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  1. Use

    2023 Cacowards

    Doom...and here's to 30 more years. :)
  2. Hello team, Here's the submission for my episode 3 map. I hope you find it fun to play. I did't go all crazy or push vanilla or anything like that, just made the map by ear. I wanted to open with some familiar Inferno style claustrophobic combat then move into my typical set-piece oriented gameplay in second half. @magicsofa I sent you a PM earlier with an older version. This version is slightly updated to provide more combat flow in the early areas and fixed some texture offsets. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/92ccpgqnmaoqauovgqbg2/tese3m4t.zip?rlkey=h4aswpzh81svcciit93xybr5u&dl=0
  3. Very slowly. Times sure have changed! :P
  4. I'm here! Sorry work has kept me very busy the last few months. I'm roughly in the same spot with my map, structure is close to complete, then it's onto monster placement and such. :)
  5. Checking in. Map is going well, a few more weeks I'll post something to playtest. :)
  6. Yes stair movers can be tricky in vanilla. Here's a few tips; if the stair mover is connected to another sector that moves, it's motion must be stopped before activating the stair trigger. If the final step of your stair is tagged but also is adjacent to another mover, try and adjust your stairs so the final 'destination' step is not tagged. You may also try to implement the special tag 999 on every alternating step, this can separate the stair mover from other moving sectors.
  7. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Tutti-frutti_effect One instance in your map is the nukage edging texture near where the wall opens revealing the blue and yellow door. It's a common texture bug when working with vanilla.
  8. This level has a great mood and looks nice, but is not vanilla compatible. There's a big visplane overflow near the yellow skull door area, and tutti-fruity errors in a couple places. Remember to test your level in Chocolate Doom or another vanilla-friendly source port.
  9. I'll keep this short as few are left who knew him but Josh was my friend. I'd even consider him a very close friend. We bonded over music and memes and I could always rely on him being around if I needed to vent, or laugh, or just shoot the shit. I knew of him from the old days of the forum and connected during my time on a small, private forum where other Doomers would hang out. Over time that place dwindled but Josh stayed on, making blogs that were often funny, sometimes tragic, but mostly a litany of his thoughts and feelings. Though everyone moved on we stayed in contact and shared many things, sometimes just talking late into the night. I wouldn't be person I am now without him. I love you man, and I'll miss you for the rest of my life. I can only say be good to each other, there's so little time we have.
  10. Happy new year Doomers!


    I've put Dorian's Doom back up in my dropbox if anyone missed it and would like to play.




    I've decided to add two more maps to this as it was very fun to make. A mash-up of The Pit and The Chasm and Bloodfalls with Nirvana. They bear little resemblance but will still feel oddly familiar. 


    Otherwise I have two more projects I'm hoping to release this year, including Nilla Complete, which still needs some serious testing for vanilla compatibility among other things. Look for a beta of that this summer if all goes well and I can maintain this mapping spree.


    Also I have a discord now! I don't know how it really works but if anyone needs to find me there you can. 




    Take care everyone. 



    1. Kyka


      Good luck with all of these little projects! Thanks for the follow. Good to see one of the old crew still active. :) Blessings!

    2. Searcher


      Happy new year.

      It will be great to see the new projects, I always look forward to your work, they are always both classic and classy.


      Maybe I should dust off a couple of the maps I have to finish that have been rotting on my drive for nearly 20 years or find someone to collaborate with.  A lot of people don't seem to care that much for classic dooming these days but there are a few of us old timers that still love it.  Heck if a grandpa can play it why shouldn't a newbie be able to.


      Best wishes for a prosperous New Year!

  11. Thanks for taking the time to play these. Perfect timing as I have started doing updates to this wad. I'm eager to upload it and onto the next project! :)
  12. Nice demo, thanks! Thing definitely get more devious the longer the maps go on.
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