show apathy to virtually everything, and pretend to like things that I dont.

    Any ideas of what I can tell my fiance about Doom to help change her mind? Or better yet, a source to direct her to so that she may see it differently than her naive TV-news-influenced thoughts lead her to believe?

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. 40oz


      How is it creepy? I too, agree with everything st. alfonzo said. I would want my kids to play Doom for the same reason I would want them to play with building blocks, legos, action figures, doll houses, and toy cars. These things allow kids to create scenarios within their imaginations, and with legos and building blocks, have the freedom to express what they imagine in their own way.

      I'm interested in seeing what they imagine, and the ideas they generate by the way they interact with these things. Even Doom. I'm especially interested in demonstrating how the things they build with legos and blocks can easily be translated into Doom and interacted with in a virtual reality. Then they can draw levels on paper or come up simulations of gun fights with their toys like I did when I was young. When (if they're interested) they are a little older, they can learn how to map on their own, practice with thing placement and drawing sectors to create fun gameplay and interesting architecture.

      I'm not bent on making sure my children relive my life exactly as I had. There's a lot to learn about cause and effect through Doom. I feel as though I'd be missing out on a great opportunity to express creative freedom while they are young and delightful, before they grow older and begin watching imagination deteriorating TV and browsing facebook and playing linear rail shooters. I feel as though we live in a world where these types of things are inevitable, and I'd much rather strengthen their imaginations while they're young before they perish at the feet of today's culture.

      Also if you couldn't already tell, I didn't passively agree to have kids. I want kids too. Not too soon though, but shortly after I have a solid career that would permit to be at home with my future family more often and still be financially stable.

    3. Use


      40oz said:

      Also if you couldn't already tell, I didn't passively agree to have kids. I want kids too. Not too soon though, but shortly after I have a solid career that would permit to be at home with my future family more often and still be financially stable.

      That's all a kid can ask for really. So many of them have it much worse.

    4. arkore


      She's right, this game is scary. Your kids will have nightmares for several years.

      The dark rooms, the abushing monsters, the sudden growls, and hanging corpses.

  18. It's pretty sick. Probably the best CD I own. Despise You still kicks ass even after a long hiatus. Agoraphobic Nosebleed sounds pretty awesome too, although I miss the crazy trippy noisecore of albums like Frozen Corpse Stuffed with Dope, I can't say I don't enjoy their newest stuff too. I just felt like talking about it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maes
    3. j4rio
    4. jute


      I Like Frozen Corpse, but prefer Last Days of Humanity's Putrefaction in Progress, which is basically a perfect album.

  19. Is the question my friends ask me.

    I openly tell people I suck at googling stuff. Even though it's not entirely true. Generally, if I need to find an answer to a specific question, I can get whatever it is I need. What I suck at is obtaining information from things I don't know anything about.

    Google didn't always suck. I remember when I was in middle school, I would google my favorite bands and find tons of background information about the members, filers from the shows they played, and related bands. I remember pretty distinctly simply searching for "doom" and spending hours scrolling though images and pages reading everything I can possibly know about the game.

    I don't really search for the same stuff as I used to, and I don't really know for sure if the internet is just fucking gay now or if I'm just crumbling at the test of time, but I rarely get the kind of interesting results from googling stuff as I used to. The most common problem I have is even thinking of the right terms to search for. I've been wanting to learn more about foreclosed houses, so I searched "foreclosures" hoping to find out what they are, how much they typically run for, pros and cons of buying a foreclosure, etc. Instead I got a huge list websites with home listings that I need to sign up and log in to be able to see the price and pictures of the foreclosed houses they have listed. I generally spend a lot of time switching words around in my searches to get the kind of information I need to know, and often giving up before I even really get started. Searching anything will almost always give you links to really high-traffic ad-infested websites, or to youtube videos that don't tell me what I need to know, or opinionated blogs only marginally related to the searched term.

    In fact, I decided to search today "I suck at google" and it wasn't until four pages later that I found an article that shed a little bit of light why google is so lame these days.


    I was already aware of websites paying big bucks to land first results for certain keywords in search engines, but apparently all sorts of websites are manipulating the system, making unrelated garbage appear on the first couple pages and attempting to disguise itself as something you might be into. Too often I search for something, get overloaded with potentially interesting links to crap and get discouraged from searching any longer. As far as I understand, many other search engines suffer from the same conditions. Did google always suck or is this just the direction commercialized internet search engines are going?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Maes


      You can definitively say you suck at google if you're the kind of person whose threads get "LMGTFY" responses.

    3. Jodwin
    4. exp(x)


      I'm pissed that they took away the + operator.

  20. 28 downloads

    Fun Fact: October 17th is not his birthday. Sorry this is like a hundred weeks overdue.
  21. I was watching some of The Green Herring's UV-Max videos of random PWADs on youtube and was a map that reminded me of some of my early (EARLY) doom mapping way back when. I had then remembered many years ago being heartbroken from having a laptop that I burned out to the point of not even being able to turn it on. My oldest brother was able to remove the harddrive and extract all the data on to some DVDs for me much later. By that time I recuperated from the loss of data I had on there and moved on. I decided today that I would load the DVD up and browse around.

    I was amazed to run into a ton of my past files. I found some old freeware games I used to play, folders and folders of punk music I used to listen to (brings back memories!) and a whole bunch of images including some custom made forum profile pictures like the one seen below:

    I guess I thought that was funny when I was in middle school.

    Apparently Ashley Robbins was my favorite pornstar because I found a folder jampacked with her nude photoshoots among a few other random playboy playmate pics and some of Carmen Electra. Also found a folder of a bunch of myspace pics of my first girlfriend I used to creep on. Probably whacked off to those pictures too. Found some screenshots of old wads I was playing that I shared with a friend of mine who is also a Doomer. Found some slige wads (slige was a big deal at the time) I also stumbled on a folder with some midi files I had extracted from Doom wads like Scythe 2 and Memento Mori. I found a few that I recognize but am unsure what their origin is, it would be awesome if any of you guys could identify them for me.

    I'm a bit dissapointed that I could not find the earliest bits of Doom mapping I've ever done which include edits of DOOM1.WAD, and some urban deathmatch maps. I did find my JDoom folder which was loaded with wads I was playing like Icarus and DOOMUD3.WAD, whatever that is. However I did stumble across this wad I found in my Doombuilder folder aptly named "jon.wad" which isn't my first map ever, but it's about the earliest piece of doom history of mine I will ever find. I don't even remember making it. Here's a download link if you guys want to see what I've been doing way back in 2004. It's MAP02.


    I do however remember working on a megawad that was going to replace SS Nazis with a cool doom zombie look alike. (basically a strife guy with doomguy's helmet) It's very short, clearly unfinished and full of unclosed sectors. I think I was trying to achieve a vanilla deep water effect and the architecture is inspired by fbase6.wad I believe. Boy how times have changed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Xeros612


      DuckReconMajor said:

      Does this mean I'll end up moving on to grindcore too?

      Well it wouldn't be much of a downgrade. ZING

    3. Use


      40oz said:

      ...way back in 2004.

      Wait 2004 is way back now? Fuck.

      Oh Chirst I made Nilla in 2004. DIE TIME, DIE.

      It's funny you should post this cause today I was just thinking about my old WADS and how it would be neat to look through them again for tidbits that might be interesting. Unfortunately they're lost forever.

    4. 40oz


      DuckReconMajor said:

      Oh wow old you is like me right now heh


      Does this mean I'll end up moving on to grindcore too?

      Not always. A lot of my punk friends in middle school listen to various genres of music now. Very few of them listen to the same stuff that I listen to now. Some moved on to listen to ska, crack rock steady, and pop punk, some listen to hardcore and straight edge, and some others started listening to classic rock, but we all can still agree that all the stuff we used to listen to religiously is still good.

      EDIT: for anyone who is interested I went ahead and created some replicas from memory of my two earliest doom maps ever. I remember playing deathmatch with zcajun bots for hours on these things. I made them as close as I can remember them and they feel fairly accurate. The thing placement is probably way off though, I remember just dotting guna around aimlessly. The only thing I know for sure is where the rocket launcher was placed in MAP02. The music are some mids I found in the midi folder on my DVD and the sky is also a sky I ripped from some wad long ago. I have no idea where it came from now but it seemed fitting for this type of wad.


  22. My girlfriend knows about my obsession with Doom and that I design levels for it, but until last week she didn't quite realize how simple it was. The other day my girlfriend approached me while I was drawing layouts for doom maps on paper. She looked at me quizzically and asked what the hell am I doing. I explained to her that it's a lot easier for me to make Doom levels when I plan them out of paper. I basically draw some shapes and when I draw them in the editor, they become rooms.

    She looked at the unfinished half of the layout and said "what are you putting here?" I told her I hadn't decided yet. She told me I should make a room shaped like a heart. I was a little skeptical at first but I have a bad habit of frowning on a lot of ideas my girlfriend has, so I just went ahead and drew the heart shaped room.

    Yesterday I was at home, off from work, and began mapping. When I was finished with the bits and pieces of the layout I drew the other day, I used my phone take a photo of the layout on Doombuilder next to the layout she helped me draw and sent it to her. Then sent her a screenshot of me playing the level inside the heart shaped room she designed for me.

    She responded to the picture message with "OMG!! that looks awesome! Can I play it so I can see it better?" before then she had only played the first few levels of Knee Deep in The Dead before she was getting sick of getting lost. She needed to. I wouldn't let the relationship continue if she wouldn't play doom with me.

    Later that night I stopped over her house and told her about how easy it is to make Doom levels. Just draw some random shapes, adjust the floor and ceiling height, and throw in some guns and monsters and you have a doom level. "I love drawing random shapes!" she exclaimed. Later this week I'm gonna install Doom 2 and Doombuilder on her laptop and play around with it to show her how it works.

    I'm hoping I can show her some of my strategies to making simple layouts and show her some cool stuff you can do with thing placement. I know already she doesn't really love playing doom as much as I do, but I think she might have a thing for designing levels. We'll find out in the near future and I'll be sure to upload her work to the /idgames archive.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Six


      My missus knows i have Doom, and i've shown her what the game looks like at one stage. Her reaction? "The graphics look horrible".

      I lol'd.

    3. Ralphis


      My girlfriend beats my ass at Tetris and it ticks me off

    4. 40oz


      just posting to say that my girlfriend drew some pretty cool doom levels on paper with little notes about what monsters/items and stuff go where.

      One of the layouts is shaped like a frankenstein. She told me she started with one room then was busy with something else, so when she came back to it she forgot where she left off, saw the room she left off at almost shaped like a face, so continued to create a frankenstein shaped level with secret areas being the frankensteins heart (thats where all the health is) and secret areas in the frankenstein's fingers. The small intestinal area is an elaborate maze.

      The second layout she drew is a lot better. It's a little more abstract and features a few main rooms that branch out into other oddly shaped rooms with different hallways connecting them. With some work, it could probably even pass as a DTWiD level. It's a little short though.

      She's still a little unfriendly with DoomBuilder so I'm gonna translate her drawings into levels myself until she wants to familiarize herself with map editing some more.

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