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Stupid Bunny

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About Stupid Bunny

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  1. This is less conceptual and more structural, but just thought of maybe a project where the end product is not one big honkin' wad but a bunch of small (like 5-7 maps apiece max) wads that are listed together, but can be downloaded separately? Like "let's make a whole bunch of miniwads together!" Each one can have a bit of its own character, either aesthetically, conceptually, gameplay-wise, but the idea would be to give people the choice of downloading the wads that sound most cool and interesting and playing them one at a time. It may not be that different than just dividing a megawad into episodes, but I suspect people may be keen to check out more bite-sized wads and get over the psychological barrier against skipping ahead to middle episodes, or feeling of being swamped (or, worse, having their map me swamped) in the middle of a 40-50+ map set. It also can leave a little extra room to try a bunch of different ideas, compartmentalize, have different enemy replacements or whatever (think of all the MAP07 replacements you could do!). If there's a concept that gets a lot of people extra excited then it can be divided into multiple Parts or whatever you want to call them, still as separate wads. And if not a lot of folks contribute or they jump ship or whatever then you just scale down and release two or three or one little community miniwads. And there’s always room to do more next time! I dunno it may not make any difference but there's something about like "these wads are only 5 maps long and I can play each one in an hour or two" that may be appealing to some. I kinda like the idea anyway
  2. I'm surprised no one has said "No, OP, we are the demons" although I guess a lot of responses are more or less in that spirit
  3. I've done a bit of both--like @Somniac said, pretty much all mappers here are hobbyist mappers, whether they put out a modest little single map here and there, crank out solo megawads, or contribute to/lead community projects on a routine basis. We're all doing it for fun, based only on how much time and motivation we have and what we want to create at any given time. Making a grandiose solo megawad is just as much a hobby project as making a casual little map in a couple hours. For my part I've done a bit of both, although most of my released maps, even single ones, were envisioned as part of a set at some point in time. Self promotioney rambling tl;dr below After all that, and my experience of releasing solo maps, making megawads, and failing to make megawads, I've definitely come to appreciate the casual solo map and will probably do more of that in future. Part of that of course is just because I'm getting older and no longer have the hours to sink into big mapping projects. Making megawads is fun but also a lot of work and are also a bigger commitment for people to play, meaning a lot of the maps are less likely to be played anyway :.3 especially later in the set, than if they were released standalone.
  4. I hate infinitely tall actors and disable them immediately in every port allowing it, unless the mapper has explicitly mapped with them in mind. More than I think any other mechanic it feels artificial and frustrating—there is no way I can imagine that it makes sense for Doomguy to stop dead in his tracks and become immobilized because of a bunch of lost souls 500 feet above him, or get magically bit to death by pinkies in a crevasse 500 feet below. I don’t doubt it was necessary, or at least desirable, for performance reasons in the early 90s, but I’m certainly grateful it’s something I can disable now.
  5. @LadyMistDragon hey thanks for checking this one out! I'm not sure what happened at the end--that exit platform is supposed to lower in and force the player to engage the revvies for at least a short amount of time. (It looks like you may have been playing an old version of the map, I checked the one on the archives and it doesn't have this problem, and also one or two other minor things are different :p ). Looks like you had a good time of it otherwise. I think my maps come out more coherent and thematically distinctive when I build them around a specific piece of music, and this one was definitely built for the Turok Catacombs theme in mind. The linearity probably works to its advantage given its size because it reduces the number of "where tf do I go now" moments, I imagine. @SkidyBoobFish appreciate it! I have no idea when I'll ever have time to make maps even on this scale again, but I have a few more from the olde days I'll home on the archives soon
  6. These visuals look insane (I always mean that as a compliment). My "to play" list is already precariously long and looks like it's just gotten longer. Brilliant stuff.
  7. The gloves are glued to his guns and shotgun shells so he has to slide his hands into them every time he uses them
  8. @Plerb no problem, I capped off this project ahead of what will probably be the busiest few months of my life so I can hardly expect everyone else to sink their time into this right away. Plus so many megawads coming out this year it’s bonkers. At least these are mostly pretty short so that should mitigate it somewhat ;33 Anyway the ultimate final form for ever and ever is up on the archives. Appreciate again all of you who have found time to play some of these, they’re not the finest maps out there but I put a lot into them anyway and hope they’re (mostly) as fun to play as they were to make. Not sure when I’ll be back to mapping again, have a couple half finished little things I may cap off someday but it might be a while.
  9. Added up over the last 3 decades, I’d probably estimate it roughly as (with 1 and 2 leading the rest by an enormous margin): Doom and associated content Commander Keen and mods/fangames Speedy Eggbert (and custom levels) Sonic Adventure 1/2 Toy Commander Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Star Wars Episode I: Podracer SimPark Crazy Taxi 1 and 2 SimAnt After that it gets hazy and much more scattered between lots of games I haven’t engaged with as deeply. I may be overestimating a couple of these but don’t doubt how much time I’ve spent playing fucking SimAnt EDIT: that other thread reminds me Rogue, NetHack and DoomRL are probably pretty high up on this list
  10. Haha no sorry I wasn’t disagreeing with you and in fact think everything you said was true. It just reminded me of this and I probably incorrectly thought it would be funny to dredge it up and in any case didn’t really make the connection necessary to land it. My bad.
  11. Finally found some play time in between everything else! Had to keep going I needed to know where that drop would take me
  12. Today we're gonna see if Doom can run on al Intel i9 with 128 GiB of RAM and a 2000 TB SSD inside Windows 10 What we found out is absolutely gonna blow your mind But first let me tell you about NordVPN
  13. Well it wouldn't be a stupid bunny project if I didn't upload it to the archives with stupid, easily fixable bugs I created in the process of fixing other easily fixable bugs that I should have caught in 2 minutes. I have sent along a fixed version to the archives (never had to do that before, hope I never make myself need to again). I'll leave the /idgames link up in the OP since I suppose they're minor enough changes and will be updated there in their own good time. Thanks for playing btw hopefully it was good time apart from my rushed nonsense EDIT: @NuMetalManiak when I play the revenant and manc in question lower to where they're supposed to. Did you play on complevel 2 or set Doom's exact floor motion behaviour to Yes? The donut sector thing works differently with that disabled and that may be the problem. (Though I do notice one of the revvies has a nasty habit of getting itself stuck running on place on the ledge there, but at least it's shootable from that spot.)
  14. @jval also made a thing that will procedurally generate trees at the very least
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