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About BilboHicks

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  1. Found another bug over the holidays which is fixed https://www.moddb.com/mods/scoredoom/downloads/scoredoom-monster-replacement-randomizer-v117 Cool thing I found out as well that the Boss Rush chain replacements work OK in levels like E1M8 E2M8, E3M8 etc.. v.1.1.7 Cyberbot correctly fires bouncy grenades now. By default now, the boss rush chains have a chance of spawning for the Cyberdemon, Spidermastermind and Baron of Hells. When spawned on maps like E1M8,E2M8, E3M8 etc... the first boss in the chain killed will end the level. Decorate classes: BaronChain1AC , BaronChain1BC, CyberChain1newBP and SpiderChain1newBP
  2. HI, Necro-post here, but relevant. Updated to v1.1.6 Fixed a number of bugs reported. BD's Icon Of Sin shows up in the Cyberdemon boss rush chain now as well. https://www.moddb.com/mods/scoredoom/downloads/scoredoom-monster-replacement-randomizer-v1-1-6
  3. Yeah, that would be cool to have ported that. I have never used ZScript or ACS, which this would require. Someone proficient in either should be able to whip something up fairly quickly... events would be on player death, on monster death, probably on level end... the most complex would be the chain bonuses, but someone who planned to work on a ZScript version of the mod, suggested this would be possible... not sure what happened to that. Updated to v1.1.5, the last version, unless I find some major bugs.... Moved Baphomet (un-nerfed) from an Archvile replacement to a Cyberdemon replacement. Baphomet (Credit to Xaser) is an icon of sin type enemy, that I tweaked to not need a BossTarget, so it can work on any map. Also added Brutal Doom's Real Icon of Sin (Credit to Sergeant Mark IV) as a Cyberdemon replacement, also tweaked it like Baphomet to work on any level...tweaked the size as well. This is based on an earlier version of it. You can summon it using the class name 'IconOfSinSD'. You can use the SD-BONUSPACK.WAD in the archive in Scoredoom as well, you would need to add a line in the ini for the new class. https://www.moddb.com/mods/scoredoom/downloads/scoredoom-monster-replacement-randomizer-v115
  4. uggh, the original pk3 that I used to base the randomized replacement decorate code and a couple new enemies had altered the chaingunner sound from the default, and its not a very good sound, lol... so that has been fixed. Hopefully thats the last change. same d/l link... https://www.moddb.com/mods/scoredoom/downloads/scoredoom-monster-replacement-randomizer-v114
  5. The last build of scoredoom itself is on moddb with everything, but yeah, this has all the addons (addonpack + bonuspack) as well. Plus a couple new monsters. Thinking of running a zandronum server for a while as well hosting this... getting back into doom a bit more after a hiatus.
  6. some more tweaking... Shotgun alt fire is more balanced. Baphomet which was only used in Boss Rush chains, a slightly nerfed version can show up very occasionally as an archvile replacement. https://www.moddb.com/mods/scoredoom/downloads/scoredoom-monster-replacement-randomizer-v114 Video highlighting alt-fires that scoredoom added to default doom weapons available in this mod (these are loaded in a separate wad, so optional).
  7. Updated, works in Zandronum now... https://www.moddb.com/mods/scoredoom/downloads/scoredoom-monster-replacement-randomizer-v113#downloadsform
  8. Double Impact is a modern take on Doom's "Knee Deep in the Dead". It is much more difficult and has a high monster count. It is a modern classic. If you enjoy survival and co-op play, Scoredoom adds a simple but deep scoring system to make Doom's co-op more arcade-like and competitive. You will also need the Ultimate Doom IWAD and the latest version of ScoreDoomST from the download page. For more information on how to use ScoreDoomST, its launcher IDESD, and how to reset scores in-game, please check out the ScoreDoomST FAQ. If you have headphones and mic, we are using TeamSpeak 3. Check out the News page on scoredoom.com for more information. Two servers are running all weekend, but we will try to meet for the following time. If you cannot join on port 10666, try port 10667. Date: Sunday, January 27th, 2013 Session: 10:00PM GMT (4:00PM EST) WAD: dbimpact.wad Maps: 9 (e1m1-e1m9) Mode: ScoreDoom Co-Op Pointlimit: First to 100,000 points wins. Server:, port 10667 for regular monsters, port 10666 for custom Add-On Pack monsters and powerups. Players: 8 per server
  9. Both GZScoreDoom and ScoreDoomST bonus packs have been updated to improve Boss Rush. ScoreDoomST servers are now more stable while running Boss Rush, and Boss Rush is bigger and more challenging. Two ScoreDoomST servers are up and running over the holidays, so if you are a fan of co-op/survival, you will enjoy the competitive co-op scoring system in ScoreDoomST. Please post in the Scoredoom forums if you are interested in playing, so times can be coordinated to play, or just hop on a server. You will need to grab the latest version and Bonus Pack from scoredoom.com to play. GZScoreDoom has also been updated to support Memorial.wad which is on the Hi Score Server, among other changes. For the complete update, please visit scoredoom.com's news blog.
  10. BilboHicks

    ScoreDoom Bonus Pack

    Thanks to Mattbratt1 and Realm667, both ScoreDoom and ScoreDoomST have received content updates with 30 new enemies, a new Boss Rush, some fixes for current add-on pack enemies, and some other small goodies. You can also disable the alt-fire modes now. More information and download link here. There are 2 ScoreDoomST servers currently running, one a "Boss Rush" server with the Bonus Pack content, and another with regular Doom 2 content, but with a 100,000 point limit for the victor. More information here. If you are a fan of co-op or survival, feel free to join.
  11. BilboHicks finally got around to updating ScoreDoom to use GZDoom's Alternative HUD. It is a much improved and informative layout, compared to the old HUD. This is ScoreDoom's default HUD now. 3.0R4 also awards total kills, total secrets, total barrels and total items bonuses as they are accomplished, instead of at the end of the level. For more detailed information and download link, please check out the latest news posting on scoredoom.com.
  12. ScoreDoom and ScoreDoomST have both received major updates. This includes major bug fixes and gameplay enhancements, and full dynamic light support for the add-on pack. The add-on pack has been reworked to be much more in the spirit of Doom. Please visit scoredoom.com for full details.
  13. ScoreDoom has reached a definitive 2.9 release with ScoreDoom v2.9e. Likewise ScoreDoomST has been updated to v97c2R4e. Compared to earlier milestone releases, both have a ton of tweaks and bug-fixes, as well as some new features. For a list of major changes in ScoreDoom 2.9 & ScoreDoomST R4, in chronological order, head over to the Scoredoom news page. Likewise grab the latest releases from scoredoom.com.
  14. ScoreDoomST, a version of ScoreDoom built with the Skulltag 97c2 source release, has reached a full release. ScoreDoomST comes with its own version of IDE thanks to bond, as well as its own co-op specific game-settings and add-on pack flavor. Download it here.
  15. ScoreDoomST, a version of ScoreDoom built with the Skulltag 97c2 source release, is now out as a final beta. The purpose of ScoreDoomST is to take advantage of Skulltag's client/server code for proper Internet co-op play. This beta should be very stable and comes with its own add-on pack, which has been extensively tested but needs final testing. For the download and more information, please visit the ScoreDoomST beta download page.
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