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About Devalaous

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  1. Tinkered away at those old Master Levels patches of mine. Now the combined version is a full 32 map megawad. 21 Master Levels, 7 Rejected Master Levels, 2 pre-TNT versions of the levels that were known to be rejected from the Master Levels (not the exact versions that were rejected, but they still predate TNT), a asset-stripped Kick Attack, and one of Jim Flynn's levels that was on the Master Levels disc to round it out to 32. Now all the ML authours have three maps minimum.


    Now I just need to copy all those changes twice more, since I have alternative soundtrack versions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Devalaous


      I released a beta copy ages ago, never got much feedback so I kind of..got distracted by everything else. Only today found out that the UMAPINFO for one version was full of bugs.

      I think the new version is good to go....but just watch as its STILL got typos somewhere.

      Ive even got an exception in there now for Eternity, since its the only modern port I have that hasn't adopted widescreen graphics. Had to make a seperate TEETH CWILV just for Eternity -.-

    3. Devalaous


      Here is a current version without the 'MASTERLEVELS.wad'

      It is tested (and designed for) with GZDoom, Eternity, DSDA Doom, Woof and the final PrBoom Plus. There are three versions: The regular fix has the Master Levels MIDI Pack integrated, the S version has stock Doom 2 music, and the 'Mid' version has a soundtrack selected manually from the MIDTWID midi pack.

      (This is still considered a beta, I expect things to still be broken *somewhere*)

    4. Devalaous


      I'm now completing what ive put off for over a year, the update of the single wad patches to the standard the combined version now has. This particular format is GREAT for Doom Launcher, and has been what ive tested them all on.

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