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About Devalaous

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  1. It saddens me that (as far as I know) noone did a TNT 1024 project to match Plutonia's.

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    2. Devalaous


      I dunno, it just always irks me when Plutonia gets a million things, but TNT doesn't get a matching one, since its a 'pair'. Maybe we'll see a TNT tribute quilt later on, since I get the feeling Doom 2 and Plutonia will get one each

    3. Horus


      Be the change you wish to see in the world…why not host a TNT 1024 community project?

    4. Devalaous


      Regrettably, helping lead a project is all I can do; a leader is expected to be the central guiding force that unites everyone, with a clear immutable vision and a deep understanding of what they want and how it all works, as well as having a bunch of their work in the project as proof of concept. Ive never been a mapper, the best ive done is retexture the console levels to use Doom.wad assets only, and 1024-style levels need a LOT of understanding of every facet of editing to squeeze as much out of that space as possible.


      Back when I was helping lead Revilution, I got a lot of snark and disrespect out of the public eye for not having my name on the maplist, so I'd prefer to avoid something like that. My talents definitely do not lie with mapmaking.

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