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Stupid Bunny

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Everything posted by Stupid Bunny

  1. Oh yeah another thing I found out super recently...I didn't realize the mega-armor was actually a different armor class in Doom than the green armor. I always thought it was just the same armor, but with an extra 100% tacked on, meaning that by the time the blue armor is whittled down to 100% it would be effectively the same as green armor. It turns out this isn't the case, which means that armor bonuses are more than just armor++; they can be strategically used to save a good suit of blue armor before it's destroyed. It also means that replacing a <100% suit of blue armor with a fresh green one might actually be detrimental, as it represents an immediate downgrade in armor class even if its armor % is higher. I don't know how I went so long without learning this. It definitely makes me rethink how I want to place armor boni, among other things, so that a clever player can use them to keep their shiny blue armor from being lost.
  2. I didn't realize that E2M7 and E3M7 have different versions of "Waltz of the Demons" playing in the background. In E3M7 the contrabass thrumming in the background is 20% louder. It's audible if you're, like, really listening for it.
  3. It's often the case that trailers are more generic and dumb and boring than the actual film turns out to be--this seems counterintuitive, but I guess trailers are trying to appeal to as broad and large a market as possible which means they often wind up a Marvel-style sequence of big noises and unfunny wisecracks and such, even if the film they're promoting is actually a richer and more thought-provoking experience. Dune is my favorite book series of all time so I'm hoping that's the case here, and that the film will turn out more creative and unique than the trailer made it look. Then again, for all the Lynch adaptation's flaws I will forever stand by my assertion that the set and costume design in that film are on point and am already sad that the new film seems to be going for more of a minimalist design the way everyone else is. But who knows maybe that's just the trailer too, and the Padishah Emperor will look like this after all As to Mortal Kombat, I don't expect some kind of cerebral auteur piece or anything but I'm hoping it'll at least be good campy fun. It can't possibly be more disappointing or terminally boring than Doom: Annihilation was.
  4. @Deathclaw886 I did, yes, but then a friendly forest archie came and resurrected me. Just hoping he doesn't come back later on in the narrative expecting me to repay his deed in some way
  5. I've still gotta beat Dune (the 1992 DOS one) but it's on this ancient ass computer I don't have readily available right now. But that's ok I have Doom maps and other IRL stuff to work on first The Harkonnens...are ATTACKING us!
  6. I'm just chilling and watching up on a ledge with some popcorn an arch-vile had roasted and sold me on the other side of the portal, hoping the first trial isn't a giant switch hunt because that would not be fun for me to watch
  7. Yaaay hopefully soon I'll have a new map or two to send your way for you to try you new setup on ;3
  8. @Archfiend no keep it up, I will play the shit out of your maps. I don't know if it's still the case that people react this way...I think it's partly a matter of the bandwagoning effect where some people complain that WOLF3D resources felt out of place in a map, and then it became kind of a dogma that you just don't use them in a serious Doom map. Now, it is true that they do feel out of place in a regular Doom map, but that doesn't make it wrong--more to the point, it shouldn't stop anybody from trying to use them, especially if they've put some creativity or thought into how they're using them which it seems you have. And don't think I'll be the only one who's into it. This community overall is pretty chill and appreciates trying something new and different for the most part. And if a couple people decide they hate your maps for dumb reasons then that's nothing to really worry about anyway.
  9. A voice crackles from the fog: "Aha! Very well, inform Lord D'Sparil the guests have arrived. I'll put the kettle on"
  10. Well...the short answer is no. The slightly longer answer is no, but what do you have in mind exactly? Like on a smartphone, for example? If that's the case then the answer is still no, I checked and it looks like no effort to put SLADE or any other WAD editor on mobile has gotten far, which isn't too surprising. Otherwise...um, draw them on paper and see if anyone is keen on mapping them?
  11. I have a real soft spot for silly gimmicks like these. It probably would've been better if they'd found a creative way to use their old Wolf3D textures and silly little nerfed SS men to make a real level instead of just stealing one from the original. My favorite IWAD secret levels are probably either Pharaoh or Warrens--again, each with a kind of gimmicky concept around it, but actually with some effort applied. Also appreciate Go 2 It where the gimmick is just being an insane clusterfuck (and I guess its resemblance to Entryway; thankful they didn't have D_RUNNIN playing too), kind of like the Pyramid of the Forbidden in Commander Keen 4 but without the awesome joke ending. Secret levels like Military Base and Fear leave me empty because they're kind of just...more levels, in my mind, without much to really separate them from the rest thematically. Even Fortress of Mystery is mildly interesting as a concept.
  12. Last I recall, I was horribly drunk for some reason. I wake up, with a terrible migraine, the smell of insecticide and dead roaches in the air. These things are probably all related. ~based on a true story
  13. Ok so I seem to have found a workable solution...the good news is that, although the spawn spot will not move while a monster is on top of it, it also will not itself move on top of an already-existing monster. What this means is that I only had to add a bit of delay to the spawn spitter, giving any spawned monsters time to move completely off of the spawn point. Once they're clear then I think there's no risk of monsters being spawned on top of it. EDIT: well on further testing there's still ways it can go wrong, such as if an arachnotron starts volleying as soon as it's spawned and never lets the spawn point get away. But it's a major improvement.
  14. I don't know if this is a known bug, but when I play with uncapped framerate enabled the archvile's flame doesn't render properly; most of its frames get skipped and it's thus mostly not visible for most of its duration.
  15. It would be cool to see more of them, they’re one of my favorite details of E1-3. But yeah they take a tremendous amount of work I imagine, compared to just doing a nice wallpapery intermission screen with no animation or progression. Someday I’d love to see someone do a series for Doom II, maybe 3-4 separate ones for each episode or a giant scrolling one with all 32 levels in it. It’d be a hell of a project, not one I’m artistically skilled enough to undertake myself.
  16. Second loudest I still have hearing problems from using Heretic’s dragon claw
  17. It's an option I'll consider. I really want the mapset to be compatible with Crispy tho or really anything that's vanilla with limits removed, and would rather hash out a working solution with that limitation than make an exception for this one situation.
  18. Yeah I thought I could add a MAPINFO or something that would only be seen by (G)ZDoom but honestly I'd rather try and keep all my edits within the vanilla deHacked sphere.
  19. Is there a way to induce MAP30-style telefragging on another, specific map (in this case MAP13)? I'm doing a heavily modified monster spawner-type enemy and I hate the way the monsters become stuck inside each other; even worse that the spawn spots get stuck too (they're supposed to move, but refuse to if there's a monster on top of them). I'm not gonna move this final boss to MAP30 because that mongs up the rest of my level progression but if I can get MAP13 to be telefraggy in at least some sourceports (I'm resigned to the fact that it's not happening in Crispy) then I'll take it. EDIT: I've changed the title because I think this second point is probably more pertinent. I really want the "optimal" experience of my mapset to be attainable in Crispy Doom with vanilla settings, so I guess I'd rather just ignore the telefrag option, try and fix this second problem and just accept that monsters will be stuck inside each other like idiots from time to time. If there's a flag whereby the moving spawn spots are entirely unaffected by monsters on top of them, but still don't clip through walls, that would be a perfectly sufficient stopgap. I've played around with both the NOSECTOR and NOBLOCKMAP flags but honestly I'm not sure enough of how they work and at any rate they don't seem to affect the spawn spots' movement, or lack thereof, when a monster is on top of them.
  20. ^That seemed to work with testing, at least. I'd still really like to have some of my deHacked things show up in UDB instead of having to remember that Bloody Mess 2 is actually a tree now but I guess I can work around that if it isn't a feature yet.
  21. Definitely seeing improvement in your map layout, especially in the large room with the stairs and central bridge thing. I got chewed up a lot by the chaingunners everywhere but the height differentials did make this area a bit more strategic and interesting to look at. It's still a very linear map though, so far your levels mostly involve going from room -> door -> corridor -> door -> room -> fight a random assortment of mosters without giving the player any real choice where to go. I think for your next map you should try and give it a more branching layout, ideally with paths that loop back on themselves so the player doesn't have to backtrack a lot. It makes even a simple map much more interesting when you can take different approaches after each death, seeing "maybe I'll fare better if I go this way first instead". That way players can choose their battles, and which resources they get first, a bit more freely. Like I said, your architecture has improved a bit. The shapes are still very rectangular and you're still relying way too much on the same 5 or 6 textures. A lot of those textures are misaligned too, and I'd suggest putting borders (think DOORSTOP or SUPPORT2/3, for example) where wall textures change, and lower-unpegged DOORTRAK alongside the doors. I'd say the battles are still pretty samey too, lots of big empty rooms with a bunch of heavy-hitter monsters that the player doesn't have enough ammo to fight. The room with the baron and chaingunner on the turret, and the big open one with the monster ledges: these were better because they actually at least tried to place the enemies more strategically. Keep trying more stuff like that, use the geography of the level to your advantage! Keep trying. There's a lot still to be improved but at least you're trying new things a bit along the way. Like @Silhou3tte said too, go out and look at some levels, be they custom or IWAD levels, that you like, and really think about what makes them good and what techniques in layout and visual design you could try for yourself. Don't be afraid either to spend a little more time on your maps, take time to add decorative elements here and there, and definitely playtest them a lot yourself before you release them.
  22. There's Doom Textures for Doom II in the Realm667 repository. SargeBaldy (the listed author) has already organized the patches into textures which is nice. You can also do it the long and dumb way like I did 10 years ago and just copy the patches directly from the Doom IWAD and then manually put the textures together using that as a reference, but this is probably faster ;)
  23. “God damn it” - when I die because of a thing that kills me ”OH GOD OH FUCK” - when an arch-vile “Argh” - when I’m playing Plutonia and I keep getting killed by the same trap a billion times ”fuck this game” - when I suck at playing Doom, which is usually ”WHAT!? NO! NO!! NO!!!!1!1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” - when I’m 0.00000001 seconds from finally finishing an impossible level and I get cheapshotted by something offscreen
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