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Stupid Bunny

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Everything posted by Stupid Bunny

  1. Thanks, that did it. I guess this is what happens when basically the entire map is deep underground. Amazing the things I'm still learning after all these years. I've got a problem to fix with floors lowering and not changing textures now, but I think I've found an answer to that in another thread.
  2. You'll soon discover that Sandy maps are among the most polarizing topics in the Doom community.
  3. I’m glad after all these years the arguments about GZDoom haven’t gone away I don’t really have a standard, and I guess I just like to go with whatever bare minimum the map is optimized for. If it takes advantage of GZDoom’s features I’ll play it with GZDoom. If it uses Boom actions I’ll go with PRBoom+. If it’s vanilla compatible I might just try putting it on my 486 PC and playing it legit ;)
  4. I first played vanilla Doom as a wee tot in my dad’s old PC. I was playing without monsters, which I suppose my dad thought would make it less scary but in hindsight wandering around completely alone in places full of corpses and blood and walls made of flesh wasn’t much better. Doom freaked me out enough at that age that I didn’t play again for another 8 years or so. By then our DOS version of Doom had disappeared which means that to my undying disappointment my first experience with Doom II was with Doom 95. The greatest service the Doom community ever did me was introducing me to source ports so I could never touch Doom 95 again.
  5. I've once again resumed work on my Map Project That Will Not Die, and from the beginning I've been set on making it compatible with as many limit-removing sourceports as I can. Unfortunately I've found that on one map in particular there are a number of features that don't work properly when I test the map in Crispy Doom--although it works fine in PrBoom+ and GZDoom, at least. In two separate spots on the map, sectors tagged with 40-W1 Ceiling Raise to Highest Ceiling will continue to rise way higher than any adjacent sector; they do eventually stop, although I can't tell where or what they're actually rising to. In another instance, a sector tagged with 102-S1 Floor Lower to Highest Floor will not slowly lower to the floor, like it's supposed to, but instead instantaneously rise to some unknown point way inside the ceiling that, again, corresponds to no adjacent sector that I can see. Is this just a bug with Crispy Doom? Should I be testing this with a different limit-removing port? Or is there something else I actually need to fix? I haven't seen this happen in any of the other maps in the WAD but I'll keep poking around to see what else breaks.
  6. Stupid Bunny

    Rest In Pieces

    A large map from the olden days. Ugly texturing, barren design, fullbright almost everywhere you go, locked/vital doors with no associated visual cues, nonsensical layout, tedious gameplay...it sucks.
    I had long ago rated this one star and called it “not one of the better” myoffice.wad maps, but on second thought it probably is. The map itself is unremarkable but clear work went into the “telly” sprite and other decor, and for that it has stuck in my mind.
    Lots of fun, though pretty easy to get lost. The GRAY textures get tiring after a while, but there's just enough variation to keep it from getting too tedious. Another great map from the early days of Doom.
  7. Stupid Bunny


    A fantastic map even before you take its age into account--it's 20 years old 2 days ago, incidentally. A robust challenge with a nicely well-connected layout.
  8. Stupid Bunny


    The map is, indeed, Homer Simpson. A lot of secrets, a couple of good battles, but mostly not much to see here.
  9. Stupid Bunny

    Demon's Alley

    Pretty fun map. The texture choices are enjoyably quirky in some spots, ugly vomit in others...it's up to you which are which. Has some good traps, and doesn't wear on too long.
    I've had this on my computer for years, and was surprised that the "Random File" link brought me to it. Anyway, it's a nice-looking DM level, though very small and simple.
    Has its moments, and the music is pretty cool. But most of it is a cramped, tedious labyrinth, made worse by all the blocking grates that don't show on the automap.
  10. Stupid Bunny

    Metal doom][

    A medium-sized map from the early days of Doom. The design is mostly pretty good for the time, with lots of traps, secrets, and room to explore and get lost a bit. There is one spot where you can easily get stuck if you don't land on the rising floor in time...unless there's something I'm missing. There are also some freaky nodebuilding bugs here and there.
  11. Stupid Bunny

    Rock on Wad

    Bearing in mind that this WAD is 18 years old, it's actually pretty good. Much of the architecture is too orthogonal, and the texturing is occasionally rather illogical, but that's part of the charm of the thing. The levels are a decent challenge and have a good flow, some clever traps and some good ideas all around. I'll have to see if Dean Cooper did anything else. 4/5
    Brilliantly executed. I never played CyberSweeper but this is surprisingly fun for, you know, Minesweeper in Doom.
  12. Stupid Bunny


    A set of delightfully ridiculous weapon sprite replacements. Running down monsters with a taxi is fun until you realize you're no less invincible than if you weren't in a car.
    It's a rare day that a level tries to look like a real place, but ends up both looking good and playing like a great level. Didy has pulled it off brilliantly. Gave me a new appreciation for the architecture movement itself. 5/5
    Decent concept, pretty poorly realized. The lift moves fast enough that it serves less as a centerpiece for the gameplay like one would expect, and more like a really tedious way to get back up to the top ledges. Because of this, the progression of easy-to-hard monsters as you go higher up becomes reversed since the player will actually have to start fighting from the top down. Not a lot of room and monotonous texturing. Guess who the 5-star rating above is from btw
  13. Stupid Bunny

    Lego Base

    The lego concept is fun but only half-realized; the cool lego trees don't appear till the very end, and most of the bricks are the same blue or red. I like lego enough that I still enjoyed it, though. Hard as shit, too.
  14. Hey kiddies!

    So my friend Andrea here has put together a video for a competition this website is running, called "My Biggest Baddest Bucket List", which I would surely submit my own video to if only I had a life outside of studying to make it with. In any case, for the sake of giving her the opportunity to spend six months going fucking everywhere as well as for me to live vicariously through her, I ask you, dear Doomworlders, to give this video your vote. It will take but a minute and make you super cool.

    Also, it's good to be back. I've been away from Doomworld for a long time (perhaps 8 months now?) but I figured this was as good a chance as any to return, if only for a bit.


  15. Stupid Bunny


    One of my favorites of all time, and even more awesome in light of how ancient it is. +1 star for Escape from New York soundtrack, giving it total of 6 stars
    This is brilliant. I'm amazed how many of these turn out happy, stately, or just downright silly.
    Not as good as fun to play as Scythe. But it's pretty fucking close. 4.9/5
    I think this was the only jokewad ever to make me lol. It's pretty stupid, yeah, but if you take your head out of your ass for a bit/are easily amused like me it makes for a good time. -1 for that stupid seizure map though. 4/5
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