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Doom OG

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About Doom OG

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  1. Because they dont have any real problems in their life and want to whine about something that isn't their business.
  2. Congrats on your first creation! I think it has potential. I played until the crusher in Map03 killed me. :/
  3. Deleted, it was a video not a demo, sorry I didn't understand.
  4. I re-purposed a map I had worked on off and on for some time. It's called Haunted Asylum and it's been submitted to Obsidian.
  5. If I want to use custom music, I'll need to know what level slot my map will occupy...I guess we can sort that out during submission?
  6. I'll submit something, I've always wanted to be in a community project.
  7. You guys are absolutely amazing. I'm in awe of the beauty and grandeur of the architecture, not to mention the insane battles. Here is Map03 on UV with 100% score (after many re-tries to get this one success lol):
  8. Here is Map01... I'm currently trying to figure out how the hell to survive Map02.
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