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Stupid Bunny

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Everything posted by Stupid Bunny

  1. The worst map I can imagine is just an extremely long, windy, narrow, orthogonal, 64-high corridor where the player is forced to run back and forth to the opposite ends throwing switches that only reveal more switches, while pinkies periodically spawn in that never pose a threat, but will always get in your way and force you to slowly punch or pistolkill one after the other. This endless back and forth continues for like two hours of gameplay until finally there’s one switch that opens a door to an enormous labyrinth, also full of pinkies. There is one 8px wide texture that is the exit, but it is identical to every other wall in the labyrinth so the only way to find it is extremely painstaking wall humping. While periodically having to kill pinkies. The floor, ceiling and walls are all the exact same green marble texture through the entire map and the brightness never changes from a bland 128. Running from Evil plays in the background.
  2. You have picked at this salad too long, mortal...I think I shall remove it from the table I was also gonna give @Hazel-Rah an All the demons will be your enemy, Doomguy of 10,617 Enemies. And when they catch you, you will BE KILL BY DEMONS But first they must catch you. Ripper, Tearer, Cooker with Gas, Train with the Choo Choo Cha Boogie. Be huge, and full of huge guts, and your people will never be a zombie
  3. I used to savescum like hell, most particularly when I played Scythe MAP30 for the first time. It reached a point where I had like no ammo and 9% health and the only way I could beat the map was by replaying certain 2-second intervals, over and over, and then saving before I died again. It was still weirdly satisfying but so absurd that when I went to beat Plutonia I resolved to only save at the beginning of each map (and I don’t remember if I tried pistol-starting on death, which yes I know is the actual thrust of this thread). Of course there I ended up trying to beat MAP23 and died a million times at the exact same spot, so in future I might compromise and save when I reach that point so I don’t have to do all the same crap over again. I have pretty deep reservoirs of patience for repetitious activities (see, again, Scythe MAP30) but somewhere I recognize a point where I’m no longer having fun with it.
  4. I almost never used to use ITYTD (except occasionally in the Doom Roguelike, when I wanted an easy playthrough or--more often--to get a few medals the easier way) but lately I've come to appreciate it as a way of having a casual day of playing Doom, or experiencing maps that I lack the 5k1llz to play on any other difficulty. I've generally come to respect that difficulty levels matter and, having failed to adequately make use of them in previous maps, am setting out to make HNTR actually pretty easy in my upcoming ones, as opposed to "5% less hard" which is what it often amounts to in custom maps.
  5. I could write Doomworld's 69,420,000,000th post about why arch-viles are scary but instead I'll go with a different tack and note that, for some reason, the sounds of crushers running has always made me really anxious, at least when there's no other sound in the area. I don't know why; it's not like they're hunting me, I know exactly where they are most of the time, but if I'm running around an otherwise silent level and I suddenly hear the sound of crushers it always puts me on edge. Maybe it's just the mental image of being crushed under a giant moving stone, or seeing all these different demons reduced to the same smashed lump of bone and blood, or it's just hearing any sound emerging out of the silence from somewhere I can't see.
  6. I don't really think hard about what my "worth" is in this community at this point but I do feel like I've played a weirdly small number and variety of wads in the many years I've been active in the Doom community. There's a long list of iconic wads, some going back decades, whose names come up over and over and which I've somehow never even touched after all this time; and of the ones I have downloaded and played, I've rarely gotten far into them. Part of that is time, of course, but still there have been times people will say that my maps remind them of X and I have never actually played what they're mentioning, even though everybody else probably has. Then again, I still haven't played through either Plutonia or E4 on any difficulty so I've definitely got work to do there too.
  7. I always liked the intermission screen for E3. It makes Hell look like such a fascinating place to go explore, all those mountains and cliffs and expanses of desert and stuff. Sometimes I still like to try and find all the little details in it, and picture Doomguy having to cross all these dunes and stuff to get from place to place.
  8. When I was first getting started mapping I would always idfa before playtesting any of my maps if they weren't the first slot, because "lol I'd probably have all this ammo and shit anyway by this point". It never even occurred to me that any map in Doom or Doom II would be playable from a pistol start. Then again I sucked at playing Doom almost as much as I did mapping it in those days so when I go back and play them I find they still have plenty of ammo.
  9. I love the way this map is coming along, palm trees in Hell is a nice touch.
  10. I was trying to come up with the most tedious, boring, ugly, annoying map I could imagine and then realized all my ideas were already in 1337.wad
  11. I unfortunately have no memory at all. I don't even remember how I found it. The last time I looked at it was probably 11+ years ago. With any luck somebody else remembers it and has a bookmark to it or something.
  12. This conversation reminds me of a site I found ages ago that had, like, scientific descriptions of the various demons, complete with scientific names and hypotheses about their diets and behaviors and, in the case of the cybernetically enhanced monsters, how they were made, why, and from what source organisms. I don't know if the site is still up but I remember it was kind of neat.
  13. You scored an excellent hit on the emu [Enter] You have defeated the emu [Enter] Welcome to level 12 For defeating the emu I am awarded the Victoria Knife, Australia’s highest honor
  14. Well I’d say it’s an Icelandic parliament but being a very stupid bunny I fucked up and spelled it wrong (it should be Alþingi, pronounced like “All Thingy”). So if anybody has an All Thingy we can consult for a group name now is the time to summon its counsel
  15. I convene the Alþingy so we can determine, by council, our group name. I suggest Alþingy as our group name.
  16. I mean I checked the calendar hanging from this tree here and it says the year is 10,191 and the known universe is ruled by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV
  17. Probably the most work I've ever put into a project I'll never finish was this Commander Keen megawad that I started working on back in like 2007-8 or thereabouts. I only made one (not very good level) but I replaced the better part of the sprites and a ton of the graphics, using TNT as my base IWAD for some reason. I did a whole lot of artwork but the project petered out when I realized it was more ambitious than I could handle and I moved on to other things. If anyone wants to play with the resources in here then be my guest (give credits where due and all that of course)
  18. Oops that was me, I rolled onto Terry's random gun while blacked out and it made doubleposting clones of everbody My bad
  19. The last thing I hear is 🅱️eter laughing before slipping into the black abyss of being either dead or drunk on homemade whiskey and demon beer
  20. Fuck that's the second time today an archvile has resurrected me. I need a drink
  21. I start playing Plutonia MAP11 on Terry's magic computer. Unfortunately @Valhen's new pet Archvile sees me killing all his bros and gets pissed. EDIT: Also apparently the computer is pissed at me and telling me that I daren't touch it but I'm just ignoring that shit and playing Plutonia anyway
  22. God help y’all the only TV in the treehouse is a SECAM display, RIP all your Atari 2600 games
  23. Fuckin A in I go, anything beats being besieged by demons who cheat at chess *dives into the terryportal* *gets assaulted by the Burger King*
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