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Everything posted by Espi

  1. I've had varying headache for about 3 weeks now, along with problems with vision.

    Had my head scanned finally today, they found something that does not belong at the back of my head.

    Can't say what it is exactly yet from the pictures, but it's most likely metastasis of the sarcoma that ran off with my arm last year. Bugger doesn't want to give up that easily it seems, and is back with a vengeance.

    Going to Helsinki sometime next week, and they're probably going to operate on it right away. At least I hope so.

    1. Show previous comments  211 more
    2. Negostrike


      Thanks a lot for Suspended in Dusk.
      Rest in peace.

    3. [name_withheld]


      :[ How did I not see all this, as much as I lurk here? Anyway, rest in peace. I never knew you, or talked to you for that matter, but you were a gifted mapper, and I admire how much you fought.

    4. darknation


      oh man.

      wish I had known about this earlier. seems little point in singing his praises now he can't read them but meh, gotta be done.

      He really was such a nice guy, always took time to comment on the crap I was writing and drawing and actually providing useful advice and criticism. that shit's pretty rare. So thanks and RIP mang, it sucks that you are gone and the internet is going to suck a little more for your absence.


  2. Putting together a new system for my sister, checking it with you guys to see if it's all fine and dandy. Links are finnish but you'll probably get the idea anyway:

    Dual Core E5200 I'm a bit confused about this, what's the difference to Core 2 Duo?
    Gigabyte P31-ES3G
    2x 1GB DDR2
    Fuj:tech midtower
    Chieftec APS-400S 400W
    Sapphire Radeon HD 4550
    Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 500GB
    Acer V223Wbd 22" She's looking at displays at some stores first, and if she can't find anything amazing, we'll just get this.

    Anything that's missing I'll salvage from her old system.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Butts


      Get a quad-core.

    3. Espi


      A bit late for that. This system is probably already overkill for her anyway. =p

      Just put the thing together, everything seems to be in order. Only problem I had was with the case, it's pretty much a piece of shit. It's made of some sort of soft metal that bends out of shape really easily. One of its side panels was bent out of the box.

      Everything only just about fits. The video card is slightly bent for the connectors to fit out of the back. The PCI card screws have some kind of a cover on them... too bad the VGA cable connector is on the way, so I can't put it back on until I find a DVI cable (display came with just VGA).

      Although it serves its purpose, I don't think I'll buy such a cheap case from some random manufacturer again.

    4. GreyGhost


      Reminds me of a case I bought on eBay several years back - big mistake - flimsy construction, sharp edges all over the place, a side panel riveted in place and vibrations I couldn't silence. It was put out with the rubbish a couple of weeks later after I bought the case I'm currently using.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHiR2cWqDbs

    It's pretty shitty, but anyway. I think it's my computer that's responsible for the annoying hiss.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. ReFracture


      I don't really know you, Espi, but I'm glad your in high spirits!

    3. Torn


      ESPI! :)
      Thank god, that you are kind of okay.. I hope it will turn out fine, my fingers is crossed. Are you still on Aim or do you also have MSN Messenger, even irc or something.

      See you at some point. :)

    4. Espi


      Yeah I can still be found on AIM

  4. Espi

    Back to Basics


    After making a large map with slopes, scripts, all new resources and whatnot, I felt like making something very basic. Also used this opportunity to get some maps that were gathering dust finished and released; a very old episode 2 project (although I have released e2m1 of that project before as e2m1er.wad), and a project for EDGE that got to 1½ levels (Rust). The maps were converted to use vanilla resources only (except for the sky). E2M5-E2M9 however are brand new levels for this release. The wad is tested to be vanilla compatible, though during mapping it has mainly been tested with ZDoom for convenience's sake. Also found to work with Eternity. But as it is vanilla compatible, any port should work.
  5. Espi

    Outpost of Reviews

    Within the past month, Ismaele has updated his Outpost of Doom 2 with the reviews of Didy's Beluga, Tormentor667's Austerity, Xaser's Zen Dynamics, and Toranaga's Prometheus Experiment, all of which are accompanied by screenshots. Also, there is a progress report of Italian DooM - Episode 2: The Singularity.
  6. Espi

    Suspended in Dusk


    A set of four levels, which all push the limits of the good ol' vanilla Doom. If your computer refuses to cooperate with doom2.exe, I recommend Chocolate Doom: http://chocolate-doom.sourceforge.net/ Has also been tested and found functional on ZDoom. Other ports may or may not break some effects. I really don't recommend playing this on a 3D-accelerated port.
  7. http://koti.phnet.fi/repoes/omg.gif

    Finally, I have defeated evil!

    Bored at work...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      I used to play that game a lot when I was younger, when I didn't really have anything else for windows, I'd play it over and over, I beat it on everything but the max ammounts, I remember once it having cool pictures of like, explosions and such. I haven't played it in years and likewise, haven't beaten it in years.

    3. Grazza


      OMG obligatory Minesweeper link.

    4. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      I never did understand that game 'till a coworker at the old pool supply store I worked at showed me how to play. I've beaten it only once on Expert, but I always like to play when I get board.

  8. That's right.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Espi


      Uh, Scuba made the unmaker mod and graphics, not me...

    3. Ichor


      No, but that drawing of yours is what gave him the inspiration.

    4. Espi


      I'm referring to my uselessness in real life. I feel really awkward getting compliments anyway. I was going to make this a locked thread, but couldn't figure out how, if it's even possible.

  9. Made that for a friend. Normally I wouldn't have posted this but I just feel like pissing off some certain people. And it's 5:37 AM and I haven't slept yet and I'm going to skip school.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bloodshedder


      I dunno about those feet, they look kind of strange. Otherwise, it's stupdendous.

    3. Silverwyvern


      I enjoy how you hid the hands... ;)

      Interesting.. maybe a bit too smooth for a furred being.

    4. Tobester


      needs tigger bitties

    1. Hobo


      O_o You sure were. /me gives Espi a cookie.

  10. Made this today: http://koti.phnet.fi/repoes/images/pimu.png

    Edit: A new version: http://koti.phnet.fi/repoes/images/pimu3.png

    I've improved with this Wacom tablet and the paint program that came with it, as can be clearly seen. =P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ultraviolet


      Nice, but she could use a bit more width in the hips, a bit more curve in the calves, and possibly just a tad more OMG BOOBS.

    3. Espi
    4. darknation


      very, very nice.

  11. Espi

    Teh Pain Emmental


    Just play and find out
  12. Espi

    Kill the Cybie


    This is a quick single player version of narcosis.wad since it was requested by a few people. Get the bfg, then kill the cyberdemon to win the game. This is supposed to be played with ZDoom, as the level won't end with other ports, and some other minor stuff.
  13. Espi



    A base around a brown canyon. Was going to be map03 of my mini episode, but didn't fit the theme. And the new map03 is so much cooler anyway. =) I kept the gray start/exit part for new map tho.
  14. Espi

    Laitos v1.4


    This PWAD was made for the DoomCenter episode 1 week contest. Yet another update... this time fixed ZDoom co-op functionality, and while at it did some other little editing.
  15. Espi



    This is an updated version of the original karmea.wad. This is going to be the first map in my Doom ][ episode, "One Hell Of A Day". More info about that at http://www.geocities.com/espibrown/
  16. Espi

    Barons o' fun


    Try to get the barons close to each other and then get one of 'em to blow up a barrel in front of 'em. You should warp straight to E1M8, and there's no way you could win this with pistol, you need to do the trick explained above. It can take a while and a lot of tries to finish this, but it can be done. And don't shoot the barons! Don't even blow up the barrels yourself, or it will be much harder!
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