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Stupid Bunny

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Everything posted by Stupid Bunny

  1. Oooh your architecture and texture use are on point
  2. Oh hell yeah. Like I’m glad for playtesters to demonstrate my maps are possible on UV, but I love when people test on lower difficulties too. After all, I want my work to be accessible, and I certainly want to know if inexperienced players can beat them without getting bored on lower difficulties.
  3. Actually one of my Doom pet peeves is when playtesters try and fail at a map on UV, something meant to be Hard Mode, and then write it off as if the other difficulties don’t exist. Like they’re not decorations guys you can play them and still keep your balls you know (notwithstanding if you were ball-less beforehand of course) Now, yes, I also acknowledge the counterpoint that UV shouldn’t be literally impossible, but honestly if a mapper wants their map to just be mind-bendingly difficult on UV and still implements functional difficulty levels then I don’t think there’s any harm in that. Someone will be hardcore/insane enough to beat it then, and they’ll be very glad to have had the challenge. Meanwhile for folks like me, there’ll be ITYTD and I’ll be glad for that too
  4. Calls to mind those piece of shit evil marines in Scythe II, can the plasma gun guy please not be as fast as Doomguy
  5. I go through a phase every couple of years where I get really into Nethack or DoomRL is particular (yes, it will always be DoomRL to me). Nethack I haven't beaten yet, I've gotten fairly far as the valkyrie but YASD'd myself on my best playthrough when I tried to hack it out with a floating eye in a moment of hubris. Had some good playthroughs of DoomRL too, got real good with the melee traits in particular and beat Archangel of 666 twice on mostly melee kills--although after a certain point, that challenge kinda stops being about skill and more about how much patience you can maintain over 666 floors. And of course I'll always have a soft spot for the original Rogue (the DOS version in particular), which my grandma had on her old PC and which I have many fond memories of playing in their basement back in the day. I've played the shit out of it, but still haven't even found the amulet yet. Given how much I like roguelikes I'm not very good at them.
  6. Try playing your maps in Crispy Doom or PRBoom+. Using flats as wall textures (and vice versa) is unsupported in those source ports. If you want your maps to be Doom 2 compatible then you can't use flats on walls.
  7. Low effort trolling isn't going anywhere, don't worry
  8. The blue beast was gone. But our hero knew, as the labyrinthine darkness seemed to close in around him, that he had to go fast.
  9. Actually basically all of this, there is something about watching old nostalgic videos that you've seen a billion times but still recall some warm old feelings that can put one in a good space before bed. Meditation is good too, not to be That Guy but making a habit of it really can improve how you respond to the brain's habit of never shutting the hell up Besides this, I sleep with white noise of some kind, to the point that unfortunately I don't sleep well without it. Also sometimes I pull out and read this manual I have for how to program a MOS 6502 microprocessor, it's interesting enough that I don't completely zone it out but dry enough that it doesn't actually hook me and keep me awake. Not to say that reading technical descriptions of processor opcodes will be interesting for everybody but you can find some kind of equivalent to distract your mind a bit
  10. Hey kids So I have a Doom 2-with-limits-removed, 13-map WAD I've been working on since autumn of 2010, which is finally beginning to come together and may at last be finished this year sometime. Amazing! I have 8 or 9 maps already finished, one mostly done and a few more in progress but probably not demanding too much more work. All this is to make the point that this is a real project that's actually happening and that I'm not trying to just shanghai someone on board some kind of vaporware flight of fancy that I will abandon in two months. Better yet, I have the boss level for the sprite (yes, it is a boss) as well as the deHackEd states for it essentially ready, as well as a pretty specific idea of what I want the character himself to be. The sprite I want to make is Baron Vladimir Harkonnen from Dune (yes, as the title now expresses). Because I initially wanted to do this sprite myself, and because I also think it would be kinda lulz I thought I would make the Baron an edited mancubus sprite, preferably using the un-cybernetic one from JoeyTD's Vanilla as Fuck mod. I figured instead of his gun being on his arms or hands I'd put it somewhere else. Plus some other edits to make him look more Harkonnen-ey, like red hair and stuff. I wanna get weird with this one, as any Dune sprite should be. The reason I'm seeing if anyone is game to do this is mainly because, well, I've got very limited experience with spriting, and since every part of a project like this matters timewise I was interested to put out feelers and see if anyone more talented with this sort of thing would be keen to help with this one, especially since it's relatively unambitious as a sprite edit, rather than as a from-scratch sprite--even more so since the Baron just floats, obviating the need for walking animations--and since I know there must be some Dune nerds out there who would be enticed by the mention of Bad Vlad as an editing project. Plus I promise the mapset will be pretty cool when it's done. If anybody is interested, I will DM them the remaining details about what I'm looking for, some possibly hilarious concept drawings as well as the map with the .deh to see what he's supposed to be about in action. Feel free also to give ideas, suggestions, critiques, brutal teardowns etc of any parts of the idea that you don't like or think could be improved on. Here is where the Baron lives btw
  11. Didn’t Skulltag have SSG zombies? I vaguely remember making a map fragment with them but I don’t remember what they were actually like in combat tactically speaking
  12. And I guess for my part, I listen to a lot of instrumental music and feel like it’s the mood and timbre of the music that hooks me more than the lyrics. Which isn’t to say that I’m not inspired by brilliant lyrics, or put off by stupid ones, but it’s rarely what I approach music for.
  13. Plot of Doom E6 when it comes out Doomguy: *grumble grumble* well it’s finally time to go save Earth I hope I didn’t waste too much time with all those stupid detours, time to finally go through the portal and... *puts hand in pocket* MEANWHILE IN HELL [zoom to Doomguy’s wallet sitting on a table somewhere] “FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK” Rip and tear
  14. Revenant missiles are evil but that's part of what makes them such a well-designed enemy...and the fact that they're well-designed is the reason they're so heavily used. They're dangerous but fair to fight whether they're alone on turrets, in hordes, in tight spaces, out in the open...they lay pressure on you, force you to be quick on your feet but also go down in a few shotgun blasts and wince easily enough that you can even take one in a chainsaw fight without too much trouble. I guess I might knock off a tiny bit of damage but honestly I don't think a lot of maps would be as exciting if I did
  15. @Buzzerb5x9x do you want the WAD to be playable in PRBoom+ and Crispy Doom? If so, then 3D objects won't work and the map in question will have to be in a different format. If not, then you should specify in the original post that the WAD is for (G)ZDoom only. Because as it is we're getting severe mixed messages about what format this is supposed to be in
  16. I do honestly find the affected angst and tough-guy posturing of a lot of nu-metal to be pretty lame and cheesy, but then again, I listen to a lot of 80s hair bands who were and are the absolute living definition of lame cheesy posturing, so it’s really a matter of taste in the end, something that can’t really be described rationally. Something I’ve learned over time is that people shitting on stuff I really like is not the same as shitting on me, and while there are plenty of sad snobby types who will belittle you personally for your tastes, it’s also important to make peace with the fact that people will sometimes express strong dislike for things you love, and that in doing so they really aren’t saying anything about you as a person. There’s a difference between “I think Limp Bizkit sucks” and “I think you suck because you like Limp Bizkit”. To paraphrase the refrain from all the threads about freelooking and saving midgame and stuff, “Do how you like and don’t worry about what other people think”.
  17. As well you should. The rest of it is an incredible good time, some of the best map layout and combat work you’ll ever see in a series of challenging but easily digestible maps that don’t demand insane amounts of time. I revisit Scythe all the time and there’s a good reason why. MAP30 isn’t even bad as such, it’s just that it’s pure insanity and compared to the rest of the WAD is not very approachable.
  18. And thus the circle is complete I hope Microsoft will be merciful to our community
  19. I remember Scythe MAP30 to be an absolute grind, especially in that cavern with the bridge and 10 billion revenants. That map ended up taking like a full quarter of the time it took to beat the whole megawad, and I won't pretend like I only made it through by savescumming it to hell (I regret nothing).
  20. I'm kind of with this take, like I love the BFG but it's easy enough to make a map fast-paced and fun without it, unless it has like 80000 revenants and hell knights or something like that. I wouldn't eliminate the chainsaw anyway, it's too much fun and I love silly novelty weapons (the voodoo doll in Blood is also great) The pistol is lame, I wouldn't get rid of it as such because it's a logical starting weapon but it could definitely use a faster firing rate or more power per bullet or something (there are exhaustive threads on that subject so I won't segue into it so hard here)
  21. I think the best thing is just to play a variety of maps, both IWAD and custom ones, and ask yourself with each one, "Why did I like this? What sucked about this one?" Take a critical eye to what made a certain map interesting, or another one boring. I also wouldn't say that the IWAD maps are any more of a necessity than custom maps are: some of them are great but they're literally the first Doom maps ever made and there's so much about the game we've learned in the intervening almost 3 decades, to say nothing of the tools that are now available. I'd say at least, though, to mainly focus on vanilla-format maps to begin with, because I think if you play a ton of maps filled with custom monsters and cool scripting and such, well, you can still learn a lot but I think it's instructive to start your learning journey with the basic assets in terms of monsters, textures and map behaviors, since they're quite well-balanced for the most part, easy to work with, and will keep your focus on the basics of combat mechanics and texturing and layout and stuff. And besides, it's amazing what you can do with the vanilla assets especially once limits are removed.
  22. Yes very important, the map set I’m working on now relies on dehackery for a bunch of decorations and a few of the monsters and I know already that Brütal Døøm breaks those, as well as some of the animated wall textures. I don’t look forward to complaints of random Nazis and hanging corpses in the sky from people who didn’t read the instructions.
  23. I liked Dr. Lunatic, this super dopey game where you walk around collecting pants and throwing hammers at zombies and skeletons and...pygmies and stuff. The best part of the game was usually the captions and messages that pop up and move the “story” of each level forward. Oh man and I played the shit out of Speedy Eggbert. I also made probably 50 levels for that game, all of which seem to be gone now :.( @Chow Yun Thin hell yeah SimAnt was awesome. My favorite thing to do was to visit contested patches, become a soldier and, and then go assassinate the red queen before then becoming the spider and eating enough red ants that the black ants could raid the red nest.
  24. Roguelikes are exactly where I associate this term and I was surprised/confused to see it used to much here where the term doesn’t seem applicable. One of the things I love about Doom is not only that you can save anywhere, but that the cheats are short and easy to remember and can be input at any time with a few keystrokes. I don’t see the point of making saving and cheating nearly impossible in a single player game...like let me play how I want damn it, who am I hurting by doing otherwise? Maybe I, personally, lose some of the satisfaction of beating the game legit, but I mean...what do the game designers care about that? Why not give me the option? Why make a game to punish anybody who just wants to have a casual good time, especially for a game as simple and mechanics-based as Doom? I hate this gatekeepy ethic of “pro gam0rz only” like that you don’t deserve to play a game, a thing designed to be fun, if you’re not hardcore and willing to dedicate a billion hours to getting good or whatever. At least the old NES games had the excuse that implementing saves was technologically impossible, or at least prohibitively expensive, but no game developer has been able to say that since the 90s really, especially for PC games.
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