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Stupid Bunny

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Everything posted by Stupid Bunny

  1. Oh crap I forgot about that. I might need to tweak some bits of my levels then, heh. Thanks for mentioning this!
  2. I tried installing this interim version, and I'm still popping this error whenever I try to open one of my .deh files: src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:233: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:235: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:237: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:239: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:241: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:243: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:245: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:247: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:249: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:2273: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:3522: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:3524: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:3936: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. src\whacked4\ui\windows.py:3938: wxPyDeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated item. Use :meth:`AddTool` instead. Traceback (most recent call last): File "src\whacked4\app.py", line 68, in OnInit File "src\whacked4\ui\mainwindow.py", line 232, in open_file File "src\whacked4\dehacked\patch.py", line 590, in read_dehacked TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str The .deh was created with the same version of WhackEd that it's failing to open in, for Doom v1.9 and DOOM2 as the IWAD. I made minor modifications to the .deh file in Notepad++ before it started doing this but I'm not sure if that's relevant. I also tried getting rid of the .whacked file associated with the .deh, and now it will prompt me when I open it; but it doesn't show Doom or Ultimate Doom 1.9 as available options. This is true in both the normal and interim 1.2.4 versions. Let me know if you need any more information. In the meantime, do you have suggestions for how I might get around this? I have a bunch of dehacked work I want to do and I can't do it with these errors popping. If all else fails I might see if I can find 1.2.3 or another older version.
  3. I myself would’ve said 112 or 128, depending on texture choice. Anything below 112 enters the “too dark to see” range pretty quickly. I agree with the above that anything 160 and up enters the “well-lit” range.
  4. Pretty basic answer but there's some computer reels in TNT and, by extension, TNT 2.
  5. This is why I make sure to merge the monster closet with a sector in an area where the player is guaranteed to be shooting stuff. Remember the monsters don't need to be alerted in the same sector where they're going to teleport in; usually in my maps I have the monster closets all merged as one single sector, so that all of them are alerted at the same time, usually near the start of the level. That way all of them are ready to go for later, even if I don't need it to actually step over the teleport line until way later in the map. Does that make sense? Here I made another variation to show a little more clearly what I mean. Notice that the imp's closet is merged with the first sector, the one with the zombieman...if you fire in that room, the imp will be alerted, even though it teleports into the second room. If you really want to force the player to wake up the monsters, include a shootable switch in the room which contains the sector you've merged the monster closet(s) with. The small tunnel method that Mr.Rocket mentioned is fine, but this seems to work in vanilla as well and offers you a lot more flexibility since the monster closets don't actually need to be physically connected with the rest of the map (just merged with a sector in the map, I can't emphasize that part enough.)
  6. I’ve been using GraphicsGale. It’s ok but I might have to give Aseprite a try and see if it scales to my display better.
  7. How about a mod where each map must have a minimum area of 10k x 10k, but the actual playable area is a maximum 128x128. It will be an exercise in how much decoration and scenesetting and cool architecture can be made completely superfluous.
  8. For me the hardest thing is just to push through the inevitable mapper’s block that comes when I have an area I have to do, and no good idea for what to do with it. Like right now I have two different areas of a map done, and I know I want to connect point A to B somehow. But I don’t like to just make corridors stringing two areas together, I get stuck because every idea I come up with just feels boring or lazy and I just wait forever until the perfect idea comes...which of course it often doesn’t. And of course sometimes corridors stringing areas together are fine, some of my previous maps have turned out really tedious in parts where I connected two areas with some kind of bizarre maze or puzzle, when a couple simple rooms would’ve been much better and taken 10% as much time for me to draw anyway. The logical conclusion and end result of this attitude is that I end up with enormous confusing maps, because I feel like I’ve copped out if my map takes less than 45 minutes to finish. My challenge to myself in upcoming maps is to get over this a bit and focus on making maps that are a little quicker and more free-flowing and not a baffling ordeal to get through.
  9. I logged out on my computer and can’t get back in (Error 403) which suggests that anti-DDoS measures are being taken. ffs
  10. I'd make a funny reference but unfortunately the Homestar Runner train somehow passed me by back in the day
  11. Cool. Guess I'll just have to have a few redundant frames in there. Not the end of the world. Thanks!
  12. How much flexibility do I have for sprite rotations in vanilla Doom? I'm working with a sprite that only has frames the intermediate angles (2, 4, 6, 8) and if possible I'd love to avoid having redundant frames in the WAD file. The problem of course is that I'm pretty sure A1A2A8A4A6 or whatever can't legally append to a sprite name, and I can't think of any other way to do it. I'm just curious since the only syntax I've seen is either A1, A2, A3 etc. or A1, A2A8, A3A7 etc. (Well and A0).
  13. I couldn't pass up a map by someone with a CK4 poison slug as their avatar. Even if it is a sewer level ;) Sewer level jokes aside--and not really relevant, because this doesn't fall into the pitfalls of poor tedious design that Bad Sewer Levels are known for--this is definitely in the top percentile of first maps. Love the branching, open-ended layout, great texture choices overall, for the most part the detailing does its job of adding life and character to the map without getting in my way. Your use of slopes is competent, excellent for a first-time mapper, though I did jamb my head against a bunch of them in the tunnely area which was mildly annoying. I also got stuck in the room with the blue door and the crates, I didn't have the key and couldn't climb back out; are we supposed to play with jump enabled? One of the crate flats in this room was misaligned too. Some good traps, as is appropriate for a map like this. I didn't mind the crampedness for the most part, except for aforementioned head-jambing. Also agree with Doritos that the map could probably be a tad darker, it would add to the sewery atmosphere and also give you more room for good creepy light contrasts. Great work, I see a lot of potential here.
  14. I can see it. Mostly in that one bit where the one-sided linedefs kind of form a face. The ribs are kind of there too, and there's even something of the funny bits down there too. That hell cave map looks wild.
  15. @gaspe Love the cavernous open space. Gives me Plutonia vibes, I can just see the chaingun snipers in those windows. yeah I realized that blocking monsters wouldn’t break the flow of this area too horribly. So I put some nice crackly lava rock in a pit down there, looks nice this way too! Also I thought of a kind of hacky but functional way to improve coop by having a teleport that only can be lowered from the P2 start, and which just serves to skip the bridge. It’s not an amazing solution but it’s better than nothing I guess.
  16. What is the standard protocol for crediting borrowed textures? I was going to simply name each WAD I borrowed from and all the respective authors of said WADs, but I'm not sure if I need to actually list the textures, sleuth out who made the textures, trace back the actual point of origin of frequently borrowed textures (e.g. the lavafall) and so forth. This isn't bad...admittedly when you said it's "playable" I at least assumed you'd have thrown in an exit switch for my gratification at the end ;) The best architecture was actually in that end area, with the presumably unfinished HOM on the windows...I like the curve shapes there. Lots of good traps along the way, the map kept me on my toes. The monster closet traps do get predictable quickly though so I was refreshed when you mixed things up a bit with the lava tunnel and the hell knight. The map is pretty linear too, and in spite of the branching layout there wasn't really any room for exploration. I'd recommend trying a more open-ended layout in your next map, at least in the beginning. Texturing was great throughout, I think you have a good grasp of how to use edging and border textures in an interesting way without making it look clashy or going overboard. Good use of lighting too. It's a good looking map. Overall a fun experience up to the dead-end...it's a good sign I was hoping for more, rather than feeling relief at hitting that empty wall. Keep us posted on your next project!
  17. I just finished making this vanilla 3D bridge, and immediately upon doing so I'm questioning whether I want to keep it in the map. It's annoying because I think it looks super nice but I just know for a fact that it's going to constantly be getting monsters stuck on top of it, to say nothing of how it will mong up multiplayer in various ways. I dunno I'll keep it for now and kind of sit on it a bit, I like this trick in some ways but damned if it isn't a buggy one in others. Idk what do you, the audience, think? Shall I keep it? Or replace it with a more boring but probably better 2D means of crossing? Remember, "just switch to ZDoom format you idiot" is not a valid answer. EDIT: @illYay1337 I meant to say also that that doodle is brilliant, I love the multi-layered layout and the way the tiers extend down to Hell. Creative stuff especially as childhood fan doodles go.
  18. Thanks! FIREBLU is maybe my favorite texture in Doom. It's hard to use right and usually looks like ass but in just the right scenario (which, I'm glad to hear, this may have been one), it is more beautiful and distinctive and weird and interesting than anything else in Doom. No FIREBLU here unfortunately but this open area is finally beginning to come together
  19. You have no idea how many first-timers come in and just post "i made wad lmk what u think" without giving any context so you're already a breath of fresh air right there. Definitely a short little map, I never got to use the chainsaw because everything was already dead by the time I grabbed it. I'll say the excess ammo and arms would be fine if they were in preparation for a later part of the level with more heavy hitters. I would've screencapped the missing lower texture but it's actually there in your fourth screenshot ;) I'd suggest putting the liquids at a lower height than the surrounding sectors. The architecture in your map is predominated by right angles, which is common for an early map and not necessarily a bad thing but I'd suggest experimenting with some non-rectangular structures in future maps as a way to jazz them up a bit. Overall not bad for a first effort, glad to see you experimenting with different linedef and sector behaviors a little bit. Keep it up.
  20. Yep, 128x128 fixed it. Thanks. Lol they actually look better than you might imagine. Good enough for me anyway. They're swamp trees and I think they're branchy enough that they don't look too much like they're made of cardboard.
  21. I'm not up on all my texture size limitations in Doom...I'm trying to put trees in my map by drawing a + shape with linedefs and applying lower-unpegged midtextures to them. The dimensions of the tree texture are 96 x 128. The trees display just fine in GZDoom, but when I play the map in Crispy Doom the tree texture crops and starts repeating on the right side. What can I do to fix this?
  22. @bfredric Yes thank you I will defend Chasm to my doomy grave
  23. What in sam fuck is going on with that hell knight down there
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